Hiya! In general, if you're having an issue this isn't the place to discuss that. This is the Forum for the Colemak layout, not a tech support forum for EPKL. Not far off, but still not quite. The correct way to report an issue with EPKL would be to report it on the EPKL repo, as a GitHub issue.
But never mind that, now we're here. I sometimes experience modifiers getting stuck in an on or off state, and then I use my refresh EPKL hotkey sequence (Ext-tap then 5) and everything's fine again. After switching the underlying OS layout (if you, like me, have several of them) you may also need to refresh EPKL to get all VK mappings right.
But I haven't seen a problem like yours, myself. I sincerely doubt it is actually random: There's usually an underlying cause for such things. If you really have no idea what might cause this, and I can't reproduce the problem, we may be stuck for now?
You aren't running any other scripts or programs that may hook the keyboard? Because as explained in the EPKL readme, hook competition may get ugly.
Last edited by DreymaR (24-Feb-2025 14:07:08)