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    Starting out with Colemak + Kinesis

    • Started by tantrix
    • 4 Replies:
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    • Registered: 28-Aug-2008
    • Posts: 5

    Hi all,

    After a couple of dabbles with Dvorak in earlier times in my life I've never got particularly far with it: the old story of a fast qwerty typist needing to type all day, every day. However last week I swallowed the propaganda* in dvzine.org (we have some paper copies in the office) and committed to having a go again. I found out about Colemak  through the Master Key typing tutor while doing Dvorak and managed to convince myself it'd be better mostly based on the quality of Shai's posts; the preservation of some keys notably the zxcv's; and fear of "ls -l" annoying me in Dvorak (I'm a unix sysadmin...).

    (*I mean this in the nicest and most complimentary way! It's really well put together, and a great alt-keyboard advocacy tool.)

    So, the questionnaire:

    * What layout you've been using beforehand, and how long you've been typing with it

    Qwerty since I was 10 (I'm 34 now), learnt to touch type when I was about 18 during a dull summer job doing data entry. I never really tested myself 'til I found Typeracer a couple of weeks ago that I used (very successfully) to re-train myself on the Kinesis keyboard. My average there is about 90wpm peaking over 100wpm--I had to do their "are you _really_ typing that fast?!" CAPTCHA test :-)

    * How long you've been using Colemak for, and how many estimated hours per week you've typed with it.

    Since this week, logged about 2-3h, so total newb still. I'm on the home row plus h and f (I have no idea why they do it in that order; ideas?) I've spent far longer than 2-3h reading about it though, the price/reward of being a geek...

    * Mention the methods you used to learn the layout.

    Master Key during the day and evenings. I realize this will take longer but I have a heavy typing workload and can't afford the "cold turkey" method, sadly. Ryan Heise's 5-10mins qwerty in the mornings is what I'll be aiming for, since qwerty is still going to be useful, I'm sure.

    * What operating system you're using.

    Mac OS X.

    * If you mention typing speed, mention what way you used to measure it. Use one of the typing tests to measure it.

    Typeracer says my last average (over ten races i think) is 90wpm.

    * Share any tips about learning the layout.

    I'm too new for now, although am hesitant to recommend Master Key with their not-awesome drills. Nice engine, weak data.

    One thing I'd say though: drop the $$$ on a Kinesis. It really kicks ass. $300 is obviously a lot for a keyboard but hey, how much time do you spend on it? And you get around that staggered left side issue, and potential meddling with the bottom left row


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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    dvzine stuff is funny.  and we are called fanboys. hmmm.     that Typeracer is kinda of fun.  I just won a couple of races!  :-)

    best of luck.

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Welcome, and best of luck!

    The meddling with the bottom left row, albeit nowhere near the coolness of a proper non-staggered keyboard, is actually not bad - given that you have a VK_102 "European" key instead of abusing the CapsLock for Z. I use it, and I cannot afford to buy a Kinesis for every board I use throughout my workday.  ;)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    I use Colemak exclusively on my Kinesis now (used to be Arensito). On a normal keyboard I still occasionally use QWERTY to keep myself bilingual (ha). I definitely like it, but I did a few Arensito-ish things to it like swapping Space and Backspace, putting Shift on the left thumb, moving the arrow keys, and putting "[" and "]" on the left and right shift keys. Fine, I'm just weird, but it works for me. :-)

    Glad you are enjoying it!

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    • Registered: 08-Mar-2008
    • Posts: 303

    Since you're using a Mac, I think you should check out aTypeTrainer4Mac. It gives you gibberish to type, but it's still pretty nice.

    Check out http://hi-games.net/typing-test/ , it's the best typing test around.

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