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    Slightly modified on-screen AHK script

    • Started by ezuk
    • 3 Replies:
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    • Registered: 12-Jul-2008
    • Posts: 76


    Made some slight changes to the snazzy on-screen keyboard script, wanted to post them quickly. Nothing major, just thought it might come in handy for someone.

    1) Alt+Ctrl+Home makes the keyboard grow
    2) Alt+Ctrl+End makes the keyboard shrink
    3) CAPS is remapped to Backspace. That's because the new, beta installer (which works on Vista) doesn't have this functionality.

    All credit and props to the original authors of the script.

    ; On-Screen Keyboard (requires XP/2k/NT) -- by Jon
    ; https://www.autohotkey.com
    ; This script creates a mock keyboard at the bottom of your screen that shows
    ; the keys you are pressing in real time. I made it to help me to learn to
    ; touch-type (to get used to not looking at the keyboard).  The size of the
    ; on-screen keyboard can be customized at the top of the script. Also, you
    ; can double-click the tray icon to show or hide the keyboard.
    ; Modified to the Colemak layout by ״ystein Bech Gadmar, 07-03.
    ; See https://colemak.com for more info.
    ; (Also added hotkey functionality, menu resizing and some other stuff.)
    #singleinstance force
    #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetTitleMatchMode 3  ; Exact matching to avoid confusing T/B with Tab/Backspace.
    ;---- Configuration: Customize the on-screen keyboard in this section.
    k_FontSize = 12    ; Changing this will grow/shrink the entire on-screen keyboard!
    k_FontName = Verdana  ; This can be blank to use the system's default font.
    k_FontStyle = Bold    ; Example of an alternative: Italic Underline
    ; Names for the tray menu items:
    k_MenuItemHide = Hide on-screen &keyboard (Ctrl+Alt+PgUp)
    k_MenuItemShow = Show on-screen &keyboard (Ctrl+Alt+PgUp)
    ; To have the keyboard appear on a monitor other than the primary, specify
    ; a number such as 2 for the following variable (blank entry = primary):
    k_Monitor = 
    ;---- Alter the tray icon menu:
    Menu Tray, Add, %k_MenuItemHide%, k_ShowHide
    Menu Tray, Add, &Resize keyboard, k_Resize
    Menu Tray, Add, &Exit (Ctrl+Alt+PgDn), k_MenuExit
    Menu Tray, Default, %k_MenuItemHide%
    Menu Tray, NoStandard
    ;---- End of configuration section.
    ;---- Implement command-line parameters in the future:
    k_Parameters := ""
    Loop, %0%  ; For each parameter passed:
        k_Parameters := k_Parameters . %A_Index% . " "  ; Add to the parameter string
    ;---- Calculate object dimensions based on chosen font size:
    k_KeyWidth = %k_FontSize%
    k_KeyWidth *= 3
    k_KeyHeight = %k_FontSize%
    k_KeyHeight *= 3
    k_KeyMargin = %k_FontSize%
    k_KeyMargin /= 6
    k_KeyWidthHalf = %k_KeyWidth%
    k_KeyWidthHalf /= 2
    k_KeySize = w%k_KeyWidth% h%k_KeyHeight%
    k_Position = x+%k_KeyMargin% %k_KeySize%
    ;---- Create a GUI window for the on-screen keyboard:
    IfWinExist ahk_id %k_ID%    ; Clean up any old keyboards first
        Gui destroy        ; Would it be better to use WinHide/WinShow instead?
    Gui Font, s%k_FontSize% %k_FontStyle%, %k_FontName%
    Gui -Caption +E0x200 +ToolWindow    ; Need -Caption +ToolWindow for transparency!
    TransColor = F1ECED
    Gui Color, %TransColor%  ; This color will be made transparent later below.
    ;---- Add a button for each key. Position the first button with absolute
    ; coordinates so that all other buttons can be positioned relative to it.
    ; In the future, make a Loop with kS from 1 to 4 for the Shift states!
    kS = 1    ; Shift state (1 = normal, 2 = Shift, 3 = AltGr, 4 = Shift+AltGr)
    B%kS%_R1 := "``"            ; The beginning of the row
    M%kS%_R1 := "1234567890-="    ; The middle part of row
    E%kS%_R1 := "Bck"        ; The end of the row
    B%kS%_R2 := "Tab"
    M%kS%_R2 := "QWFPGJLUY`;[]\"
    ; Row 2 has no special key at the end (for our purposes)
    B%kS%_R3 := "Back"
    M%kS%_R3 := "ARSTDHNEIO'"
    E%kS%_R3 := "Enter"
    B%kS%_R4 := "Shift   "        ; Adding Spc widens the key to look more real
    M%kS%_R4 := "ZXCVBKM`,./"
    E%kS%_R4 := "    AltGr"
    Loop 4 {
    ;---- The last row is currently commented out for compactness - feel free to uncomment it!
    ;Gui Add, Button, xm y+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, Ctrl  ; Auto-width.
    ;Gui Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin%, Win      ; Auto-width.
