I have always been a semi fast hunt and peck typist using three fingers on each hand and doing a lot of rolls with my fingers on common combinations. I basically have the qwerty layout memorized but have to look because my fingers don't return to home row (although I can go for stretches without looking).
Anyways, after getting married recently my wife looked over at me while I was typing and realized I don't touch type which really surprised her. Combine that with the mocking I get from my brother and I figured I'd better learn. I had started learning to touch type Dvorak (which I researched some a few years ago) and read a bunch of pages to find out good typing tutors websites and came across a few mentions of Colemak. I still probably would have stayed with Dvorak but the shortcut keys z,x,c, and v for Colemak were a big plus, the right hand vowels (I am certainly right hand dominant) and something that I read about how Dvorak was designed to roll pinky to index finger because that is what the majority of people do.
So the main point of this post, I roll index to pinky finger on both hands, doing it pinky to index just feels terribly awkward and uncoordinated. Maybe that means I have weak pinky fingers or something. It would explain why I didn't like the S key in dvorak and the rolls seemed awkward. So my question for the community are:
How do you roll your fingers if tapping on a desk, index first, pinky first, or doesn't matter?
If you clasp your hands which thumb is on top, just to see if there is a trend?
And how well do you type or do you struggle with certain things?
On facebook I found 16 friends that roll pinky first, 3 roll either way comfortably, and 3 that do index first (4 including me).
When I clasp my hands together I have right thumb on top, which also seems to be the minority.
I'm just curious if this contributes to my difficulties picking up touch typing, I can memorize the keys fine, but getting my fingers to move correctly doesn't always work.