Hey, has anyone else had this experience?
I can type on Colemak pretty efficiently now (about 60 wpm, and slowly improving now), but after typing on QWERTY for 15+ years, it completely evaporated from my muscle memory. I have to look at the keyboard whenever I'm typing, and even then it's not very fast; I actually have to hunt for letters sometimes. It's usually not a problem since I mainly use my laptop, and whenever I have to use a foreign Windows computer I carry around a portable pkl program to switch the layout. But it sort of bugs me that I can't even type very effectively on QWERTY anymore.
Anyone else have this experience? At least on most Linux boxes I can swap the layout pretty painlessly since Colemak comes preinstalled (usually, but I noticed it doesn't on CentOS for some reason)
P.S. Not that it really matters. I like the Colemak layout so much better, and I can usually swap layouts any time I need to. I'm just curious if I'm not the only one that this happened to.