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Lessons For Colemak beginners

  • Started by nimbostratue
  • 52 Replies:
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DreymaR said:

godt lidt: alternative fingering

This is a pretty nice speedup. I'll try to incorporate this.

DreymaR said:

rigtigt vigtigt: Same approach

Should be good as well, but the movement doesn't feel as smooth. I'll see if I can get used to it

DreymaR said:

sagde lagde: Slide from 'g' to 'd'


DreymaR said:

folk hvilke klar: middle finger for the 'l' and index for 'k'.

This is a major change.

It kind of invalidates what https://colemak.com/Easy_to_learn says: "To achieve a high typing speed on QWERTY, most people employ tricks to avoid same finger typing, such as when typing the ED digraph. On Colemak these kinds of tricks aren't necessary."

But it seems like it could be a good over speed boost for English as well.


DreymaR said:

enkel: Tricky; one possibility is to move in the hand for an inwards roll but I wouldn't train that myself.

This is quite possibly the coolest word to write besides "Karsten".

I have been successfully corrupted :-P

DreymaR said:

hej nej jeg dig dog: I fail to see the problem? Unless your hand position is wrong somehow these shouldn't present a problem I think.

It's not a big problem, they're just not the easiest words to type. Especially "hej" and "jeg". But as you say, that's not what breaks a layout. Thanks for the tips.

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erw said:

sagde lagde: .......
bagved: .......

For both, use my alternative improved touch typing technique, and go for the keys "f", "p", and "g" with your middle finger. Give it a try for 9 days using the lessons for f,p,l,g, to practice and you will gain your previous typing speed and become even faster, but what you will mostly gain is total left hand wrist relief and you will be amazed when you compare your left hand to the right hand. I have been typing like this for around two months now, but now I no longer use Colemak, instead I am using my alternative low wrist impact Imak keyboard layout and I am now around 60 WPM in 10 days, and I am sill using this improved touch typing technique. It is tricky at the beginning and you might get depressed, but once you master it, it can be very fast. It shouldn't take you more than 10 days to gain your speed back, provided you concentrate on these keys using the lesson I mentioned earlier, and do not be afraid of losing speed, because I was typing at the same speed as you 69 WPM, and I had a max at typeracer of 87 WPM.

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I don't believe in nimbo's "improved" technique myself (and with a wide ergonomic setup the wrists feel very comfortable anyway). I feel it messes with some digraphs, but I can't be arsed to research it properly as it's just YAKL improvement in the stream (no offense, nimbo!). I may be wrong of course.

But I don't believe that you shouldn't use alternative fingering in Colemak either. When the FAQ tells you that it's unnecessary, it shouldn't be taken too seriously (and I'd be happy to see that part removed from it). It may be LESS necessary than with QWERTY for sure.

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DreymaR said:

I don't believe in nimbo's "improved" technique myself (and with a wide ergonomic setup the wrists feel very comfortable anyway). I feel it messes with some digraphs, but I can't be arsed to research it properly as it's just YAKL improvement in the stream (no offense, nimbo!). I may be wrong of course.

But I don't believe that you shouldn't use alternative fingering in Colemak either. When the FAQ tells you that it's unnecessary, it shouldn't be taken too seriously (and I'd be happy to see that part removed from it). It may be LESS necessary than with QWERTY for sure.

You have to try it to believe :). Wide ergonomic, you mean you shift only the right hand on the EU keyboard one key to the right? If so then I expect only relief to the right hand, but some combos, as you, will still cause you pain because they are unnatural. I guess that you are from the people that do not put their wrists on the keyboard, you simply hover them over the keyboard and that is why you do not feel any pain in your wrists, and of course you will not be able to type for long time as I do because you will have stiff neck and pain in the shoulders as now most of the stress is moved them. And as you know if one did not sit up straight, the weight of his shoulders and head might drag his balance point forward and cause kyphosis in his back. I have read some where about people that have been suffering for 10 to 15 years from their back, and the doctors were unable to diagnose the root cause of their problem, but the patience attribute it to long typing hours. Also, putting your hands on the keyboard is not good as well and it might cause damage to your wrist, especially if you typed in a stress manner as I used to do, and you might get injured (fingers pain, wrist pain, RSI,....). Unfortunately I got injured in my left hand wrist and I have been researching it for a while now, and I was able to over come my injury by not stretching the left index finger. If there is something damaging to the wrist then at the top of the list would be stretching your index finger. I have tried the technique + other and I have cured my injury and now I type much more comfortably, so I believe in it, and now with my Imak layout I don't have to move that much laterally to reach the "g" key on Colemak because I have replaced it with uncommon key on Imak. Moreover the reason for making this change was not typing the same key with one finger, but injury. Actually I had no problem with same finger on Colmeak, and you can type the two keys with same finger at 110+WPM for the index, ring, and middle finger, so I do not consider it as a slowing factor taking into account that I that erw types below 100WPM.

