One of my friends got curious about one of my mirrored layouts based on colemak and decided to give it a try.
So, based on the results of my original mirrrored-colemak experiment, I tweaked the layout slightly for her laptop keyboard and typing style (I'll refer to it as "K4" layout from now on).
Her results are at opposite ends to my own results (but probably due to a number of other factors.)
Anyway, before the switch, her speed was approx 60-65wpm at a very high accuracy. After 3 months, her speed on this tweaked layout is consistenly above 75wpm at a similar accuracy.
She maintains that she can go faster, so we'll see what happens. The main thing for her was the comfort factor (which she didn't like on original colemak). She also loves the "KNO/KNE" and "IVE/IKE" blocks with alternate fingering, as well as the "diagonal-digraphs" using alternate fingering.
Anyway, I thought this layout might be of some use to those who tried colemak on staggered laptop keyboards, but switched back due to discomfort, or for some intrepid dvorak typists, or those who like using alternate fingering.... :)
' Y U L M Z G F W Q
O I E N H D T S R A -
, . V K ; P B C J X
The fingering for middle and index fingers are dynamic: eg. you'd do a double outward roll to type "KNIVES" - INDEX-MIDDLE-PINKY, INDEX-MIDDLE.
UPDATE: Tweaked the layout a bit as per her request.