DreymaR said:Sorry, I don't have the time and energy for really comprehensive answers today.
EPKL settings files usually have a Default and an Override. The Default is version controlled and the Override is not, so you can keep your settings across repository updates.
Okay that's alright, I get it.
VK vs state mapping is a bit complex, but it's about whether your program sends key presses (like a keyboard does) or input events (like a OS layout does after intercepting your key presses). So what I'm saying is that if you have, say, an Arabic layout active as your system layout then EPKL can remap that without changing what output it generates. It can move a key around without changing what the key does. With state maps, EPKL will decide exactly what characters or whatever to send for each shift state for each key.
Ok now I understand somewhat VK can't change the shiftstates or modifiers but moves them around and statemaps can, I still don't know which files to write "layout = QWERTY, Colemak_DH" in , never mind I found it, sorry for annoying you it was just there in the readme.md I didn't notice it.
I think I didn't quite understand what you meant regarding Wayland. But in the BigBag4XKB, the "hard" ergo mods are implemented as models. So you have to set your model to for instance pc105awide to get an AngleWide modded layout, while other layout features are rules by the layout component. Model, layout and option components all play together. This is true both for XKB and for the Wayland compositors.
Yes I know that but I'm not using XKB on wayland I know that it doesn't work there I just mentioned it to see if there was a solution, or are you saying that I can code my own layout component there?
I thought there was no solution for wayland or lots of headaches before one so I wanted to choose the layout that comes with linux it's called Colemak_DH and I can have the same one on windows with caps lock as delete since extend is not available on linux-wayland, that's what I meant
I might just switch to Xorg and see if it's not as buggy anymore that might just fix half my problems, the rest I will figure out eventually.
I can also simply work with the current layout with few problems and learn the hard way, but it's just that suspend doesn't always work and you have to restart the app constantly when switching back to qwerty.
P.S what do you think about what I said of moving QWF to the right and P somewhere else? wouldn't that align the keys perfectly(~60 degrees) to have a truly ergonomic hand positioning with (CurlAngle ANS)
Note:stats of my Colemak-DH SuperAngle-Z vs Colemak-DH
Colemak DH Angle
q w f p b j l u y ;
a r s t g m n e i o '
x c d v z k h , . /
Rolls (l): 18.09%
Inward: 11.51%
Outward: 6.58%
Rolls (r): 28.64%
Inward: 13.75%
Outward: 14.89%
Alternates: 30.81%
Onehands: 2.51%
Redirects: 10.77%
Finger Speed (weighted): [0.12 0.53 1.74 4.21 4.90 1.79 1.44 0.60]
Finger Speed (unweighted): [0.18 1.91 8.36 23.13 26.95 8.59 5.18 0.90]
Highest Speed (weighted): 4.90 (RI)
Highest Speed (unweighted): 26.95 (RI)
Index Usage: 19.3% 18.9%
SFBs: 1.066%
DSFBs: 7.932%
LSBs: 1.13%
Top SFBs:
e, 0.183% sc 0.138% ue 0.129% y. 0.087%
nk 0.079% pt 0.078% nl 0.068% kn 0.055%
Worst Bigrams:
lh 15.644 sc 14.593 ue 13.868 y. 12.940
fc 9.853 e, 9.753 mn 9.623 mh 9.123
Score: 47.24
Colemak DH SuperAngle-Z
z q w f b j l u y ;
a r s t g m n e i o '
x c d v p k h , . /
Rolls (l): 18.04%
Inward: 11.48%
Outward: 6.57%
Rolls (r): 28.64%
Inward: 13.75%
Outward: 14.89%
Alternates: 30.81%
Onehands: 2.51%
Redirects: 10.74%
Finger Speed (weighted): [0.42 0.83 2.17 5.16 4.90 1.79 1.44 0.60]
Finger Speed (unweighted): [0.63 2.97 10.41 28.37 26.95 8.59 5.18 0.90]
Highest Speed (weighted): 5.16 (LI)
Highest Speed (unweighted): 28.37 (LI)
Index Usage: 19.2% 18.9%
SFBs: 1.092%
DSFBs: 7.903%
LSBs: 1.32%
Top SFBs:
e, 0.183% sc 0.138% ue 0.129% y. 0.087%
nk 0.079% pt 0.078% nl 0.068% kn 0.055%
Worst Bigrams:
tp 22.647 lh 15.644 fc 14.891 sc 14.593
ue 13.868 y. 12.940 wr 11.892 e, 9.753
Score: 53.33
Thanks to RUSdoomer on discord for helping me calculate this but it looks like it's worse than the original unfortunately.
Last edited by lovnir (13-Feb-2024 16:12:09)