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    Typing speed awards and donations.

    • Started by ethana2
    • 18 Replies:
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    Here's an idea, and before I say whether it's good or bad I'll get input from y'all.

    The world record for typing speed is 212 wpm, set by dvorak.  Combining the awesome backspace key with the r on home row instead of the u, I think colemak should be able to beat this by 15%.
    243.8 wpm.

    let's say 240 wpm for the sake of simplicity.

    I think we should start a fund, (I'd donate $20, don't know about others..) as an award for the first colemak typists who achieve new colemak speed records in increments of 5 wpm from 140 to 240.

    If all goes well, colemak gains the fastest typist on earth, and with it, 'relevance' and thereby a wikipedia article  ...publicity too, of course..
    (I'm trying to achieve 'relevance' by outnumbering the people on ##dvorak with people on #colemak, but we're always about (##dvorak/2 - 1) )

    There's a lot of implementation details that would need to be sorted out, naturally, but what do you guys think of the general idea?

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    I think that Barbara Blackburn's speed was about 170 wpm. 212 was her highest recorded peak speed. Here is a link (which seems to be regarded as a primary source for wikipedia):


    Last edited by simonh (19-Oct-2008 21:21:27)

    "It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    She sustained 150-170 WPM; not all that much faster than Daniel Chen does on QWERTY nowadays (I don't know whether anyone's even faster?).

    I get the feeling that her 212 WPM makes her the Bob Beamon of speed typing: She hit such a peak that beating it becomes very very hard. I don't think we should expect 240+ WPM any time soon, not from any layout. Anyone beating 200 WPM should be given high praise and get attention I hope.

    Even stenographers can "only" reach 300-375 words according to Wikipedia; and they have much less typing (albeit a helluva lot of more learning) to do!

    Last edited by DreymaR (27-Oct-2008 15:53:19)

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    National Novel Writing Month (http://www.nanowrimo.org) starts in a few days.  Some of you might want to test your typing ability on it...  (You might protest that novel-writing requires more than just felicity at typing, but see the site: They enthusiastically invite you to write crap, as long as you produce 50,000 words of it.)

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    ds26gte said:

    National Novel Writing Month (http://www.nanowrimo.org) starts in a few days.  Some of you might want to test your typing ability on it...  (You might protest that novel-writing requires more than just felicity at typing, but see the site: They enthusiastically invite you to write crap, as long as you produce 50,000 words of it.)

    Ditto, for 2009.

    I just checked the forums there, where the novelists discuss their tools, and one topic is about the convenience of Dvorak for creative writing.  How about getting some Colemakkers in the race?

    (What I found interesting is that some switched to Dvorak just in time for the race, based on other novelists' recommendations, ramping up to the minimum creative speed of 55 within just a month, with a plan to using the race itself to burn in their Dvorak skills.  All cited experiences were positive and quick.  I thought the QWERTY-to-Dvorak switch was infamous for how slowly it occurred.)

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    Hey, whoa, I can do above 140wpm on Colemak. Where's my $20? :p

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Woo, Micah! Is this highscore the one? Congrats!

    I saw you going from a 140 WPM QWERTY a while back; how fast did you achieve the same speed with Colemak? This is an awesome achievement.

    Personally, I use the 2 min test when I report 'my typing speed' in general. But no matter - this is just great! Now we have both Ryan and you to look up to and hold up as shining examples.

    Yeah, about those $20?  :D

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    Here's the NaNoWriMo thread on how Dvorak is at churning out 50k creative words in a 30-day month:


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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I can't believe it - that long thread and nobody even mentioned Colemak yet?! The poor sods.

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    for colemak to take off it needs more active development more like a small but popular open source project.  while some people are able to get colemak up and running with no problems, we don't seem to actively be working on making that the experience of 100% of users who try it out.  workarounds turn people off.  this is a keyboard layout, not ubuntu.

    contests or funding to encourage colemak achievements are a good idea, though.

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    DreymaR said:

    I can't believe it - that long thread and nobody even mentioned Colemak yet?! The poor sods.

    I could have said something I guess, as I signed up for the race this year (4947 words so far) and thus have posting privileges, but

    (a) I am busy making every word count toward my novel; and

    (b) if I don't finish, any evangelistic verbiage from me about Colemak will be counterproductive.  :-)  [Each post shows the author's dynamic word count, a low-key but deadly indicator of his credibility.]

    It looks like I am the only Colemak user in the race, so y'all could sent me some energy during week 2 when they say despair looms large and many fall by the wayside.

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    Klalkity: I think I agree. A more community-based wiki might lead to better progress. Today it's all Shai's call and he isn't ... hyperactive.  ;)  In a more open-source-project-like athmosphere it'd probably be easier for other resourceful people to chip in.

    Ds26gte: I wouldn't recommend evangelizing at any rate. I just find it curious that among all these fine and enthusiastic writers nobody seem to even have heard 'the good word'! This is in sharp contrast to for instance geekhack which is also ultimately about writing and a veritable Colemak nest these days!

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    ds26gte said:

    It looks like I am the only Colemak user in the race, so y'all could sent me some energy during week 2 when they say despair looms large and many fall by the wayside.

    Read this http://uk.pc.gamespy.com/articles/599/599411p1.html
    but replace "World of Warcraft" with "NaNoWriMo".
    Once you hit stage 5 you will be fine. Even addicted.
    Good luck!

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    Crimany. My highest QWERTY burst speed was around 120, which I thought was awesome at the time. I'm not quite back up to speed with Colemak quite yet, but 212 is just untenable, let alone 240. Who would we even ask to do this? Are there even keyboard speed competitions anymore?

    The thing is, back when these records were set, and the people who set them were born, typewriters were being marketed like crazy, and their popularity made them a perfect target for records like these. These days, when everyone and his dog types at 50+WPM, nobody seems to care. Barbara even got a little miffed at Letterman's treatment of her skill when she was on his show. And she'd been perfecting the art for decades. What Colemak typist can say that? :p

    Though, I have to admit, that she sustained 150 for 50 minutes is just ridiculous. Ten minutes should have been more than sufficient to gauge her average speed. Yikes!

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    I seem to remember there being typing contests to enter in the late 1990's.  My typing teacher wanted me to enter, but I didn't want to.  They have to exist, but they don't seem to get any press or other forms of web mention.

    How did they measure her "bursts"?  I want to know what my "bursts" are.

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    klalkity said:

    How did they measure her "bursts"?  I want to know what my "bursts" are.

    You could try https://www.keyhero.com , it shows a graph of speed over the time of the test, something I find quite interesting.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Yeah, but who knows exactly how Barbara's gold standard burst speed was done?

    My burst speed on the string 'arstoienarsotienarstoienarstoienarstoien' etc was upwards of 240 WPM. Hehe.

    Last edited by DreymaR (06-Nov-2009 13:04:18)

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    DreymaR is right.  While keyhero put my peak at 126 (using QWERTY) on my most recent try, I'm not sure if this is the same thing as Barbara's famous burst.

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    I'm also doing NaNo this year, on my Colemak keyboard of course.

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