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    Dvorak to Colemak

    • Started by Golden_Hammer
    • 18 Replies:
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    First off, I want to say thanks Shai for making this sweet keyboard layout.

    After reviewing Colemak and all its pros and cons, I have decided to make the switch. I’m currently typing this very slowly using Colemak, and I’ll post again in about a week with my progress.

    Also, I do not believe I have seen the answer to this question around, but how fast can you type using Colemak, Shai?

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (17-Nov-2006 05:36:18)
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    • Shai
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    I can type at about 100WPM peak speed, 80WPM sustained. About 35% faster than my previous QWERTY speed, and about 10% faster than my previous Dvorak speed.

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    Wow, that's pretty fast indeed. That's good to hear.

    When I looked at the recommendations for posting experiences, I haven't touched up on any, so I'll do that now.

    The first layout I started using was QWERTY, and I used that for about 7 years, and my max speed was about 80WPM.

    After reading about Dvorak, earlier this year, and how much more efficient it is than QWERTY, I decided to make the switch. It was definitely for the better. After using Dvorak for about a month, though, I realized my pinky would often get tired, and I would have to stop typing for a bit. Also, I missed my Ctrl-Z/X/C/V shortcuts, but I put up with Dvorak because it was better than QWERTY.

    As recently as Wednesday, November 15, 2006 a friend of mine pointed my attention to Colemak. After reading about it and using the compare feature with the JAVA applet, that was enough to get me switch, but I didn't officially make the switch until the 16th.

    Since then, I've been using TypeFaster to help me out, and I practice for about 2 hours a day. I think I might increase that to about 3 and a half.

    And I, of course, typed this very, very slowly using Colemak.

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    I have a question for you, Shai... is it possible to make Colemak my default keyboard? I would like to do this on my laptop, which is currently running Windows.

    Also, after four days of using Colemak, my typing speed is between 25-30wpm.

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    • Shai
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    It's better to ask technical questions in the Technical forum. If you rerun install.exe (ignore the error message), it will open for you the Regional control panel (or you could open it yourself), and there you have a option to set it as the default layout.

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    I'll remember to do that for next time, Shai.

    Well, here's a mini-update.

    Today makes my eighth day using Colemak. I'm still nowhere near my Dvorak speed, but it's still too early to regain that. For the most part, I'm using TypeFaster, Typer Shark, and Typing Master to help me along with my typing.

    So far, I'm having problems with a couple of keys, but I'm sure with time that will get better with time.

    I'll post again in about a week with my progress again.

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    Since I don't want to be one of those people who stop posting their progress, I will continue to post my progress with the layout. Plus, I have more time now since the JLPT is over.

    Anyway, I'm currently using The Typing of the Dead to help my typing, which is a spin off to the Dreamcast game House of the Dead. I no longer use TypingMaster, as I can pretty much type well now. I also use Typer Shark from time to time.

    It's been two weeks and four days since I switched to Colemak from Dvorak. I can type at a good 50wpm now, and I can often peak at 60wpm, so things are going quite well so far.

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    Continuing my progress, it's been three weeks and two days since I've made the switch from Dvorak. Next Thursday will make it a month.

    There really hasn't been too much of a change since I last posted. My typing speed is still at about the same speed. I'm still using The Typing of the Dead and TyperShark. I liked TyperShark so much that I bought the actual game. I believe it has improved my typing speed, and I would definitely recommend trying out the free trial version.

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (15-Dec-2006 01:43:08)
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    Today makes the fourth week since I switched to Colemak!

    It was very hard to stick to Colemak in the beginning. I must admit that I wanted to change back to Dvorak many times while I was learning Colemak, but it wasn't because I felt Colemak was inefficient, 'cause it isn't/wasn't, but I just don't like typing slow. After about a week, I already reached the point of no return since I was forgetting where the Dvorak keys were because I switched cold turkey. Trying to remember where everything was becoming a hassle.

