I've been using Dvorak for a couple of years, and although I find Colemak impressive, I don't want to take the time to switch to it. I do, though, think that using the caps lock as a backspace is a great idea, and I remapped it as such on the Dvorak layouts of my X server and Linux console. It feels very nice to have the backspace in a more convenient position. But now I'd like to make a Windows XP keyboard layout with this modification.
I assume the format of whatever files Windows stores keyboard layouts in is binary, just for the sake of obfuscation (after all, this is Microsoft we're dealing with), but I have no clue about the workings of Windows keyboard layout management. Is there a keyboard layout editor that I can use (that lets me reassign the caps lock key)? Could I edit it by hand? How did you make the Colemak layout installer, Shai?