Last edited by nimbostratue (05-May-2011 09:56:21)
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Yeah, I'm worried about digraphs as well. "ps", "sp", "gt" will be hindered by using the middle finger there. "pt" might work. And I might try doing it for "l" when in "lk" and "kl" as DreymaR suggested.

And I do use the middle finger for zero and backspace and the keys between them, if that counts for anything, nimbo :-)

DreymaR said:

But I don't believe that you shouldn't use alternative fingering in Colemak either. When the FAQ tells you that it's unnecessary, it shouldn't be taken too seriously (and I'd be happy to see that part removed from it). It may be LESS necessary than with QWERTY for sure.

True. I actually think there are many "exaggerations" in the FAQ and official webpage. Maybe we should make a thread about it?

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erw said:

I'm worried about digraphs as well. "ps", "sp", "gt" .....

I have edited my previous post and said that you can hit two keys at +110WPM, for the ring, index, and middle finger. for example try couple of times on colemak  a sequence like "sf sf sf sf sf sf ....", "td td td......" or "rw rw rw...." and you should be able to type it above 110WPM. Actually one of the things that I did not like about colemak and which I discovered that it increases wrist pain is if you type with your hands on the keyboard the bigram sp, ps, le, el..etc, I plan to post a complete document about this later. And it turned out that accessing "ps" the way I do is faster. Why do not you try this "ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps". Try it for couple of times using the classical touch typing and my way, but give some time to perfect my technique, and I think you should notice what I was talking about, and to see the effect on the wrist if you put your wrists on the keyboard.

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@erw: try also "gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s gt s"

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nimbostratue said:

Wide ergonomic, you mean you shift only the right hand on the EU keyboard one key to the right?

No! I thought I'd talked everyone's head off about this so much that you'd know what I meant. The important part for the wrist angle is moving the ZXCVB keys one step to the left, utilizing the VK_102 key on ISO keyboards (which then gets moved to the middle). It works like a charm and I personally see no need for further modifications of fingering apart from a certain lenience about the number row.

You make incorrect assumptions about my typing technique. Why do you do that?

Last edited by DreymaR (05-May-2011 14:41:28)

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DreymaR said:
nimbostratue said:

Wide ergonomic, you mean you shift only the right hand on the EU keyboard one key to the right?

No! I thought I'd talked everyone's head off about this so much that you'd know what I meant. The important part for the wrist angle is moving the ZXCVB keys one step to the left, utilizing the VK_102 key on ISO keyboards (which then gets moved to the middle). It works like a charm and I personally see no need for further modifications of fingering apart from a certain lenience about the number row.

You make incorrect assumptions about my typing technique. Why do you do that?

Sorry, I did not look at all the threads posted. If you could refer me to the thread where you have mentioned the wide ergonomic thing, I would gladly read it, or I will search is out by myself later, but if it is only moving the keys u've mentioned, then I can tell that it is will be a good configuration since I felt very comfortable accessing the lower left most key on my swedish keyboard, which had the "|" key and I thought of putting one key there while designing Imak and Rizk layouts, but it will not be portable since you cannot do this on US keyboards. However, for personal use, I plan later to but some symbol keys that I access frequently while programming and the candidate is "=" key. Anyway, this is actually not the main cause of wrist pain, and it I can say that it barely causes pain, at least to me, the damaging things are certain key combos, which I have been experimenting about for a while now.

About your typing technique, I remember that you have mentioned some where " do not forget to float your hand and sting like a bee" or something like that  so I said "I think" that you float your hands, but forgive me if I am wrong :).

and Just for the record: 11 days on Imak 61 WPM, only 8 wpm to get my Colemak speed, Wow!!!

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Ah, yes.

Here's my Wide Ergonomic (ISO/pc105) setup:
   A PC105/ISO keyboard with Colemak and the Wide(Angle) mod

(See for instance this topic by cevgar)

As you can see, the main ergonomic benefit is that the left hand wrist angle is straightened by not having to stretch inwards for the bottom row. As mentioned before, I've found no need for improvement to the upper row beyond slight tweaks to the number fingering. If the upper row stagger weren't a 1/4 key things might look differently; had it been 1/2 key I'd probably go with moving the left hand upper half row one key inwards.

I have tried your suggestions. I found them very uncomfortable and weird. But I know that for a proper opinion I'd have to give it some effort and that's why I said I didn't have time or energy to properly try out all these suggestions people bring up. Yeah, sorry about that.