    ;Gui Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin%, Alt      ; Auto-width.
    ;k_SpacebarWidth := k_FontSize * 24    ; 25 originally
    ;Gui Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin% w%k_SpacebarWidth%, Space
    ;---- Show the window:
    Gui Show
    k_IsVisible = y
    WinGet k_ID, ID, A   ; Get its window ID.
    WinGetPos ,,, k_WindowWidth, k_WindowHeight, A
    ;---- Position the keyboard at the bottom of the screen (taking into account
    ; the position of the taskbar):
    SysGet k_WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %k_Monitor%
    ; Calculate window position:
    k_WindowX = %k_WorkAreaRight%
    k_WindowX -= %k_WorkAreaLeft%  ; Now k_WindowX contains the width of this monitor.
    k_WindowX -= %k_WindowWidth%
    k_WindowX /= 2  ; Calculate position to center it horizontally.
    ; The following is done in case the window will be on a non-primary monitor
    ; or if the taskbar is anchored on the left side of the screen:
    k_WindowX += %k_WorkAreaLeft%
    k_WindowY = %k_WorkAreaBottom%
    k_WindowY -= %k_WindowHeight%
    WinMove A,, %k_WindowX%, %k_WindowY%
    WinSet AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %k_ID%
    WinSet TransColor, %TransColor% 210, ahk_id %k_ID%    ; 220
    ;---- Set all keys as hotkeys. See www.asciitable.com
    k_n = 1
    k_ASCII = 42    ; 45
    Loop {
        Transform k_char, Chr, %k_ASCII%
        StringUpper k_char, k_char
        if k_char not in <,>,^,~, ,`,
            Hotkey ~*%k_char%, k_KeyPress
        if k_ASCII = 93
    return    ;---- End of auto-execute section.
    ;---- Utility hotkeys for stopping and hiding the keyboard (same as the menu options)
    ^!PgUp::Goto k_ShowHide
    ^!Home::Goto k_Enlarge
    ^!End::Goto k_Shrink
    CapsLock::Send {Backspace}
    ;---- When a key is pressed by the user, click the corresponding button on-screen:
    ~*'::        k_PressButton("'","'")
    ~*`::        k_PressButton("`","`")
    ~*Backspace::    k_PressButton("Back","BS")    ; The "Back" button shows both BS keys
    ~*Enter::    k_PressButton("Enter","Enter")
    ~*Tab::        k_PressButton("Tab","Tab")
    ~*.::        k_PressButton(".",".")        ; Problem: The ,.- keys aren't working!
    ~*LShift::    k_PressButton("Shift   ","Shift")
    ~*RShift::    k_PressButton("Shift   ","Shift")
    ~*RAlt::    k_PressButton("    AltGr","RAlt")
    ~*<^Alt::    k_PressButton("    AltGr","<^Alt")    ; AltGr equals LCtrl+Alt
    ;---- Since I'm not using the bottom row of control keys now, this is commented out.
    ;~*Space::    k_PressButton("Space","Space")
    ;~*RCtrl::    ; Must match button names exactly (so don't use, e.g., "Control")
    ;    StringTrimLeft k_ThisHotkey, A_ThisHotkey, 3    ; R/L are the same for us
    ;    k_PressButton(k_ThisHotkey, k_ThisHotkey)
    ;---- Subroutines and function definitions:
    k_KeyPress:    ; This is the main key capture routine
        StringTrimLeft k_ThisHotkey, A_ThisHotkey, 2    ; Remove ~*
        k_PressButton(k_ThisHotkey, k_ThisHotkey)
    k_PressButton(k_KeyToPress, k_KeyPressed)
        global k_ID
        ControlClick %k_KeyToPress%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, D
        KeyWait %k_KeyPressed%
        ControlClick %k_KeyToPress%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, U
    k_AddRow(k_RowLeft, k_RowMiddle, k_RowRight)
        global    ; allows access to all the global vars defined outside the function
        If(A_Index = 1) {    ; Special parameters for the 1st row
            Gui Add, Button, xm %k_KeySize%, %k_RowLeft%
        } else {
            Gui Add, Button, xm y+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, %k_RowLeft%
        Loop Parse, k_RowMiddle    ; The middle of each row is a series of single chars
            Gui Add, Button, %k_Position%, %A_LoopField%
        If(A_Index != 2)    ; Row 2 has no special right-hand keys (here)
            Gui Add, Button, x+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, %k_RowRight%
    if(k_IsVisible = "y") {
        Gui Cancel
        Menu Tray, Rename, %k_MenuItemHide%, %k_MenuItemShow%
        k_IsVisible = n
    } else {
        Gui Show
        Menu Tray, Rename, %k_MenuItemShow%, %k_MenuItemHide%
        k_IsVisible = y
    InputBox UserInput, OnScreen Keyboard, Enter the new onscreen keyboard size (5-45),,200,150,,,,,%k_FontSize%
    if((UserInput >= 5) and (UserInput <= 45) and !ErrorLevel) {
        k_FontSize = %UserInput%
        Goto DrawKeyboard
    Goto DrawKeyboard
    Goto DrawKeyboard
    Last edited by ezuk (13-Jul-2008 00:02:14)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,373

