I'm part of a little movement that advocates the use of base twelve, as opposed to base ten. I'll not go into many details, but it requires two extra digits, representing ten and eleven. Unfortunately, these do not exist in Unicode at the moment, so we have to make do with alternatives. For the sake of simplicity, let's use A and B to represent them. Now, partly because of this, and partly because I cannot make custom keyboard layouts for this computer, this discussion will be totally theoretical. I hope that's okay.
Anyway, my problem is trying to fit the two extra digits onto the numrow (and possibly also the numpad). I want 0 to be first, rather than last, so that it will be in a good position for both decimal and dozenal. My initial thought is to have this:
Standard numrow:
New numrow:
Inevitably, it's missing two keys. However, since I'm using the Chrome OS US Colemak layout on an EU keyboard, the - button has been duplicated in the \ key's space, while \ has been moved onto UK QWERTY's # key (and # is on shift-3, UK QWERTY's £ key). I do miss ~ though. Anyway, that leaves us with `. Does anyone use that? I used it for a while as a dozenal point, but then I made a shortcut for ′ and started using that.