About my typing technique: It would depend a bit on what you're talking about! If I were to type fast for a shorter period, I'd float more (as I believe was the issue in that topic you mention?); for a really long stretch of typing I'd vary! Sometimes floating more, sometimes lightly resting the meaty part of the hand. My workplace lets me rest my elbows which I think is important for avoiding the neck tension. But regular breaks with stretching exercises for the larger as well as the local muscle groups is necessary if I type a lot.

I still believe that same-finger can be devastating. It feels like it for me and from what I've heard on this and other fora, most typists would agree!

Last edited by DreymaR (10-May-2011 08:43:41)

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DreymaR said:

...... I found them very uncomfortable and weird. But I know that for a proper opinion I'd have to give it some effort and that's why I said I didn't have time or energy to properly try out all these suggestions people bring up. Yeah, sorry about that.

About my typing technique: It would depend a bit on what you're talking about! If I were to type fast for a shorter period, I'd float more (as I believe was the issue in that topic you mention?); for a really long stretch of typing I'd vary! Sometimes floating more, sometimes lightly resting the meaty part of the hand. My workplace lets me rest my elbows which I think is important for avoiding the neck tension. But regular breaks with stretching exercises for the larger as well as the local muscle groups is necessary if I type a lot.

I still believe that same-finger can be devastating. It feels like it for me and from what I've heard on this and other fora, most typists would agree!

I have expected you to say that my technique is weird, because I felt the same when I started, and it will take you 9 days to start to feel at bay provided that you practice the f, p, g, l lesson for 4 hours a day, and since it is a new typing way you are expected to get some tension during the learning phase, and all the discomfort that you felt due to adjusting should wear away after a max of 15 days. Then you should be able to type comfortably and you will notice the difference between your left and right hands. Trying it for 2 or 3 days is not enough to judge!!!

On the other hand, I have already seen the posts that you have mentioned, and I really like accessing the z and x with my small finger, and it was kind of troublesome to me to access the other keys with the fingers you mentioned, but I guess with some practice there should be no problem, and if I were to fairly judge your way, I would have to try it for 15 days, with the hope that it would be good.

Finally you said if you want to type fast you float your hands, but how is that!!! I mean floating the hands, at least for me, is slower by 5 WPM than resting my wrists on the keyboard. I have tried it several times on hi-games, and I even typed a long text several times to compare the two approaches and I found that I can type the text in 15 minutes when my wrests are resting, and around 17 to 18 minutes when my hands are floating. Logically, if you raised your hands the distance to the key will increase, so your speed will decrease. Moreover, I do not rest my wrists all the time, and I make sure to type while my hands are float every now and then, so I am used to it.

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Actually, for the ZXCVB key shift the point is to not change your fingering! So the little finger does the Z like it always did, the ring finger hits the X like it always did etcetera. The only thing that changes is not having to flex your wrist into a tortured position to reach those keys (and of course, the rarely used VK_102 key changes but that doesn't really bother you). Because of this, I felt that I learnt it in 2 days or so, with only the occasional error for a couple of weeks thereafter. It's that simple, really.

For the right hand part of the Wide mod it's a bit more tricky since the '=' sign moves into the number row (or the stretches to the number keys would change which I couldn't accept) and the '?' ']' '\' keys move to the middle too. Takes a little more getting used to and it isn't really as important as fixing the left-hand angle anyway! I just happen to like that way of doing it, even if I consider it a bit quirky.

My typing speed is lower than yours (60-80 WPM) so I don't know whether floating would be better or not at higher speeds than that. I suppose it's fairly individual. I don't float a 100% but nearly rest the wrists so it's not very different positions which allows me to easily switch between them while typing. But I do feel that my wrists lift off very slightly when I try to type as fast as I can. If you say that you don't rest your wrists all the time then maybe we do it similarly?

The fingers don't float so the distance to the keyboard is the same no matter what. I do keep my middle and ring fingers at the top edge of their home row keys so they can more easily reach the upper row; this is also more natural for the hand.

Last edited by DreymaR (12-May-2011 08:52:25)

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DreymaR said:

Actually, for the ZXCVB key shift the point is to not change your fingering! So the little finger does the Z like it always did, the ring finger hits the X like it always did etcetera. The only thing that changes is not having to flex your wrist into a tortured position to reach those keys (and of course, the rarely used VK_102 key changes but that doesn't really bother you). Because of this, I felt that I learnt it in 2 days or so, with only the occasional error for a couple of weeks thereafter. It's that simple, really.

For the right hand part of the Wide mod it's a bit more tricky since the '=' sign moves into the number row (or the stretches to the number keys would change which I couldn't accept) and the '?' ']' '\' keys move to the middle too. Takes a little more getting used to and it isn't really as important as fixing the left-hand angle anyway! I just happen to like that way of doing it, even if I consider it a bit quirky.

