I wonder what all af you are doing to type without any harm the 'WA' on QWERTY or Colemak?
Just recently I found myself enjoying Colemak for a couple of reasons, but now I have to hunt-and-peck... I feel sharp pain coming from the middle of my ring finger when pressing the key. Trying to slow down have not helped, I left touch typing for now. It is a week now with this condition so I am probably put out of the game for a longer period.
Reading my previous thread I came to conclusion that it is indeed the 'wa' problem. I type on MS400, where the aligment of the left hand is positioned at some angle so I really not press the W stright but with a little twisted ring finger which makes twist more upon pressing the key. It would be clearer with some picture but I hope that anyone typing on MS4000 is getting what I mean - when the hand is twisted clockwise at about 8 degrees (acording to MS) it is more natural position to the wrist, but pressing the W becomes pressing the key by mowing ring finger to the outside rather than down (like you would try to press the W key to the Q position on flat keyboard). I know that this is wat cause the problem becouse I just grabbed my ring finger and tried to twist it a little - yep it now instantly hurts!
Yet, all in all, MS4000 is commonly appreciated keyboard, I also found it easier than traditional keyboard, so I do not know if this condition would not have happened on traditional keyboard. But I cannot see the way of pressing the W key stright down.
Does log touch typing strenghten the fingers so it doesn't matter? How long it takes? I am considerably new to touch typing, never get the qwerty, but a few months enjoyed Dvorak with no problems (probably this is because on dvorak the home row is (nearly)only used with extra keys reached by index finger).
I would like to hear If someone else starting touchtyping with QWERTY/Colemak had similar condition.
When I recover I go either Dvorak or go to the shop for flat keyboard 105 keys(to make the shift) or any nonstaggered/no-twisted.