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4 days Colemak experience and new record!!!

  • Started by nimbostratue
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I have been using Qwerty for more almost 10 years now, and my average speed was around 70 WPM, although sometimes I peak in the 90s for very short durations. This year I was writing my master thesis and I programmed over 80 thousands lines of code + around 60 pages thesis report + presentation + miscellaneous. Of course, this has put stress on my wrists and I was already suffering from some kind of injury in my left wrists, which I was not sure if it is due to typing fast or not. Consequently, I was looking for alternative keyboard layout and I searched around to find a bunch. I first tried Dvorak for 2 days , 2hour/day, but i didn't like the L position, Copy and paste shortcut, and the {} were very far away. Also, I wanted something to reduce the movements and distance traveled by my finger. Then, I found Colemak, Carplex, workman, etc... and i decided to try Colemak first . Now, I had a break for 5 days from university, and I needed to change to Colemak as fast as I can  and regain at leas half of my Qwerty in four days. Here is my experience after training for  4 continuous days from 1p.m to a midnight.

1- after typing in two positions, while I am sitting and while I am sleeping on my belly, I noticed that there was no tiredness and pressure at my wrists at all, and typing was very pleasant on the wrists even for longer periods of time +8hours. For the first day, I felt all the pressure on my index, shoulders, triceps and traperizus, and the next day I woke up, there was a huge muscular stiffness and tension in my right shoulder, triceps and upper back, as if I went to the Gym. What I found is that this Layout actually trained these muscles for me by putting pressure on then. I especially notice the effect when I am typing on my belly because it requires shoulder strength to sustain the hands on the home key ( at least thats what I think). I do not consider this as a down side of the layout, but rather as plus because after typing four 4 days my upper back strength seems to have improved and.

2- I personally think that hand alternation is usually faster than rolls but it takes longer time to achieve high speeds in alternation because one must memorize words and how to switch hands without thinking, and if properly mastered, one can type almost two characters at the same time using both hands, but at this point I do not care too much about hand alternation (Dvorak), as much as I care about reducing the typing effort, and keeping important short cuts in the same place as Qwerty.

3- Although this layout doesn't concentrate on hands alternation as Dvorak does,  I consider it a winning layout because it is easy to learn and promising to be faster than Qwerty. Here is how fast I learned to touch type in just  4 continuous days.

I was using the following typing tutors:
TypeFaster, Mavis beacon,  & Stamina

/*********************** day 1 ****************************/
I learned to touch type the layout in less than 3 hours, and by the end of the days my speed was

Colemak:16 WPM
Qwerty : 45 WPM ( dropped)

/*********************** day 2 ****************************/

Colemak:21 WPM
Qwerty : 20  WPM

/*********************** day 3 ****************************/
Colemak:27 WPM
Qwerty : 10 WPM ( touch typing)

/*********************** day 4 ****************************/

Colemak:35 WPM    http://hi-games.net/typing-test,300/watch?u=4468
Qwerty : less than 10 WPM (I cant touch type quickly, I have to look at the Keyboard to go faster)

I can type in speed > 42 WPM with accuracy> 90% for the first 4 lesson in TypeFaster Colemak's Lessons. In fact, I managed to reach
around 46 WPM for lesson 1 with 99% accuracy.

- During these four days, I was only using Colemak for typing and at the end of each day I tested my speed in Qwerty for only short periods of time.
- I still think that it is possible to preserve the Qwerty typing proficiency, but it will take longer timing curve to learn Colemak.
-In general, I am very pleased and content with this Layout and I will continue to use it. Of course, I would like to thank Shai and credit him for his efforts.

Finally, I wrote this thread in Colemak, so excuse me if I have made some typos here and there.