My typing speed is lower than yours (60-80 WPM) so I don't know whether floating would be better or not at higher speeds than that. I suppose it's fairly individual. I don't float a 100% but nearly rest the wrists so it's not very different positions which allows me to easily switch between them while typing. But I do feel that my wrists lift off very slightly when I try to type as fast as I can. If you say that you don't rest your wrists all the time then maybe we do it similarly?

The fingers don't float so the distance to the keyboard is the same no matter what. I do keep my middle and ring fingers at the top edge of their home row keys so they can more easily reach the upper row; this is also more natural for the hand.

About your technique, I am sure it will be good as it allows the user to keep the wrist orientated naturally. Actually I tend to achieve the same natural orientation by my alternative touch typing technique which allows me to keep my left hand wider, or a way from my body as seen in the image below. This way I don't flex my wrist when I go for z or stretch when going to q. My small finger simply slide inward naturally without flexing and its kinda similar to your technique and thats why I told you that I don't have problem accessing that key. I think the left shift is more torturing than the z key, and I am currently trying to find a good solution for it. A temporary solution was to create a new programming layout replacing the numbers with most accessed symbols in the unshift state. Ultimately, I am thinking of swapping the Tab key with with the left shift! What do you think?

Finally regarding floating the hands, it is natural to feel that your wrists float slightly on high speed especially for the right hand. This is probably due to the repetitive pressing of the right thump on the spacebar, which tends to lift the right hand. Also since, the fingers in left hand are not very independent, at high speed when you flex your ring finger to go to x, it tends to lift all the other fingers in the air and slightly float the wrist. This effect increases as your speed increase. Thus, I can say that  my typing style is similar to you, but I also sometimes ,for the change of taste,  do complete float of the wrist where my wrists goes higher than my fingers, which gives me more accuracy but decreases my speed by 3-5 wpm .


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I shouldn't think that swapping Tab and LShift would help much. Actually, since I'll only use the LShift when typing with the right hand (well, almost exclusively at least!) I don't think it's all that bad because the whole hand will move maybe half a key and stretch another half key to the left and a bit down to hit the LShift.

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I noticed I was slow with "ely", so I threw together some words to practice with:

permissively lonely sincerely rarely infinitely
deliberately unwisely loosely ultimately entirely
creatively relatively safely supremely hugely
absolutely recursively offensively destructively
alternatively moderately verbosely namely closely
intensively demonstratively sorely completely
relying obsessively purely positively likely barely
figuratively rely definitely excessively remotely
distinctively progressively vaguely adequately
concisely accurately steelyard fortunately lovely
comparatively privately timely consecutively
effectively prohibitively pensively penultimately
actively politely naively securely approximately
finely discretely immensely desperately severely
preemptively precisely stately solely surely

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  • From: Sofia, Bulgaria
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I haven't seen a lesson including "eye" and "ey" and "ye" in general, which is one of the most uncomfortable things for me to write. Maybe someone would want to include this in the lessons. I'm just saying. And forgive me if it was there and I haven't seen it :)

Last edited by pafkata90 (20-Jun-2011 01:41:12)
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Uncomfortable is in it hurts? I don't know if that will change with practice. Maybe it's more about hand position? But I also did find "eye" a bit weird in the beginning. Now it's fine. And words starting with "ye" build up a good roll momentum. "years" is one of my favorite words to type.

Anyway, one ey/eye/ye lesson coming up!

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Here, I hope they will be useful:

eye medley highflyer odyssey eyeliner delayed bailey
biyearly blackeye looney gypsyesque employee prey obey
waylayer yellow honeydew yep alley annoyed surveying
whiskey lawyer cayenne eyedropper yearned yesterday
pulley sydney preying yesteryear yearnful yeti hockey
shelley yes disneyland jockey donkey dye birdeye yet
they'd yew money hotkey cateye destroyer eyelash year
journey decayed jersey obeying player voyeurism toyed
eyes nosey brown-eyed keynote hey they sayer yearbook
layer they've key eyehole slayer polyester eyesight
yearly cheyenne buyer monkey bye-bye honeycomb yeast
hyena disobeyed barley eyeball convey sprayed honeypot
years they're yeah honeylike keypad bullseye turkey
goldeneye grey angeleyes moneymaker langley conveyor
keyboard betrayed abbey whyever yeoman they'll hickey
enjoyed lightyears joey yelled kidney honey

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That's interesting. Sholes' K and O maps to E and Y with Colemak, and to T and R in Dvorak.

I can't find one word containing TRT (your EYE), but there are a lot of words with the Bigram RT.

I am trying to understand why you find EY hard, it is probably because it is an outward roll.  For me EO (behaves like this) is hard for me to type in Dvorak e.g. people or stereo.

I have not recognised many other outward rolls with Dvorak, this must be by design.

How do you find SR, TA and TR in Colemak? It would appear that there are lots of outward bigrams with Colemak. Is your left hand more accustomed to outward rolls after years with Qwerty?

