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    Can you test my typing game ?

    • Started by marcmarc
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    A few months ago I realized I could not type efficiently. I had to check the keyboard every now and then. Since I spend a lot of time in front of the screen, it's a problem. I could work faster.
    I spent some time using a few software and webapps to improve my speed. I have also switched my keyboard to COLEMAK since the QWERTY layout is not so good. After a few weeks using typeracer.com, I had ideas to improve the concept. Here's my stuff. Do you find the site useful?

    The address is https://www.keyhero.com

    Last edited by marcmarc (03-Jan-2009 20:49:28)
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    that's actually a rather good game, i'm impressed. well done :)
    it's very professional-looking and well presented, and i like the text that you have to type.

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    Thanks! If you have suggestions or ideas for new features let me know.

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    very cool app.  I particularly like some of the feedback improvements, and the more realistic error handling (ie  go red, but don't forcibly stop the typing).

    I have a couple suggestions.  First one... I would love to be able to specify which layout I use in my profile.  It's also interesting to see others' layouts as well.  (don't forget to include custom layouts *smile*)

    A more useful suggestion perhaps is to make the game a bit more accessible (ie the main page should center around the game)  This gives it better visibility to newcomers.  When I first went to the site, I thought I had gone to the wrong place.

    I also think having short quotes is fun, especially if you're racing against other people...  but I think slightly longer pieces are better for improving your typing skills.  This is just my opinion of course.  Maybe you could have different modes that use different length texts. 

    Anyway, great program so far.  How long did it take you to write?

    Last edited by bsdhacker (04-Jan-2009 07:09:10)
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    • From: Oslo, Norway
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    Awesome webapp. I too wrote my own version of typeracer (in a way). I think the graph showing your speed througout the text is very nifty, I might have to steal that idea sometime. ;)

    However, for some reason your app doesn't interpret my keys correctly. It thinks shift+, and shift+. is < > but in my layout they are ; : so I was completely unable to type those characters. Similarly it misinterprets my shift+øåæ keys as punctuation and shift-' to be @ when it should be "... I have no idea what is going on there. I mean I know it's probably a problem on my side and, but I have never found a program that had the same problem. Firefox 3 / Windows, using AutoHotKey.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Tristesse, are you sure this isn't a common problem of all Flash applications? I used to have a problem with for example AirTyper; couldn't reproduce it just now, but the O wouldn't register properly if I remember correctly. Probably a matter of it being on a 'punctuation' key according to QWERTY? I think that was before I got the VKEY codes remapped right.

    If you're using AHK, make sure it sends both the scan code and vkey correctly. PKL can do that if its .klc file was correctly written, I think. If you're using a plain remap file I think you can send SC###VK### (check out the AHK help file).

    I couldn't try out marc's game because Firefox didn't see my Flash, grrr. I think this has happened before and it has to do with the old IE having the 'right of way' so that Flash gets downloaded to the IE location and Firefox still can't see it. Hmmm.... [Edit: Turns out it was my NoScript blocking the Flash content and the site thought I didn't have Flash at all. OK.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (04-Jan-2009 19:10:22)

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    - You can specifiy the layout you use, https://www.keyhero.com/profileedit/
    - I have changed the home page (+ screenshot) in order to help people understand what it's all about. Do you think it's enough?
    - Having long texts could be cool. I will definitely think about that.

    It took me 1 week to build the site. I've used django, pyamf, flex, and some tools (emacs, gimp).

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    You can steal all the ideas you want :) Happy to know you enjoy my work.

    I am using ahk too. Can you give me your script? I may be able to fix the problem.
    In version 1.0.10 I have fixed some problems related to <>. They were messing the html. This may have some impacts on your issues.

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    I definitely like the graph, plus at the end showing the errors is also very useful.

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    • From: Oslo, Norway
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    DreymaR said:

    Tristesse, are you sure this isn't a common problem of all Flash applications?

    Yes. Works fine in other flash apps.

    marcmarc said:

    I am using ahk too. Can you give me your script?

    http://folk.uio.no/franksh/colemak_temp.ahk  the one I use on my (borrowed) Windows laptop...
    But as the base I have the Norwegian Qwerty keyboard layout, which already has shft-,. as ;:. Shift-' as @ I can't make heads or tails of though. @ has never been anywhere near therse in any layout I've ever used?

    Last edited by tristesse (04-Jan-2009 15:55:04)
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    It doesn't like my semicolon. I'm not using AHK at all, but a system layout (created with MSKLC), and my semicolon is in the Colemak position except it's been switched for the colon (shifted/non-shifted state).

    Also, I've made a profile and logged in and played a few games but my scores weren't registered? My profile still says that I have played zero games. Each quote constitutes one 'game', no?

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    DreymaR said:

    It doesn't like my semicolon. I'm not using AHK at all, but a system layout (created with MSKLC), and my semicolon is in the Colemak position except it's been switched for the colon (shifted/non-shifted state).

    Also, I've made a profile and logged in and played a few games but my scores weren't registered? My profile still says that I have played zero games. Each quote constitutes one 'game', no?

