Here's an idea, and before I say whether it's good or bad I'll get input from y'all.
The world record for typing speed is 212 wpm, set by dvorak. Combining the awesome backspace key with the r on home row instead of the u, I think colemak should be able to beat this by 15%.
243.8 wpm.
let's say 240 wpm for the sake of simplicity.
I think we should start a fund, (I'd donate $20, don't know about others..) as an award for the first colemak typists who achieve new colemak speed records in increments of 5 wpm from 140 to 240.
If all goes well, colemak gains the fastest typist on earth, and with it, 'relevance' and thereby a wikipedia article ...publicity too, of course..
(I'm trying to achieve 'relevance' by outnumbering the people on ##dvorak with people on #colemak, but we're always about (##dvorak/2 - 1) )
There's a lot of implementation details that would need to be sorted out, naturally, but what do you guys think of the general idea?