DreymaR said:- I'd rather make a NumPad-on-the-main-block functionality for the number keys, to avoid creating a hard-to-learn (and use?) key jungle.
- The brackets nicely organized looks useful. But I don't see why you should need to organize the <> brackets when they're already accessible? The same goes for some other keys.
That's because I remapped () to the original <> positions. On my keyboard, . and , are on the top row pinkies, making () easy. I put : ; there because there were two extra spots. I guess that's kind of useless. But besides that, the only ones that are available on my keyboard are [{, ]}, and =+, all of which are hard to reach. All the rows are shifted up, so there's no number row.
I should probably start using num lock instead. ;)
- Generally I feel that these good ideas will suffer a bit from overdoing. Maybe we should strive to adhere to the KISS principle?
- I think I'd find it hard to use one of your layouts because I wouldn't remember where you put everything and parts of them don't look easy to remember. Are there any underlying principles that I'm not spotting (apart from bracket placements)?
I have all the number-related stuff on the left side: / + = * ^
- So in sum: Yeah, this is cool and all. But I feel that it may easily get too complex, which hurts acceptance and utility.
Well mine is fairly simple. I suppose the numbers could be removed, and the bottom row moved to the top, but I actually kind of like having those keys on the bottom.
At a simple glance, you might as well put all the numbers on the home row (directly below their normal spot), their shifted chars on the top row and their AltGr chars on the bottom row. That'd be really easy to remember and as far as I can see it'd achieve the same benefit of avoiding stretches. It wouldn't make for bracket Ordnung, but otherwise it might not be so stupid? One hardship could be the fact that the number row may have different fingering from the main ones on conventional keyboards(because of the stupid row stagger).
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
¡ ™ £ ¢ ∞ § ¶ • ª º
You mean like that?
My new one with numbers and extra stuff eliminated:
< > ^ % | { } &
+ = * / \ @ [ ] $ #
Hmm... there's some empty spots. I'll look at all the AltGr keys...
`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘«åß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷ unshifted
⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚—±Œ„´‰ˇÁ¨ˆØ∏”’»ÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÚƸ˛Ç◊ı˜Â¯˘¿ shifted
¨ ´ ` ˜ ß ¿ are international characters. I'm not sure how common some of them are, but I do know that ´ is very common in Spanish, ˜ is fairly common in Spanish, and ß is fairly common in German. Those 3, plus ¨ and ¿, deserve a spot. Right now they're placed over the letter that they go over most commonly: E frequently has an accent, so altGr-E = accent. N gets ˜, S gets ß because ß is pronounced like an S, and U gets ¨. Since this is English, those won't go on the main keyboard. ¿ deserves an upgrade, because it requires altGr-shift-/ to use.
÷ ∞ ≠ ≈ and √ are math symbols. They might get spots. ÷ is replaceable with / in almost every situation though.
Other than those, the only thing that looks common enough is º.
The way I have it set up, space is a dead key, so it's separate from altGr. I can still use altGr. And since ´ ¨ and ˜ are dead keys, that means there's a dead key within a dead key.
< > ^ % | ¡ { } & º
+ = * / \ @ [ ] $ #
≈ ≠ ∞ ÷ √ ¿ ´ ˜ ¨ ß
EDIT: I put in ¡ directly above ¿.
That looks harder to remember. Now I have to focus on making it easier to remember. I could move <> to below the other brackets, but that would complicate things. Plus, it's easy to remember when ^ is next to them. So how can I improve on that? One thing that can be done is put keys over the key that makes sense. But I use a different layout from most people. One thing that can be done is put it under its QWERTY position. But that wouldn't work for some things. Since I have the keyboard shifted upward, ´ would be on the altGr home row. It's too rare for that. Same problem with ¨. ˜ would work, but then it would be below the bottom row, on what I'm using as space. Sigh.
Last edited by SpeedMorph (31-Aug-2008 15:01:58)