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/*********************** day 5 ****************************/
today is last day of my practicing plan, and I shall stop once I post this thread :). After practicing for around 6 hours today and after concentrating on the upper keys (f,g,j,l,u,p and y) I managed to improve my accuracy and to increase my typing speed by 5WPM. I still feel that I am a bit weak in the upper row and the K letter and I am sure that there is a lot of room for improvement.  At this point I am really pleased with what I have achieved in 4 days and a half and since tomorrow is a studying day, I will be no longer able to practice, but I will continue to use Colemak layout in all my work, and this is considered as a kind of practicing.

Now my average speed after a 5 minutes test is:

Colemak: 40 WPM    http://hi-games.net/typing-test,300/watch?u=4468

I think I could improve even more if I continued to practice today, but unfortunately I have no time left and I should prepare my self for the new term tomorrow. Finally, I hope that my 4 days and a half experience was helpful for readers interested in this Layout, and I am ready to answer your questions if any.

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You seem to be a fast learner.

Keep up your practice and drop a line here to let us know your progress.

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Thank you Tony_NV for your encouragement. Before I plan to post my experience I was actually inspired by your daily experience as I first pumped into it while googling users feedback regarding Colemaks Layout. Of course, I have also seen posts of other people accomplishments and experiecne, like Ryan, for example, and all of them convinced me to try Colemaks Layout after I initially tried Dvorak for two days.

Now, I am afraid I will not be able to practice and concentrate on my week points for four months or so, however, I'll still be using the layout in my daily work, and I am expecting my speed to increase slowly, and I would be completely satisfied with an average speed of 60-70 WPM as it is enough for my needs to takes notes during presentations and to do some programming. Once I reach this speed I will no longer think of practicing and I will let things follow naturally.

Of course, I will still update this thread Once I brake the 60 WPM barrier ( 5 minutes test), which I hope to achieve soon.

just for you knowledge my current speed after practicing for almost four hours for the last 3 days is + daily usage ( not much typing though):

1) 5 minutes test   46- 44 WPM

where the largest number is according to mavis beacon while the smallest figure is according to http://hi-games.net/profile/4468
The difference is due to the fact that the web app has smaller fonts which makes me feel uncomfortable compared to mavis beacon and maybe due due to the fact that I have to correct my typos in the java web applet to count my score, which sometimes I don't do in mavis beacon

2) 30 seconds test : 53 WPM

I think I will improve even more once I am able to suppress some of my Qwerty memory keys like s,g,f,l
and some problematic combos like 'ars' and the word 'people'

I noticed also that my right had is not used too much to typing as my left hand and it needs more time to gain power and stamina.

finally, I did not  interchange the backspace and caps lock keys as, I am really used to the back space and I do not think that it delays me or causes me any pain at all, and I am used to go for it using my ring finger instead of the small finger cause I think that this is faster and more comfortable than the conventional touch typing method. I think if I have changed the backspace time it will take me more time to advance, and hopefully in the future my accuracy will improve enough to the point that I will have very little use for the backspace, but it is also a good idea to try to replace the caps lock with another more beneficial key


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Wow, great to hear that my daily switch experience have encouraged you to try Colemak.

With your speed of 40wpm I think it is ok for you to use Colemak full time. If your computer is sharing between many users I recommend this little Windows program


originally from Ryan Heise website


Put it to your usb disk and run it whenever you need to type.

To do tests and drills of typing tutors train you to be a normal secretary. During that time your brain works less, with eyes, hands and muscle memory gets the exercise. 

Using Colemak at your work is the ultimate exercise which you have to think what to type and to type it at the same time. It requires different parts of your brain work simultaneously, and coordinate with each other well.

And that's our final goal of learning the keyboard layout. It blends and works unconsciously with other action and thinking parts of your brain.

Remember how you were fluent with Qwerty a time ago? You only have to visualize your thought (to spell words in your head) and your hands automatically type them.

Last edited by Tony_VN (20-Jan-2011 04:13:31)
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Definitely, you are right and that is actually part of my training approach.

