Hi, I have just thought about posting something in the subject. Using Colemak often makes some pain in my wrists after a day typing, so I sometimes think about my experinece with dvorak - there was no pain. For me real difference with the two, colemak and dvorak, is how you feel when you have to use qwerty. With colemak it seems almost not noticeable.
I think that I have just found the cause of pain in my wrists - that's occassional touchtype on qwerty. I was typing only on my laptop for more than a week, than yesterday I was doing something on public computer so I was typing on qwerty again. When I returned to my laptop I just found that I started pressing keys harder and I felt some tension in my hands.
Using dvorak I was unable to touch type on qwerty with 8 fingers without looking - I was only typing somewhat like hunt and peck using 4-6 fingers and looking on the keyboard.
Touch typing on qwerty obviously trigers something in my brain which I have to fightout typing on other layout. Using Korviak's analogy to cars its like parking the car with emergency brake and not releasing it fully when driving again.
About the thension in my hand:
Looking at the picture from wikipedia, I feel tension in the big red muscless spreading from carpal tunel to the thumb and the pinky. I do not know why I have problem with them. Maybe because they are the biggest in hand so when stressed they can hold lots of blood? The muscle that goes to the thumb is swelling more often.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wris … ion-en.svg
Have anyone experinced the same swelling?
Last edited by bombadil (10-Jul-2009 20:43:12)