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    My Colemak experience so far.a

    • Started by Meeps
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Netherlands
    • Registered: 08-Sep-2010
    • Posts: 5

    I'll skip introducing myself, since I'm not good at it :)
    Well best try is saying I'm a male 15 years old(soon 16 \o/!!!) and I live in the netherlands :)

    I found out about Colemak when I had to reinstall linux (I forgot my password :/), since it was in the list of available layouts.
    So after I installed it again (on qwerty), I looked up Colemak and decided to give it a try.
    I've been using Colemak for about 3 weeks now, the first two weeks spend learning the position of the keys, and now I'm just trying to type as much as possible to practice (mostly hi-games' typing test). I used to use Ktouch as a typing tutor, but I decided I would learn it quicker if I just typed without tutors, since I have a tendency to just remember lessons when I have to do it and forget it after I'm done. So when using the tutor I learned a bit, but it just didn't fit my learning style.
    I still have problems with r, s, g and n, mostly because I'm too used to the qwerty positions.
    But I'm improving every day, and I'm currently at 40wpm(was at 30 but I decided to focus on accuracy and it shot up :o).
    I hope to reach 50-60 wpm before the end of this month :)

    p.s Post proudly typed in Colemak in 13 minutes :)

    Last edited by Meeps (11-Sep-2010 11:50:09)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,363

    Welcome! Hope your stay will be as long and pleasant as mine has been.  :)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Netherlands
    • Registered: 08-Sep-2010
    • Posts: 5

    Time for an update I guess :)
    Currently at 50 wpm average, which is what I expected to reach this month, hope to reach 60-65 next month
    Only problem so far is with some games where you have to walk with wasd, but using autohotkey to remap colemak to qwerty fixes that (although talking in-game is a bit harder tho).

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    congrats on your progress !

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