I wanted first to gain some speed by training my muscle memory, so I typed the same things over and over until my mind was almost completely absent, except maybe the vision part :), and the other parts were either drowsy in dreams or thinking of something else. At this point I was only typing what I was seeing and I gained a lot of speed this way, but I was not as fast if I wanted to write what I though about because as you said there is not much mental thinking done while practicing with regular typing tutors. But here is where Mavis beacon differ from other tutor because it incorporates games that focuses on accuracy, typing rhythm, muscle memory etc.... and few hours ago after reaching 46 wpm in Mavis and covering all the Keyboard keys, I reached the advanced Level and I trained for one hour on dictation where I had to use my mind to visualize the words and even to remember part of the narrated sentence ( around 8 words). After this 1 hour I could now easily type multiple lines without any typos because it has helped my accuracy a lot. It was clearly obvious to me that after the  1 hour dictation lessons  that my typing speed while I am thinking has increased and is following my mindless typing and my overall accuracy has improved a lot as a result.

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For the last two days, I had the chance to practice for couple of hour maybe 5 to 6 hours, and I found a nice and very easy to use and customize typing tutor. I was attracted by its nice interface and the punch of helpful statistics that it provides. I used this software to design my own 4 courses. I called them set 1, set 2 , set3, which contain the words that are difficult for me to type. Also, I googled the net for commonly used combinations and letters and I designed a forth lesson and named it commonly used words.  Yesterday, I was typing this lesson at a maximum speed of 48 WPM , but today after creating lesson set 3 of some difficult words, and after practicing it for a while, I suddenly jumped to 56 WPM for the commonly used words lessons. Also, I tried my speed at http://hi-games.net/profile/4468 , and I jumped to  49WPM  for a 5 minutes test,  but I made some typos and I was tired at the end of the day, and a day before this I scored 53 WPM at the same website for a 30 seconds test . In mavis beacon typing tutor I scored also 53 WPM for a long text yesterday, so I guess my average is 52.5 WPM now. This is really great improvement, and I guess I am very close now from crossing the 60WPM barrier.

Here are some images from the new typing software that I have added to my typing tutors collection ( RapidTyping ):



And Here is the most commonly used combination Lesson for which I scored 56WPM:

th he an in er on re ed nd ha at en es of nt ea ti to io le is ou ar as be rt ve the and tha ent ion tio for nde has nce tis oft men ss ee tt ff ll of to in it is be as at so we he by or on do if me my up an go no us am the and for are but not you all any can had her was one our out day get has him his how man new now old see two way who boy did its let put say she too use that with have this will your from they know want been good much some time very when come here just like long make many more only over such take than them well were The of and to in a is that be it by are for was as he with on his at which but from has this will one have not were or all their an I there been many more so when had may today who would time we about after dollars if my other some them being its no only over very you into most than they day even made out first great must these can days every found general her here last new now people public said since still such through under up war well where while years before between country debts good him interest large like make our take upon what

Here are more figures from the new typing tutor that I have added to my collection. The figures show receptively the  typing interface, Lessons that I have created with Lesson set3 being selected and displayed in the right side panel, and statistic related to each letter occurrence in Lesson set 3. There are other statistics available such as the individual letter typos that one has made where each letter's typo percent for a particular lesson is displayed using histograms, time statistics, etc.... If you are interested you can download the software and customize or tailor your own lessons as I have done.




Last edited by nimbostratue (21-Jan-2011 23:51:27)
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Keep up your good progress, nimbostratue.

That Rapid Typing tutor looks nice. I will try it some day

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After around two weeks now, where the first 4 to 5 days were intensive training (+8 hours), and the remaining days 2-3 hours  training, I was able today to maintain 60 WPM for 30 seconds , and I could have even scored better if it was not because of the 9 typos I did, which is the tax I should pay when I decide to go faster. Also I easily maintained 50 WPM  for 5 minutes after practicing two extra lessons which I have created (Set 4 and 5). After hitting the 60 WPM, I should now concentrate on accuracy, though I don't have much time left to practice any more cuz my projects have started at the university and I have some quizzes next week. I think I will able to practice at most half and hour every day, and maybe 1 hour in the weekend. I will primarily try to improve my accuracy and speed in the difficult words Course that I have created.