    After 4 weeks, I'm able to peak at and sustain 60wpm very often. I estimate that I will be able to get my Dvorak speed back in about another month or so, and I hope to exceed my typing speed of Dvorak in about 2 months.

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (15-Dec-2006 02:02:43)
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    It has definitely been awhile since I updated this thing. Well, I'll start off by saying Merry Christmas to everyone.

    It's been 39 days since I switched to Colemak from Dvorak. Looking back on it now, it seems as if it was just yesterday. As for my progress, I've been doing very well as of late. I haven't been able to practice as much as I want to because of work, but I still manage to make time.

    As of today, I'm beginning to peak at 70wpm. I often sustain mid-60wpm to high-60wpm. I'm currently using TypingMaster 2002 to measure my typing speed. As I said before, I'm still mostly using Typer Shark and The Typing of the Dead to help me type faster, and I must say that it's certainly working.

    I'll post again in about a week or two with my progress.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Hello Hammer (and other readers)! I'm making the same switch right now. Wish me luck, like I wish you luck!

    Never got beyond 60 WPM myself, whether on QWERTY or on Dvorak. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

    Sounds like I need to give my tTOtD copy a right thorough spin now! Welcome, dogs of the AMS. Good thing it's the holiday...

    Good Jól!

    [First report, 1 day or so in: I did 13 WPM at typingtest.com, with 100% accuracy (much love to the left-hand Backspace key!). Better than expected, actually. The Colemak is already starting to loosen up and feel smoother, despite the fact that the Dvorak -> Colemak transition is necessarily far rougher in itself than going straight from QWERTY. As an example, I keep expecting I O U to be on my left hand - silly me. On the other hand(...), maybe having switched once before - to Dvorak - means that we're better trained in "the art of switching"? And at least the P is a familiar (type)face!  :)  There's also much QWERTY shinethrough in my motor memory to be capitalized on of course. Cerebellum ticking overdrive right now.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (26-Dec-2006 21:47:22)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    I'm glad to see there's another user switching from Dvorak. With my experiences with Dvorak, I never got back to my QWERTY speed. Maybe it's because I didn't use it long enough; I'm not sure. But I was able to peak at and sustain 75wpm using Dvorak.

    Six days ago I mentioned that I was beginning to peak at 70wpm. Well, I'm able to peak at 70wpm more often than I was before. I can sustain 70wpm on some texts, and on others, I cannot. I estimate in about a week or two more with training, I'll be able to sustain 70wpm with no problems.

    From my experience from using Colemak and Dvorak, I feel that I'm learning Colemak at a faster rate than I was learning Dvorak.

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    Thanks Shai and Golden_Hammer for the layout and the excellent journal of your Dvorak to Colemak experience.
    I switched to Dvorak a decade ago and never regretted it.  I don't think I type much faster now, but it is MUCH more comfortable.
    The pinky issue is a big deal for me. Because of "mouse finger" problems on my right hand, I now mostly use the left hand for the mouse. But, that just makes the left pinky problem worse. My pinkies are lobbying for a switch to Colemak.
    One minor advantage I like about Dvorak is the layout is available when I have to use another computer (quite often). I hope Colemak becomes a built-in option.
    So today, I'll heartily recommend any Qwerty user to switch. And I'll keep Colemak in mind but probably not switch from Dvorak unless my pinkies start yelling louder.

    Thanks for your excellent contributions to a better world!

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    I'm glad my journal could have been of some assistance. I hope that you change your mind in the future.

    After 61 days of using Colemak, I don't know why I didn't find about it before Dvorak. I'm enjoying the new speed I've obtained very much.

    I also recently purchased the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, and I must say, the reserve 7° tilt is most interesting. It felt pretty weird at first, but after about 5 minutes typing with it, I was completely used to it. I love the way my fingers flow on the keyboard. I definitely recommend it.

    As for my typing speed, well, after 61 days, it's not too shabby. I'm pretty much over the 70wpm mark. I'm beginning to peak at 80wpm often now. I say in about another month I should be able to sustain 80wpm.