Perhaps the right hand is less accustomed to outward rolls as bigrams under Qwerty like: NO, NI, BU, BI, MU, MI, MO involve a different movement: a diagonal hurdle / outward roll.

That's not to say that my fingering is wrong, perhaps with practice outward rolls become comfortable?

Edit:  After reading back through this I noticed the obvious bigram of TR in Dvorak!  Which upon testing does feel a little awkward.  However I can't see any other immediately obvious examples of right handed outward rolls. Perhaps this is a weak spot with Dvorak.

Last edited by pinkyache (21-Jun-2011 12:47:07)

Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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pinkyache said:

.....  For me EO (behaves like this) is hard for me to type in Dvorak e.g. people
I have not recognised many other outward rolls with Dvorak, this must be by design.

How do you find SR, TA and TR in Colemak? It would appear that there are lots of outward bigrams with Colemak. Is your left hand more accustomed to outward rolls after years with Qwerty?

That's not to say that my fingering is wrong, perhaps with practice outward rolls become comfortable?

Edit:  After reading back through this I noticed the obvious bigram of TR in Dvorak!  Which upon testing does feel a little awkward.  However I can't see any other immediately obvious examples of right handed outward rolls. Perhaps this is a weak spot with Dvorak.

For both inward and outward rolls on the home row it seems that the left hand have an advantage over the right hand due the fact that the right hand is slightly pushed forward as most user click the space bar with the right hand, which reduces the space between fingers. Also we are accustomed to  use the bigram "as" on qwerty so the finger dexterity is already there for the left hand and we only need to work on the mental switching which took me less time  to feel comfortable typing "ar" than "oi" on Colemak. Nevertheless, with a bit of training the right hand would be fine with inward rolls. Also, I noticed that that the right hand is much better in inward rolls on the upper row than the left hand which is due to the formerly mentioned reason, and also due to the fact that most users are right handed.

About the world people on dvorak, at first I didn't like it but now it is one of the many words that I enjoy typing on dvorak and I think that the outward roll for this word particularly is better than the inward because when flex your left hand to hit 'p' and retract it back  slowly you will see that the middle finger reaches the home row before the ring finger.

Finally, I am currently typing on Dvorak an Imak at around 55 WPM average for five minutes test  with slightly better performance on Imak, although I have been only practicing on it for less than two weeks. The switch between the layout is currently consuming some time and is improving every day. I have several versions of Imak, and I have tried around 12 layouts uptill now. The final two versions of Imak are designed to reduce the wrist pain especially on the lift hand and they have lower same finger ratio than Colemak with the alternation near to dvorak and inward rolls on the home row, and the second row. The layout is still in the testing phase and I welcome anybody to test it with me. I also plan to modify the left hand of dvorak to increase the speed by switching mainly i,u,y and .

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pinkyache said:

That's interesting. Sholes' K and O maps to E and Y with Colemak, and to T and R in Dvorak.

I have not recognised many other outward rolls with Dvorak, this must be by design.

the right hand of dvorak is inward rolls on the home key row and is outward rolls for the left hand. for the left hand to be mostly inward rolls it should be  "ioeau" with "ea" "io" being a common outward biagrams on dvorak

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Thanks for the lessons, erw, I'll practice it a little bit. As for the inward and outward rolls - I don't think I find it uncomfortable to use outward rolls. I think the inconvenience for me comes from the position of my right hand. If I rotate it slightly counter clockwise it becomes easier but I don't like typing like this. Well... At the beginning there was a lot of discomfort with Colemak which is gone now, so maybe I'll just get used to these moves.
PS: Or just rotate my hand when I have consecutive Y and E.

Last edited by pafkata90 (22-Jun-2011 11:49:39)
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Can I Just Say; and I've said this before:

That the word lists you guys have put together are simply GOLD!    I love them.  Well done.  I really appreciate it. 

I'd gotten lazy just around 50wpm but now I am back to writing a lot, I'm back to my practice.  Yes, still using Colemak, and here  to stay.

@ ERW, for purposes of ease, it may be a good idea to copy the wordlists we were discussing in the other thread several months ago.  That way we all have access to these fantastic word lists in the one spot.