Here is my score:  http://hi-games.net/profile/4468

Here is what do I think of the Colemak layout up to this point of using it:

- Without any doubt, it is comfortable and fast.
- 100% faster than QWRETY.
- Easy to learn.

My problems with this layout up to this moment are:

- Although I have spent a extra time on s, d, g, l keys, they are still problematic keys for me. Before, I was doubting if swapping  the 's' letter and the l  letter should have been done. I read somewhere that there is a lot word that end with ars like 'years' and it is faster to use this roll, which is true, but this alone is not a convincing reason because the percentage of words containing ars is much less than the ones containing as. Through my typing I found that actually there are a lot of words containing ar as well, so i did some investigation ( mini research :) ) and I found that.

I looked at the list of words containing:

- "ars" and I found that there are 624 words http://www.morewords.com/contains/ars/ and most of them are not commonly used.
- "asr"   is found in 2 words http://www.morewords.com/contains/asr/
- "as"  is found in  > 4000. The search website says (4000 or more words found. Only first 4000 shown)  http://www.morewords.com/contains/as/
- "ar" is found in  > 4000. The search website says (4000 or more words found. Only first 4000 shown) http://www.morewords.com/contains/ar/

From the data above, I do see that it is reasonable to exchange the position of the 's' in qwerty with the new one in Colemak. Also I am not sure if changing the 'l' letter has provided a lot of advantages beside moving the typing load to the index finger, which is more agile, and decreasing the rate of using the same finger for typing 'le', for example. So, if 'l' was kept in place as qwerty then to type 'le' as in 'leisure' one has to use the same finger twice, but because of the current position of 'l' and 'e', I think it is faster, at least for me, to type the 'l' and 'e' with the same finger as in 'leader" had the 'l' position been preserved. Maybe my thinking or feeling  towards this argument will change later after the dependence between my middle and index finger decrease and I am able to type le faster in different fingers.

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I saw that you have reached 59wpm in hi-games.net 5 minutes typing today. It is really fast improvement.

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Indeed it is a big progress tony :), but that was a week ago, and now after almost a month of using Colemak I am even faster . I actually had the chance to practice today for 6 hours and my speed jumped by round 3-4 WPM. I am actually now typing comfortably in the range of 60 WPM, and I was able to maintain 76 WPM at Mavis beacon for 6 lines of text, with 100% accuracy. I have tried my max speed at hi-games for 30 seconds just now and I got 73WPM with 2 typos (  http://hi-games.net/profile/4468  ), and I will try to break my 5 minutes test soon when  my hands rest . BTW, I've also checked your test and you improved well this week also, but you still have to beat me in the 30 seconds, and I have to beat you in the 5 minutes now :)

I have tried typing Tutor, and after setting the text to the most difficult with all the characters, numbers and symbols , I may average was 56 WPM, so I am now definitely much faster when typing text alone, but the program is nice since it allows you to practice all the keys equally. I also tried Typing master pro, which is good also.

Here are my results  after todays practice session, and you can see how I jumped.


In Mavis, I don't think that the average is correct because it counts the miss types words, but I always go back and fix them, nevertheless it is always counted. Also at the start of each text, the program gives me full Capital letters line, which slows me a bit, and it averages over all my previous speeds, but I was typing above 60WPM for the last sessions.


Last edited by nimbostratue (12-Feb-2011 21:07:42)
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Wow that is very fast progress, and you have practised a lot, so that is quite understandable. Here my Amphetype result.