    Could you send me (marcbelmont - g m a i l . c o m) a screenshot of a finished game?
    The top right of the page is supposed to say logout and
    you should have a chart on the left of the quote  and
    no red background..

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    It looks just like it should, but doesn't get registered; still says I have zero games. And my semicolons don't register, as the game thinks I typed a colon whether I typed a semicolon (on shift-colon for me) or a colon (unshifted colon key).

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    I find the site useful, but it would be nice if it had a practice mode.  I hate that everything is public and remembered.  I regret creating a profile because now I slow down to try to work on accuracy that degrades my public score. So it creates a pressure to always go fast as possible.  It sucks in that regard compared to Ryan's set up which posts publicly your best score or typeracer where I can login as a guest anonymously and just focus on accuracy and the shape of words and rhythm rather than be in test mode all the time trying to beat the clock.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Or you could relax a little...

    "There is no limit to what you can achieve as long as you don't care about who gets the credit."

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    I know what you mean ks. I tried the site and am now sticking to amphetype. Nobody is watching me at home (I hope).

    "It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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    DreymaR said:

    It looks just like it should, but doesn't get registered; still says I have zero games. And my semicolons don't register, as the game thinks I typed a colon whether I typed a semicolon (on shift-colon for me) or a colon (unshifted colon key).

    I have tested you account and it's working fine on my computer (windows xp, firefox 3, flash 10). What's your configuration? Maybe a flash update is necessary. I wanna fix this bug!

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    For some reason it started working for me too. Maybe it was my NoScript blocking googleanalytics.com or something.

    The semicolon issue isn't resolved. Try making a keyboard layout with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator, only switching the colon and semicolon positions. Mine are in the Colemak colon key position (above 'o').

    A few odd observations: On my profile page it lists two (rather slow) games done "zero minutes ago"; those aren't real? And while the high scores were updating a little while ago they aren't updating right now. [Correction to that: They do update. I was just being confused about whether you got your last game on the high score list - it's in fact your average speed that's listed of course!]

    [edit: I also got the same one as Tristesse did. My quote sign (") turned into an @ which it shouldn't be doing at all. In my Colemak layout the quote is on shift-' as it should be. I was using PKL this time.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (11-Jan-2009 12:13:28)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    DreymaR said:

    Or you could relax a little...

    No chance!

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    DreymaR said:

    For some reason it started working for me too. Maybe it was my NoScript blocking googleanalytics.com or something.

    The semicolon issue isn't resolved. Try making a keyboard layout with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator, only switching the colon and semicolon positions. Mine are in the Colemak colon key position (above 'o').

    A few odd observations: On my profile page it lists two (rather slow) games done "zero minutes ago"; those aren't real? And while the high scores were updating a little while ago they aren't updating right now. [Correction to that: They do update. I was just being confused about whether you got your last game on the high score list - it's in fact your average speed that's listed of course!]

    [edit: I also got the same one as Tristesse did. My quote sign (") turned into an @ which it shouldn't be doing at all. In my Colemak layout the quote is on shift-' as it should be. I was using PKL this time.]

    I think I have fixed the input bug (version 1.0.16). Let me know if you still have issues.

    Last edited by marcmarc (17-Jan-2009 14:22:52)
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    There are some good ideas. Only problem is input lag, particularly with backspace. I'll hit it and continue typing, but the backspace won't have taken effect. Gotta pause before continuing, which breaks rhythm. I don't know where the limitation is, but if you could fix it that would be great.

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    Micah said:

    There are some good ideas. Only problem is input lag, particularly with backspace. I'll hit it and continue typing, but the backspace won't have taken effect. Gotta pause before continuing, which breaks rhythm. I don't know where the limitation is, but if you could fix it that would be great.

    I have just released version 1.0.17, there is less lag now. Tell me if it's better. Do I need to improve more?

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    I just realized that if you make a multiple character mistake it does not let you hold backspace to delete, but you have to press it the number of mispelled characters. I think that you should do something that allows you just to hold backspace. I don't know much about coding, but that's pretty much the only thing that turns me off right now.

    Also I would like a larger variety of quotes, but considering the website is new I really don't think that that should be considered your fault.

    IMO the game is still fun to use, good job marc

    Colemak typist

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    juice43 said:

    I just realized that if you make a multiple character mistake it does not let you hold backspace to delete, but you have to press it the number of mispelled characters. I think that you should do something that allows you just to hold backspace. I don't know much about coding, but that's pretty much the only thing that turns me off right now.

    Also I would like a larger variety of quotes, but considering the website is new I really don't think that that should be considered your fault.

    IMO the game is still fun to use, good job marc

    You can use ctrl + backspace to delete more than one character. It will delete all characters until a space is found. This command is available in many apps. I will try to add the hold backspace thing. It should not be too hard.

    I know there aren't many quotes. I will add more and hope the community will also add some (thanks for the one you added). Anyone can submit quotes here https://www.keyhero.com/quotes/

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    Posted a quote from Gandhi, not sure if it took, then next page was soliciting me to create an account.

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