Now that I've fully switched, I wonder a few points. The pinkie is a piece of crap, in general. Why are both O and A set on that finger? Those are the third and fourth most common letters in English! That's worse than QWERTY! Sure, it's alternating pinkies, but the index fingers, aside from T, are assigned to less frequent letters.
It's great that the hand balance is better, but the index fingers should at least have one freaking vowel, which aside from the afore-mentioned T, take up the top 5 most common letters. In addition, the vowels that are on stronger fingers, only A, the third most common letter in English is on the left side, and that's a freaking pinkie! What? Do the measurements really say this is an overall improvement? Personally, I believe the configuration should assign a much higher penalty on the pinkie. Pinkie travel is worse of course, but any usage should incur some kind of negative ranking compared to other fingers.
When I get some time, I may run a few tests to bear this out, because it just seems really sketchy. Anyone else have comments about this?