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After one month 3 days of using Colemak, I was able to score my best race ever at tyeracer for 4.5 lines text. 74WPM. It is really great to see that the practice is paying off. Now I think that I have reached my goal of typing above 60 WPM, I shall focus on my accuracy rather than speed, and I am also thinking of completely  switching from the backspace to the CAPS LOCK, which will delay me by around 4 wpm as I have noticed, especially I am considerably fast using backspace sine I use my ring finger to reach it and I do not have to move my wrist or left as it would be the case if I used my small finger. Also the ring finger is much faster in erasing multiple consecutive typos than the small finger. Thats why barber use this finger along with the thump when cutting hair with scissor. However, I think it is more comfortable to use the CAPS LOCK even though I will sacrifice some speed.


Last edited by nimbostratue (13-Feb-2011 18:34:09)
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I am typing Colmak, and I wont correct my typo's.

I have been reading this forum for a uittue whiue now and have decided to take the plunge.  Your posts have motivated me to do so.

I am also in the same boat, having a windo of time to try and get a handle on this befse committing to so study. S', this is it.

I have downloaded all the software and am up and running.

Your proficiancy looks good, as well as your accuracy. Btut I am doing something different, concentrating on accuracy first as speed will come with practice whilst accuracy is a bit trickier to fix once you are up and typing.  Accuracy is directly related to the mapping of the keys in your brain and I peel it is important to get that right first.

Thnanks.  I love Colmak.

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Agreed. Speed ist a subsittute fo accurancy.

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Yes, I was taught that when I learnt QUERTY back in the early 90's.  Accuracy is more difficult to fix than speed.

Oh, this is my first day typing Colemak.

Last edited by Spinifex (15-Feb-2011 01:03:45)
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Yeah definitely Accuracy and speed are highly correlated. You can not go above 60 WPM if you kept doing a typo every line, and you should teach your muscle fingers to be accurate from the beginning cuz above 70 WPM you have very little  mental control over you finger. My accuracy was not as good as Tony's, as I was concentrating on gaining speed very quickly, however I have improved it in one day by lowering my speed down and  concentrating on typing the correct letter. I actually type in two modes now, the first one is that I hit the keys with a sharp stroke and push it completely on the keyboard. This mode is not very accurate as I do it with out thinking and thats how I trained at the beginning. I started with the colemak lessons and kept repeating each lesson unit I was typing without thinking and my accuracy improved gradually. In the second mode, I barely touch the keys on the keyboard with a soft and gentle strike and I don't push it completely in. At first his mode requires some mental power because I need to focus on not to push the keys hardly, and this gives me space also to think about the key that I am going to dip before I push it. Although this is a bit slower that the first mode, it allows me to increase my accuracy in both modes and it is very gentle on the fingers.

I used Amphetype to increase my accuracy because it allows to repeat the text you are typing if you are below a certain speed and accuracy. At first I set it to repeat the same text all over again when my speed is below 59 WPM and my accuracy is below 97% and it was really quite a challenge as I had to repeat the same text all over again several times to reach the desired accuracy as can be seen from my graph. Now, it is much easier for me to reach that accuracy and my new setting for the program is to repeat the text when the accuracy is below 99% and the speed below 50WPM, and sometimes it is really a challenge to reach such an accuracy even with a relatively low speed.

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Would you recommend Amphetype to begin your Colemak training or would you consider TypeFaster a better start?

Oh, 74 words per minute is an excellent after such a short time on Colemak.

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Wow, you definitely improve incredibly fast. I can see that you use Amphetype to your own liking, and creatively alternate between speed and accuracy drills. That proves a good way to improve your typing and avoiding any plateaus.

@spinifex: TypeFaster is good for learning the layout only, after that Amphetype is very good for fine-tuning your typing skills and practising your difficult words.

