I've been a qwerty touch typist for over 30 years, with a qwerty speed of 90-100wpm depending in what sort of material I'm typing.
I changed over to Colemak "cold turkey" on June 15th, after a week or so managed to get to a reliable 30wpm. The problem is now I seem to be stuck at around 35 wpm under colemak.
I changed back to QWERTY this morning to see how badly my speed had gone, which was around 80wpm but my accuracy is shot.
I didn't expect my speed to reach my QWERTY speed right away, but after a month to still be at 35wpm is pretty disheartening.
Is there a point where one has simply been touch typing on QWERTY too long, or is simply too old, for the change to Colemak to be made with a return to similar levels of efficiency in a reasonable time-frame?