I have used only colemak for a while and it became very natural for me, but I cannot release the full power of it ;-) I started the touch-typing adventure only about a year ago. But I made an excellent progress, at least it is excellent keeping in mind my former expectations.
Now I am stuck with the typing process of my mind. I mean, it's like my mind do not believe my fingers. I often type something correctly and start hitting the backspace - surprising myself when I see it. Its like the fingers did its work sooner than my counscious give them order to do so. Then my counscious do not know what was typed only noticing that I typed something more than was planned or expected to do in the time. On the other hand there are the typing tests - when I run one I feel that I stress my fingers like driving a car accelerating and breaking simultaneously.
Does anyone know a way how to learn another typing process or maybe think more quickly :) ?
Seriously I think, that I should have empower a different typing/thinking process. I should type more of thoughts/sentences or words. Right now I believe that I do think of any letter to press, you know, years on hunt and peck typing.
I feel that I type more counsciously when I am not discracted (?) by watching the output: I tried to type well know phrase with eyes closed. But I do not know yet if it could help anything.
Any suggestion? Some interesting reading about how human brain works i terms of changind your habbits?