Last edited by Tony_VN (16-Feb-2011 09:55:10)
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Yeah Tony I did improve and you as well :) , and I could have reached my current speed in a maximum of 15 days if I kept the same practicing curve as the first 4 day. I think you can always avoid plateaus, to some extend of course, by concentrating on you weak  points such as practicing the most damaging words and making you own lessons. I keep monitoring my typing and if I saw a difficult word I would create a lecture that contain 4 to 5 difficult words  repeated 15 times and keep practicing them until they become fluid, and I use for this purpose rapid Typing because it is very easy to create a new lesson in it where you simply paste the text in the interface. Also the program has some nice statistics that shows you your progress in every lesson you create. Also I think, one can increase his fingers strength by wearing some kind of hand mad cloves which contain some weight and try to open and close his hand ( I am thinking of creating one later when I am free). Moreover, I like to really find a program that has a big database of dictation or recorded lessons which I think is the best for practicing as you will learn every word by heart, but unfortunately I have only encounter one program, Mavis Beacon, which has few dictation lessons and is not enough for me. Thus, I am planning to write my own program later in the summer that allows me to record some lessons and practice them. I have already the recording module ready from a program that I have written which is similar to windows media player, but I need to incorporate some signal analysis to truncate properly  each audio lesson to a small time frames ( 5 to 10 seconds) and I need to add a typing interface area or GUI. If I was free in the summer I am going to work on this, otherwise, I will delay it to another time.

@spinifex: As Tony said  TypeFaster is good for learning the layout only using Shai's Colemak lessons, which are really limited. I used to repeat each lesson over and over again until I increase my speed on each by 5WPM, and then I would jump to the next lesson and repeat the whole process all over again, until I reached around 35-40 WPM. At this point the lessons were not enough for me to practice and I needed more words. So, I switched to Dvorak and QWERTY lessons on the same program, which are richer than  Colemak's lessons. I was also using Mavis Beacon, which I thing is one of the best typing programs out there if not the best. Along with those two program, I am also currently using Amphetype, which allows you to repeat the same lessons all over again if you did not reach a certain accuracy and speed, and Typing Tutor 7, which tests you fairly on all the keyboard keys, and this is actually a good feature which will help you to increase your accuracy as it reduce you typing speed when typing difficult symbols and make you focus on accuracy. In Typing tutor 7, I  find  setting the preference for the text font to be large and text to be difficult is the best way to improve the interface quality  and increase the accuracy. Finally, Try all the programs available, cuz each one of them gives you different experience, and when you are bored with one, like me, switch to another program, or play nice games, like car maze on mavis Beacon :). enjoy!!!

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After 43 days of irregular practice with focus on rhythm recently, my best burst speed is now
76 WPM for 30 second test, and my best average speed is now 64 WPM for 5 minutes test. Furthermore, I can comfortable around 62 world per minutes, so I consider 62-61 WPM is my, lets say, comfortable average.


My approximate progress curve from the moment I started typing with Colemak's Layout till now is shown in the figure


Last edited by nimbostratue (26-Feb-2011 00:41:03)
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Day 52,
best average speed for 5 minutes at hi-gamesis: 66 WPM with 60 typos
best burst speed for 46 seconds at typeracer is : 81 WPM
I was not logged in at high games, when I achieved 66 WPM, so here are the screen shot of my speed.


Last edited by nimbostratue (05-Mar-2011 22:43:14)
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I am loving hearing your progress with Colemak nimbostratue.

I am touchtyping now, but my speed is approx 20-30 wpm, without bing tested.

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Spinifex said:

I am loving hearing your progress with Colemak nimbostratue.
I am touchtyping now, but my speed is approx 20-30 wpm, without bing teste.

I am also enjoying reading your comments :), and I see that you achieved new score 39 WPM for 1 minute, which means that now you can type using colemak faster than hand writing(35 WPM).

I am afraid I will not improve for a while now cuz I am practicing my alternative touch typing technique, which feels less stressful on the wrist, but I have to test it throughly and see if it needs further improvements.

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nimbostratue said:

I am also enjoying reading your comments :), and I see that you achieved new score 39 WPM for 1 minute, which means that now you can type using colemak faster than hand writing(35 WPM).

How did you see that, on Hi Games?  I didn't realise that most handwritting was only in the 30-40 wpm speed category.  That is a real motivation to press on harder than before.   
It must be quite common for people who are very proficient at QWERTY to become despondent when thy don't match their previous speeds straight away.

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