    As always, I don't know about other people's experiences, but for me, Colemak has been an awesome journey, and I definitely want to see how fast I'll end up being.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I'd like one of those boards. Too bad they don't come in an unmarked version. Another gripe that's perhaps more major, is how they've retained the stupid staggered rows that make left-hand stretches so awkward. Basically, my ideal would be a cross between the TypeMatrix and the MS Natural (which does have a pleasant overall design - so many ergonomic boards are just plain ugly).

    My progress so far: I've not had time to give the Colemak neither thought nor training time lately. And at work I'm pestered with QWERTY boards a lot these days, so I'm not able to focus perfectly either. That's why I was a bit surprised to find that it nevertheless keeps seeping into my motor memory as it were. Recenty I've been typing about 33 WPM sustained, but I just made a 41 WPM sustained test at the TypingMaster web test. It just finds its way to my fingers without me doing much for it. Nice!

    [Update Feb 19: 47 WPM sustained at TypingMaster, with 98% accuracy. Web chat is useful practice - I don't train these days so work and leisure typing provide all my practice.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (19-Feb-2007 20:38:50)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    That's wonderful progress, DreymaR. You're progressing very smoothly. You're going to pass your Qwerty typing speed in no time if you haven't already done that.

    Well, I figured it was about time that I updated a little bit. It has definitely been awhile since I wrote about my progress.

    Well, it's been 98 days since I switched to Colemak and never looked back.

    I noticed ever since I started to type at a decent pace, I stopped practicing. I wonder why that is. Since I haven't been practicing much, I'm pretty much at the 75wpm mark right now.

    My goal with Colemak has always been to reach at least 80wpm, and I haven't given up on that goal quite yet. I guess when this semester is over I'll have more free time to practice my typing.

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (25-Feb-2007 13:50:11)
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    • From: Saguenay Lac St-Jean
    • Registered: 29-Dec-2006
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    You still have a long way to go Dreymar :D *just kidding*

    I too, have been busy these days with tons of boring homeworks. But what's surprising is that when i fired lesson 12 yesterday, my weakness with letter G was completely gone.

    My speed is  currently 40 wpm with all letters. My qwerty speed? The same. Did not increase, did not decrease.

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    I'm sure DreymaR and yourself, ChaperonNoir, are much faster now. It always surprised me when I would wake up the next day, and I would be slightly faster than I was the previous day.

    Well, I don't think there's anymore reason to update this anymore, but I'll just say a couple more things.

    - I like the way Colemak feels over Dvorak
    - I've reached a slightly higher typing speed than I did with Dvorak
    - Current typing speed is 75-85wpm, it fluctuates a lot
    - All the problems Colemak claims to fix have been fixed, IMO
    - AutoHotKey, enuff said.

    If I had to give some advice, it would be just stick with it. The beginning is the most frustrating time, ever. It's really difficult, for some people, to go from a fast typing speed to that of a snail's pace, but with Colemak, it's well worth it. It's all about the mentality one has going into learning Colemak. Don't get so frustrated that you revert back to QWERTY or Dvorak. Take your time; there's no rush. With Colemak, you'll be typing faster and better in no time!

    That's pretty much it. It was fun keeping this mini-diary of my Colemak quest. But, that's all she wrote, folks. Unless I achieve a significant increase in speed, I will not update this anymore. I feel it has plenty of information already.

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (28-Mar-2007 02:47:56)
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    I thought about the idea of posting my typing stats yesterday. As I've said many times, I've been using TypingMaster 2002 to view the progress of the typing speed. This is pretty much how fast I can type.

    I have without a doubt surpassed my QWERTY and Dvorak speeds in only five months. I used Dvorak for 10 months and I wasn't able to consistently type with such high speeds. What does that tell you?

    Last edited by Golden_Hammer (19-Apr-2007 13:07:42)
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