Or have you already done that?   :)

Last edited by Spinifex (23-Sep-2011 03:23:54)
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Here are some specialized lessons that should work for any layout from my arsenal of around 100 lessons, which have not been posted before:

invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious invisible glorious ious ious ious ious ious ious glorious ous ous ous io iou iou iou fabulous fabulous fabulous fabulous glorious glorious glorious

acrimonious adventitious ambitious anxious anxiousness capacious capaciousness cautious conscientious conscious consciouses contagious devious glorious gloriousness gloriousnesses gracious graciousness graciousnesses harmonious harmoniousness ignominious imperious laborious malicious notorious noxious nutritious oblivious precarious precious preciouses preciousness prestigious prestigiousness prestigiousnesses pretentious pretentiousness pretentiousnesses previous previousness previousnesses prodigious prodigiousness prodigiousnesses propitious propitiousness propitiousnesses pugnacious pugnaciousness pugnaciousnesses punctilious punctiliousness punctiliousnesses rebellious religious religiousness repetitious sanctimonious serious seriousness spacious spaciousness spaciousnesses specious speciousness speciousnesses suspicious suspiciousness suspiciousnesses tedious tediousness unconscious unconsciouses unconsciousness unconsciousnesses various vicious victorious


ahead baccalaureate beach beacon bead beaded beaker beakier beaklike beam bean bear beard beat beaten beaut beneath bleach bleak break breakable caveat cereal cheap cheat clean conceal creative creator deactivate dead deadline deadlock deaf deal dear death defeat dream ear earth eat endeavor fear feat feater feature firearm forbearance forearm forehead freak freakout head headache headline headquarter heal health heap hear heat heaven hereabout hereafter ideal impeach interleave irreplaceable jailbreak leach leak lean leap learn leave linearized mealtime mean meant meantime meanwhile meat near oatmeal ocean peace peacock peak peal pear pearl react reaction read real realize tea teach team tear theatre thereabout threat traceable treater treatment tweak weak wealth weapon wear weatherproof weave wheal wheat whereabout whereat zealot

abought afterthoughts although berouged besought bethought borough boroughs bough boughed bought breakthroughs brought chough choughs clough cloughs cougar cougars cough coughing doughnut dought drought droughtinesses droughts enough forethought forethoughtful forethoughtfully fought gouge gouged gouger gougers gouges gouging gunfought lough misthought nought noughts ought oughted oughting oughts outfought outthought plough ploughed plougher ploughers ploughing ploughs rouge rouged rouges rough scrouge scrouged scrouges scrouging slough sloughed sloughier sloughiest sloughing sloughs sloughy sough soughed soughing soughs sought sourdough sourdoughs thorough though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thoughtfulnesses thoughtless thoughtlessly thoughtlessness thoughtlessnesses thoughts thoughtway thoughtways through throughly throughout throughput throughputs throughway throughways tough toughed toughen toughened toughening toughens tougher toughest toughie toughies toughing toughish toughly toughness toughnesses toughs toughy trough troughs unbought underbought unfought unrough unsought unthought wherethrough wrought yarborough yarboroughs

bidding biding bigging bighting biking billing binding binging binning birching birding birdliming birthing bitching biting bitting blighting blinding blinking blipping circling citing civilizing clicking climbing clinching cling clinging clinking clipping cribbing dividing diving divining dribbing dribbling drifting drilling drinking dripping driving drizzling dwindling dwining filing filling filliping filming finding giving gliding grinding lichting licking lidding lifting lighting lightning liking lilting limbing liming limiting limning limping ling lining linking lipping living piddling pinching pindling ping pinging pining pinning pinpricking piping pipping pitching pithing pitting plighting plinking pricing pricking prickling priding prigging prilling priming primming primping prinking printing prizing ribbing ricing ricking ridding riddling ridging ridgling riding riffing riffling rifling rifting rigging righting riling rilling ring rinning riping ripping rippling riving thing thinking thinning thirling thrilling thriving ticking tickling tiding timing tingling tining tinkling tinning tinting tipping tippling tiring tirling tithing titling trichinizing tricing tricking trickling trifling trigging trilling trimming trindling trining tripling tripping trithing twiddling victimizing viking

ambiance ambience ambient ambit ambition amble ambler ambo ambulance ambulant ambulate ambulation bomb bomber bombproof climb climbable climber clomb clumber combat combatant combination combinational combinative combinatorial combine combiner combo crumb crumble crumblier cucumber embank embankment embar embark embezzle embezzlement embrace embraceable embracement embracer imbalance lumbar lumber lumberman lumbermen member membrane nimble nimbler nombril noncombat noncombatant noncombative number numberable numberer omber plumb plumber plumbic preamble prenumber procambia remember rememberer remembrance remembrancer renumber rumble rumbler tambak tambala tambour tamboura thumb thumbhole thumbkin thumbnail timber timberline timberman timbermen timberwork tremble tumble tumbler umbellar umbellate umbellet umber umbrella unclimbable womb wombat wombier womblike zombi zombie zombielike zombification

