They all improve significantly over QWERTY according to models based solely on my own typing (using them for others is a big leap but we have nothing else to really go on that is of much more stature than that besides Dvorak's own work). With that caveat, here's what applies to me:
Besides layouts I've made myself, which ignore things that are probably crucial to you such as ergonomics (in favor of speed-only), the layouts that consistently win out in my models are carpalx's. So if you want a layout that has some similarity to QWERTY, I'm sure he has a very good one for you. After that, and again I'm talking only about speed, so compare other features such as ergonomics for yourself (I assume everyone I'm mentioning in this post does a decent job), it's really a wash between Asset, Colemak, and Capewell-Dvorak (NOT Capewell-evolved). Here's my "numbers" so you can apply your own taste:
QWERTY: 100% of QWERTY speed, 100% of QWERTY distance.
Dvorak: 109% of QWERTY speed, 45% of QWERTY distance.
Colemak: 113% of QWERTY speed, 45% of QWERTY distance.
Capewell-Dvorak: 112% of QWERTY speed, 45% of QWERTY distance.
Asset: 113% of QWERTY speed, 46% of QWERTY distance.
CarpalX Full: 117% of QWERTY speed, 50% of QWERTY distance.
CarpalX 10 Swaps: 115% of QWERTY speed, 57% of QWERTY distance.
CarpalX 5 Swaps: 111% of QWERTY speed, 64% of QWERTY distance.
This is how I would estimate it, and it's based on data from my own typing _only_, so take it with a grain of salt. That being said, others seem to say it sounds right, and I think so too. I think I'm barking up the right tree here. As you can see, they pretty much are a wash. Just get away from QWERTY if you want to drop that fat distance, and make sure you gain some ergonomics, too (to your taste, I suppose, else Dvorak is the only true authority).
I could list a few others, but my bet, if I had to make one on someone besides myself, is with CarpalX. He seems to have taken conservative ergonomic assumptions and ended up coming up with faster keyboards that don't overly emphasize lowest possible distance (I'm assuming that the slightly higher distance is actually something you're paying in order to get superior ergonomics, which seems to be confirmed somewhat by the "side effect" of more speed, something he doesn't really shoot for at all). Again, making wild assumptions, my taste is that keyboards seem to focus only on lower distance and same finger digraphs, with minimal ergonomics. I feel like Capewell surpasses this, but CarpalX takes the cake. My own layouts only optimize speed and probably destroy your wrists, but if you want a number to shoot for, imagine a layout with 135% the speed of QWERTY and 50% the distance--thats what I'm trying to learn, but I may end up making a new layout with more ergonomic standards and probably less speed as a result.
So pick one you trust the "other features" of--they all are better than QWERTY _for sure_, unless they have such huge errors in their ergonomics that they actually manage to hurt you more than QWERTY (which you probably know we have no reason to think has _any quality_ in terms of injury-reduction other than those that come accidentally with old technology jam-reduction and typing TYPERWRITER on the top row starting with an alphabetical layout etc.).
I also think Asset has been overlooked; it seems on par with Colemak, but perhaps Colemak is also on par with it and has more features or whatever. Just get off of QWERTY if you are looking for something more.