I was telling a friend about Colemak and he asked how many users there were, so I told him I'd check the estimate. Is there an estimate?
I was telling a friend about Colemak and he asked how many users there were, so I told him I'd check the estimate. Is there an estimate?
There have been so far (18 May 2006) over 1000 downloads, I estimate that about 10%-20% of the people who download end up making the switch and sticking with it. So the current estimate is somewhere between 100 and 200 users.
Maybe we could have something like Poll in the main website? It would make estimate number much more accurate.
I'm just curious... since May 18th, how many downloads has Colemak received? A rough estimate is fine.
My typing speed can be viewed at http://www.ryanheise.com/typing-test/re … den_Hammer
A poll is going to be even less accurate. I've posted here the statistics.