I switched to Colemak exclusively a week ago or so. I use TypeRacer for determining my speed. With QWERTY I was at 142 WPM all time avg, often doing 150+ sometimes, and never below 130. My record was 188 WPM, and 185 WPM on their 100% accuracy mode.
I trained Colemak using TypeFaster(?) while using QWERTY for work. When I felt that my accuracy was good enough I began to race, and then later drop QWERTY completely. Right now I am about ~80 WPM and with a record of 97. I have a chart/spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key … l=en#gid=1
I can't really type on QWERTY anymore, or it depends: sometimes I can activate the old muscle memory but my fingers default to Colemak. Environment seems to matter. Once I feel that I can do 100 WPM confidently I will relearn the layout and maintain the speed of both. It's not always possible to install Colemak on someone's computer :(
* What layout you've been using beforehand, and how long you've been typing with it
QWERTY. Many years, I'm 19 now but I've used computers for as long as I can remember.
* How long you've been using Colemak for, and how many estimated hours per week you've typed with it.
A week exclusively, perhaps another week dual Colemak/QWERTY. 8 hours a day or more I guess.
* Mention the methods you used to learn the layout.
TypeFaster, removing QWERTY so you are not tempted to switch back when it becomes annoying :)
* What operating system you're using.
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
* If you mention typing speed, mention what way you used to measure it. Use one of the typing tests to measure it.
* Share any tips about learning the layout.
Work on your accuracy!