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    layout.ini system keys

    • Started by FreqAm
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 19-Mar-2023
    • Posts: 6

    In EPKL, I haven't managed to get different system keys such as Delete, Backspace, Enter, Shift, to work different layers in layout.ini-file in my folder Cmk-eD-FiSe_ISO_CurlAWideSym.
    I would like a Backspace that becomes Delete when Shift is held down, but so far only managed to have to same system key in all layers (for typing simple inputs such as =       +       --      {       [  the layers work)

    CoP_0 = 0       	0   	Bsp     Del     ^Bsp 	^Del     @0b5 ;
    QWPEN = System  	0	ENTER	ENTER	--      does nothing does nothing ; ENTER   	VKey    	; SC11c: KP Enter

    Btw is there a way to make the help images include the numpad keys? Finger coloring would not be needed for that.

    Last edited by FreqAm (09-Jul-2024 00:26:06)
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    • Registered: 19-Mar-2023
    • Posts: 6

    I finally realised how to do it, through finding the correct notation for the delete key in the _eD_PwrStrings.ini power string file.

    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh
    CoP_0 = CoBsp      0 α{BackSpace} α{Delete} α^{BackSpace}  0  α^{Delete} 	
    ;Base=Backspace, Shift=Delete, Ctrl=Ctrl+Backspace, AltGr=0, AltGr+Shift=Ctrl+Delete

    As far as I know, a Control+Shift layer is not available in EPKL.
    So if you prefer Control+Shift+Numpad0 more than AltGr+Shift+Numpad0 to Delete a word, the following lines are needed in a .ahk in an autohotkey-file.

    ^+NumpadIns::Send ^{Delete}
    ^NumpadIns::Send ^{Backspace}
    Last edited by FreqAm (31-Jul-2024 15:11:10)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,373

    You can make your own help images and adjust the image sizes accordingly, then they can show exactly what you want them to. EPKL of course, can only generate the standard type of image.

    QWPEN = System  	0	ENTER

    This looks cursed. You're saying that the Enter key is System; that is, it's just itself. And then you still proceed to try to make shift state mappings for it? I don't think that'll work! A key with shift state mappings should have a VK code in the VK code column, such as vcPEN. And what is that "ENTER"? Do you want it to type the word "ENTER"? If you wish to send a key press, you'll have to do so instead; study the GUI Help screen for instance, to learn a little about prefix-entry syntax and suchlike.

    ...but then, it seems you did find out about the syntax to send keys. Good.

    Last edited by DreymaR (30-Jul-2024 14:37:12)

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