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    Should I be worried?

    • Started by jc0481
    • 18 Replies:
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    I like Colemak. After having used the Qwerty layout for close to fourteen years then Dvorak layout for two and a half years. I stumbled on the glorious Colemak keyboard layout. I tried to explain to people I either get weird looks cause people don't really know about the different layouts available to them or don't care. If there wasn't Colemak available anymore I would go back to typing again in Dvorak. I will never go back to Qwerty.

    So you see I am enthusiastic about Colemak. I do want it to prosper and get more people to switch to it. What worries me is one day I go to colemak.com and I see a letter from Shai stating due to any of the reasons financial, lack of time or any other reason he is forced to shutdown colemak.com and develop it no more.  I am a bit concerned because the software for the various computing platforms are not recent and quite a few years old.

    I do hope if Shai ever quits on developing Colemak that someone else can pick it up. What I want to see is get developed more maybe do a few more studies on how people type, maybe a few more tweaks on how it relates to the various languages out there  and come out with a better layout. Maybe it has already reached that point and doesn't need any more tweaks. I don't know maybe someone else can elaborate if indeed this layout is really done. I also want to see it become a ANSI standard just like the Dvorak layout. Hopefully Shai or someone else can develop a left handed or right handed Colemak layout just like Dvorak. If they have already please let me know.

    I just don't want Colemak layout to go away. It has made me a better typist, more accurate, better speed and of course more comfortable.


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    I'm not worried. Colemak is now included in the X Window System (x.org) and thus available at install time on pretty much all distributions of Linux/BSD. As for Windows and Mac OS X, I think there are enough users now so that anyone can be sure that Colemak will always be available on *any* Operating System.

    As far as I'm aware, Shai considers Colemak "done". I don't think any changes have been made since Colemak was released in 2006.

    Quite a few people on the forums have proposed new layouts, but not one yet has been viewed as a worthy alternative. Personally, I can't see myself learning a new layout ever again (after QWERTY, Dvorak and now Colemak). I'm happy and not worried about anything.


    Here is what Shai had to say on 27/7/06 in response to a question about whether the "final" version had been released:

    Shai said:

    I understand your concerns. Since the final version of Colemak was released on 01/01/2006, there have been no changes in the layout, and I now consider it to be very stable. I have no intention of making any future changes in the layout.

    It's three years to the day since that was written so I think you can be sure that Colemak won't change.

    Here is the thread, by the way:


    Last edited by simonh (27-Jul-2009 17:30:27)

    "It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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    The other thing is that as long as there is even one picture of the Colemak layout left in the world, it can be recreated without too much difficulty. Editing keyboard layout files is a little bit tricky and technical, but certainly doable - I use a slightly tweaked Colemak variant that I made with an OS X application called Ukulele. I started from the official file, but given a bit more time I could have started from a QWERTY layout file instead. It would be tedious to make all the extra swaps, but it would only have to be done once for each OS.

    As for the site, the internet is all about finding community and/or information. It's nice that we have this site as the centre for both, but as long as there are two Colemak users on the internet there will always be a community.

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    • From: Horsham, West Sussex, UK
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    Where did he say he was going to shut down colemak.com? I don't see anything about it on the home page.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    He never said that - it's just a bad dream jc had.  ;)  Jc - look what you've done: Now we're putting out fires here.

    Thing is: I don't think that the current Colemak effort costs much, neither time nor money. Sure, if you want to donate a sum to Shai you should most definitely do so to motivate him and show your appreciation and help towards the site bills(?) - but it's a low-effort sort of thing these days I'm sure! Shai did a massive amount of work to create Colemak, but now he's the 'passive creator' for the most part. So why would he shut down anything?

    And Colemak has taken on life by now. I wouldn't stop, even if Shai were to pull the plug because aliens mind-controlled him to do it. It'd be harder to meet up and have a thriving Colemak community for a while, but then there'd be a new site somewhere and it'd go on. Colemak shall live! Korivak and simonh said it well.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Shai
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    Just to reassure everybody that I intend on keeping alive colemak.com (and most importantly the Colemak forum and the community) well into the distant future.

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    And there was much rejoicing!

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    feast! feast!  break out the wine!

    Mead for DreymaR!

    Last edited by keyboard samurai (29-Jul-2009 10:36:13)
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    They are right, Colemak is here to stay.  But maybe you feel like we could be doing more; like there should be more news of Colemak's rising fame, etc.  Perhaps Colemak users who are interested should form a kind of advocacy project, to try to do things like:  increase Colemak's notability so it can have a Wikipedia article; make sure the best ways to install it for all implementations are well-documented; find other venues to get the word out to interested people to this modern alternative to QWERTY.  etc.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    True. I've been working on the installs, but I haven't been fast enough. And on some fun stuff; things keep trickling forth. But I'd really like to see a champion manage to get Colemak back into Wikipedia! One problem with that is that if you push too hard shortly after a rejection you're bound to do more harm than good.  :(

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    I've got a plan, and I'll take it slow.  I have to learn my Wikipedias first.  But we'll see if it helps.  Give me a couple weeks.

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    The only installer which works with current versions of Windows has been stuck in Beta for over 2 years, so yes, you should be worried.

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    • From: Houston, Texas
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    if this was an enterprise by a for-profit company maybe ...

    what's beta actually mean here if it works ? 

    Google is famous for having products in perpetual beta.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I'm using Inkscape to draw vector graphics. It's never ever hit version 1.0 (currently 0.46) and it's for the most part fully operational. The reason for the low version number is that the makers have high standards and a well defined road map containing specific criteria.

    I'm not saying that Colemak equals Inkscape. But if I were someone new coming in here I'd be careful with those categoric remarks until I knew more.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    note:  number of monthly unique visitors to colemak.com is now 4-5 x what it was a year ago.

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    I have to confess that I have abandoned my plans to help Colemak become more visible on Wikipedia.  I probably don't have the time to do this at the moment.

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    Thank you Shai for the reassurance. Sadly I try to tell people about Colemak but most don't care to switch :-(

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    jc0481 said:

    Thank you Shai for the reassurance. Sadly I try to tell people about Colemak but most don't care to switch :-(

    That's not at all worrying.  Growth rates tend to be exponential, and as far as I know Colemak's been growing ever since it started. No one physically around me cares to switch, but I've persuaded one guy I know over the internet to use it, and I've had several others try it out.  As long as people are aware of the alternatives, it's their free choice to decide if they're better.

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    Everytime Shai makes an appearance.. its always awesome to see.

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