dvorak dvark advance advanced advancement advancements advancers advances advancing advantage advantaged advantageous advantageously advantages advect advecting advections advent adventitious adventitiously adventive adventives advents adventure adventured adventurer adventurers adventures adventuresome adventuress adventuring adventurism adventurisms adventurist adventuristic adventurists adventurous adventurously adverb adverbial adverbially adverbials adverbs adversarial adversaries adversariness adversary adversative adversatively adverse adversely adverseness adversities adversity advert adverted advertence advertences advertencies advertency advertent advertently adverting advertise advertised advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertises advertising advertisings advertize advertized advertizement advertizements advertizes advertizing advertorial advertorials adverts advice advices advisabilities advisability advisable advisableness advisablenesses advisably advise advised advisedly advisee advisees advisement advisements adviser advisers advises advising advisor advisories advisors advisory advocacies advocacy advocate advocated advocates advocating advocation advocations advocative advocator advocators vow vows disadvantage disadvantaged disadvantagedness disadvantageous disadvantageously disadvantages disadvantaging inadvertence inadvertences inadvertencies inadvertency inadvertent inadvertently inadvisabilities inadvisability inadvisable misadventure misadventures misadvise misadvised misadvises misadvising overadvertise overadvertised overadvertises overadvertising peradventure peradventures unadventurous unadvertised unadvised unadvisedly worldview worldviews

abhorrence absence absences abstinence accidence accidences adherence adolescence advertence affluence affluences ambience ambivalence antecedence antiscience ascendence audience benevolence cadence cadenced circumference codependence coexistence coexistences coherence coincidence commence commenced commencement competence competences concurrence condescendence condescendences condolence condolences conference conferences confidence conscience conscienceless consequence consistence continence contingence contingences convalescence convenience convergence correspondence counterinfluences counterintelligence counterviolence decadence defence defences deference dependence deterrence deterrences difference differenced differences diffidence divergence effervescence emergence eminence equivalence essence evidence excellence existence experience experienced experiences fence fenced fenceless florence fluorescence frequence geoscience geosciences hence henceforth immanence immanences imminence impatience impotence inadvertence incidence indigence intelligence licence luminescence magnificence negligence obedience occurrence offence patience permanences persistence potence precedence preference presence presences prevalence prevalences prominence providence recurrence reference resentences residence residences resilience reverence sapience science sciences sentence sentences sequence sequenced sequencer silence spence teleconference tendences transience transparence ultraviolence unfence unfenced unfences uninfluenced valence valences vehemence vehemences vergence vergences videoconference violence violences

augend auger aught augment augmentation augmented augmenting augments augur augural august augustly augustness caught claught daughter daughters draught fraught gauge gauged gauger gauges gauging haugh inaugural inaugurate laugh laughed laugher laughers laughing laughingly laughings laughs laughter laughters naught naughty onslaught outcaught outlaugh outlaughed outlaughing outlaughs sauger slaughter slaughtered slaughterer slaughterhouse waugh waught waughted

abandonment adjournment adornment alignment attainment concernment containment detainment entertainment environment environmental environmentally government governmental governmentally nongovernment nongovernmental ordainment

ahead behead blackheart blockhead cheap cheaper cheat cheated cheater cheating diarrhea head headache headed header headquarter heal healed healer healing health healthier healthy heap hear hearable heard hearing heart heartbeat heartbreak heartbreaking heartburn heat heater heating heatproof heaven heavenly heavier heavily heavy pinhead theater trachea wheal wheat wrongheaded

airstrike rst burst rst cornerstone rst counterstrike rst first rst firsthand rst hairstyle rst hairstyles rst hyperstatic rst hypersthene rst hypersthenes rst hypersthenic rst hyperstimulate rst overstate rst thirst rst thirsty rst thunderstorm rst thunderstorms rst understand rst understanding rst understands rst understood rst worst rst airstrike rst burst rst cornerstone rst counterstrike rst first rst firsthand rst hairstyle rst hairstyles rst hyperstatic rst hypersthene rst hypersthenes rst hypersthenic rst hyperstimulate rst overstate rst thirst rst thirsty rst thunderstorm rst thunderstorms rst understand rst understanding rst understands rst understood rst worst

beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus beautiful beautifully beautifulness beauty bureaucracy chateau eau gateau plateau plateauing plateaus

foresee foreseeing foresees hystereses presence present presentability presentable presentableness presentably presentation presentations presentative presented presentment presentments presents preservable preservation preservative preserve preserved represent representation represented representer representers representing represents research researchable researched researcher researchers researches researching reseize reseized resell reseller reselling resemblance resemble resembled resembles resembling resent resented resentence resentful resentfully resentment reservable reservation reserve reserved reset resets resetting resettle resettled resettlement resettles resettling

