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    ktouch on intelmac

    • Started by pyromjm
    • 5 Replies:
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    • Registered: 06-Apr-2007
    • Posts: 3

    I am having a hard time figuring out how to compile and install ktouch on my MacBook with OS X 10.4.9
    Can someone please point me in the right direction? 
    Also, when looking at the shortcut keys to switch the keyboard layouts the command option shift combination seems to be taken by two other functions even by default they are overlapping.  It doesn't make any sense to me that the default shortcuts of osx would have overlapping shortcuts.  What's going on here? 
    Thanks a bunch, i can't wait to start learning Colemak :)

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    You might want to check my experiences here with Ktouch on KDE/Fink

    first off I think it's telling that no one has remarked that the darwinports link is broken, apparently that has been renamed macports 

    and frankly I have no clue exactly what macports is after looking through the website devoted to it
    OTHER than a unix software development project.  To me that's a clue that it's only for those with a lot of time to waste.  End users should stay the hell away from it like the plague.

    I installed the KDE/Fink package on my Macbook and that took me the better part of a day and then I  dowloaded ktouch package and compiled and installed it inside KDE.  I used Ktouch a lot early on but nowadays I much prefer using TypeTrainer4Mac which runs on Mac OS X   or  if I want something like Ktouch then I boot up MS-Windows XP  in VMWare Fusion beta 3 and use TypeFaster.

    With these and other programs and games,  I don't think it was worth all the time and trouble to get the Fink Ktouch stable package compiled installed and working within KDE on my Mac.  The whole thing was a two day and  overnight affair.    Ktouch isn't any better than the other programs I mentioned which were a lot less effort to get running.

    Last edited by keyboard samurai (08-Apr-2007 05:34:46)
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    haha you arent lying.
    i spent a lot of time diggin into figuring out how to run ktouch on my macbook.  i ended up having to install fink, and darwin, and kde, and ktouch and compile and etc etc all those things and it took me FOORREEVERRRrr hours and hours wasted , what i ended up with?  when i run ktouch in darwin through kde it gives me an error about some library file missing. what a huge waste of time.  i have no idea why i got so sucked into trying to get it to work that i spent so much time on it... oh well i guess

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    You have downloaded the Ktouch lessons file from the Colemak site ? 

    It's been a few months so I can't remember but I may have had to go find a library file
    or two from Fink.  It wasn't a big deal but it was one more stumbling block.  I think that
    there were several other packages that you need to install from KDE to get Ktouch working,
    I can't remember.   You can't just install Ktouch package.

    If you have a windows partition, just practice the lessons in TypeFaster there.

    If not use TypeTrainer4Mac. 

    As a Mac user who has used all three, I am recommending using either of those programs to
    learn and NOT Ktouch.  I don't think Ktouch should be recommended for the reason of
    the experiences you found. 

    The only person who should consider using Ktouch on a Mac is someone who has already installed Fink/KDE for some OTHER reasons.  And by the way this assumes you installed Xcode and Apple's X11 also and many users have not done that because that is not in Apple's default installation of OSX.    It's simply not worth all the time installing and compiling to just one rinky dink typing tutor.   

    Colemak isn't just for programmers.

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    • Registered: 06-Apr-2007
    • Posts: 3

    Ah yes, i did also have to install xcode first, forgot about that. 
    Do you know how to uninstall all of these things that i put onto my machine?  Do i simply delete their folders?

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    if you dont want Fink/KDE just drag the folder called /sw at the top level to the trash and delete it.
    http://www.finkproject.org/faq/usage-fi … n#removing

    if you want to get rid of X11 too then there is some additional folders to remove and you should scan these
    http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/i … -9894.html

    you can remove Xcode just by deleting the folder called Developer at the top level BUT 
    Apple recommends running their uninstall script so that is the way I would do it.

    type in a Terminal window:
       $ sudo perl /Developer/Tools/uninstall-devtools.pl

    see here

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