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  • Win10: Will my keyboard be "always Colemak" or QWERTY/Colemak toggle

    Win10: Will my keyboard be "always Colemak" or QWERTY/Colemak toggle

    • Started by carlgardner
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 21-Mar-2023
    • Posts: 2

    I'm new to Colemak, entirely new to this download, and very non-tecchy. I've decided to get better at touch typing for work, and think Colemak may be the best way to learn. It's an option in my home computer (a Mac) which allows me to toggle between Colemak and QWERTY. But Colemak is not a built-in option in my work Windows 10 laptop. I have permission from my employer to install it.

    What I don't understand from the download information and FAQs is whether (a) the installation will make Colemak an option for me (like on my Apple computer) so that I can toggle between QWERTY and Colemak, or whether (b) after installation, my Windows laptop keyboard will be "always Colemak" until uninstall.

    I think I'd be ready for (a) now. That'd allow me to practice with Colemak and revert to QWERTY when I need to. I don't think I'm ready for (b), so if it is (b), I'll need to delay installation.

    Could someone please tell me whether it's (a) or (b)?

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    • Reputation: 217
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,385

    If you use the Windows installer (MSKLC), it'll add Colemak as a system layout. You can then switch layouts as normal, using Win+Space or the language bar in the tray menu or what-have-you.

    Remember to restart after installing. And I wouldn't make Colemak the main layout since it may cause trouble when the system's updated (rare but worth mentioning).

    There are programs you can run instead (or in addition) that provide Colemak without installing, like my EPKL program. They may be a bit techy to configure, but they add lots of possibilities.


    Last edited by DreymaR (21-Mar-2023 15:29:36)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Registered: 21-Mar-2023
    • Posts: 2
    DreymaR said:

    If you use the Windows installer (MSKLC), it'll add Colemak as a system layout. You can then switch layouts as normal, using Win+Space or the language bar in the tray menu or what-have-you.

    Thank you!

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      • Win10: Will my keyboard be "always Colemak" or QWERTY/Colemak toggle