    Oh, heh, well, that sounds useful. I'd use Ctrl-Alt-PgUp/PgDn instead, for a more intuitive 'up-down' mapping, but ymmv. The exit/hide could reside elsewhere.

    I used to want to work a lot more on this script, but then Farkas Máté made the Portable Keyboard Layout which suits me better so I moved my focus to other projects.

    While we're talking about that little script: Can anyone think of a way to remove the focus from a pressed button after a while? It gets silly that the OSK keeps showing the last key pressed forever, and also it doesn't look too sleek when you start it up and one button is marked.

    Last edited by DreymaR (13-Jul-2008 08:06:50)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    DreymaR said:

    Oh, heh, well, that sounds useful. I'd use Ctrl-Alt-PgUp/PgDn instead, for a more intuitive 'up-down' mapping, but ymmv. The exit/hide could reside elsewhere.

    I used to want to work a lot more on this script, but then Farkas Máté made the Portable Keyboard Layout which suits me better so I moved my focus to other projects.

    While we're talking about that little script: Can anyone think of a way to remove the focus from a pressed button after a while? It gets silly that the OSK keeps showing the last key pressed forever, and also it doesn't look too sleek when you start it up and one button is marked.

    Looked at this for a while. It should actually be possible, but I can't seem to come up with an elegant solution right now. The idea I had was to create an off-window button and set the focus to it. That should work, and is easy to implement (well, at least fairly easy).

    The problem is detecting an inactive duration. The script is well-designed, in that it does not have a loop. And I need some sort of a loop to put the %A_TimeIdlePhysical% variable into.

    If I come up with anything clever, I'll let you know.

    Oh, and Alt+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn are already used on this script, which is why I didn't use them.

    Last edited by ezuk (13-Jul-2008 08:17:44)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,373

    What is the relevance of that question to this topic? [edit: Oh, it's a spambot. I should've guessed.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (21-Apr-2015 21:32:15)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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