administrant arrange arranged arrangement arrangements branch clearance cranberry cranch cranched cranches cranching crane cranial disappearance entrance forbearance fragrance frank frankfurt franklin frankly grand grandfather grands grandson granite grant granule guarantee guaranteed ignorance ignorances immigrant insurance intolerance intolerant mediterranean membrane membraned midrange midranges migrant migrants neurotransmission neurotransmitter operand oranges paranoia prank rand random randomization randomize randomly randomness randoms rands randy rang range ranger reappearance reappearances rearrange rearranged rearrangement rearranges rearranging reassurance reassurances remembrance restaurants retransfer retransmission retransmit severance sprang strand stranded strange strangely stranger strangle tolerance tranquility tranquilize tranquilized tranquilizer tranquilizers tranquilizes tranquilizing tranquil tranquilly trans transacting transaction transactional transceiver transcend transcendence transcendent transcendental transcribe transcript transect transected transection transects transept transferability transferable transferal transferals transfer transferred transferring transferrins transfers transfiguration transfigurations transfigure transfigured transfigures transfiguring transfinite transfix transfixed transfixes transfixing transfixion transfixions transformation transformed transformer transformers transforming transient transistor transit transitionally transitions transitive transitively translate translation translucent transmission transmit transmitter transport transportation tyrant vibrance warrant

against nst brainstorm nst brainstormed nst brainstorming nst constant nst constantly nst constants nst constellate nst constellated nst constellates nst constellating nst constellation nst constellations nst constipate nst constipation nst constituent nst constitute nst constitutes nst constituting nst constitution nst constrain nst constrained nst constrains nst constraint nst constrict nst constriction nst construct nst constructing nst construction nst constructive  nst demonstrably nst demonstrate nst downstage nst downstairs nst einstein nst gainst nst gunstock nst install nst installation nst installed nst installer nst installing nst instance nst instant nst instantaneous nst instantiated nst instantiates nst instantiating nst instantiation nst instantly nst instead nst instinct nst instinctive nst instinctively nst institute nst institution nst instruct nst instructed nst instructing nst instruction nst instructional nst instructive nst instrument nst mainstream nst mainstreamed nst menstruation nst painstaking nst rainstorms nst reconstitute nst turnstiles

chairmaning chairmanned chairmanning chairmans chairmanship chairmanships chairmen chairperson chairpersons chairs chairwoman chairwomen chaise chaises cochair cochaired cochairing cochairman cochairmen cochairperson cochairpersons cochairs cochairwoman cochairwomen crosshair crosshairs enchain enchained enchaining enchainment enchainments enchains haik haika haiks haiku haikus hail hailed hailer hailers hailing hails hailstone hailstones hailstorm hailstorms hair hairball hairballs hairband hairbands hairbreadth hairbreadths hairbrush hairbrushes haircap haircaps haircloth haircloths haircut haircuts haircutter haircutters haircutting haircuttings hairdo hairdos hairdresser hairdressers hairdressing hairdressings haired hairier hairiest hairiness hairinesses hairless hairlessness hairlessnesses hairlike hairline hairlines hairlock hairlocks hairnet hairnets hairpiece hairpieces hairpin hairpins hairs hairsbreadth hairsbreadths hairsplitter hairsplitters hairsplitting hairsplittings hairspring hairsprings hairstreak hairstreaks hairstyle hairstyles hairstyling hairstylings hairstylist hairstylists hairwork hairworks hairworm hairworms hairy highchair highchairs horsehair horsehairs interchain interchained interchaining interchains longhair longhaired longhairs maidenhair maidenhairs mohair mohairs multichain nilghai nilghais nylghai nylghais prochain pushchair pushchairs shaird shairds shairn shairns shaitan shaitans shanghai shanghaied shanghaier shanghaiers shanghaiing shanghais shorthair shorthaired shorthairs thairm thairms trochaic trochaics unchain unchained unchaining unchains unhailed unhair unhaired unhairing unhairs wheelchair wheelchairs wirehair wirehaired wirehairs


amenorrheic antiapartheid antiapartheids apartheid apartheids atheism atheisms atheist atheistic atheistical atheistically atheists cepheid cepheids coheir coheiress coheiresses coheirs diarrheic ditheism ditheisms ditheist ditheists dysmenorrheic gegenschein gegenscheins gesundheit heifer heifers heigh height heighten heightened heightening heightens heighth heighths heights heil heiled heiling heils heimish heinie heinies heinous heinously heinousness heinousnesses heir heirdom heirdoms heired heiress heiresses heiring heirless heirloom heirlooms heirs heirship heirships heishi heist heisted heister heisters heisting heists henotheism henotheisms henotheist henotheistic henotheists isocheim isocheims logorrheic monotheism monotheisms monotheist monotheistic monotheistical monotheistically monotheists nontheist nontheistic nontheists pantheism pantheisms pantheist pantheistic pantheistical pantheistically pantheists polytheism polytheisms polytheist polytheistic polytheistical polytheists prochein seborrheic sheik sheikdom sheikdoms sheikh sheikhdom sheikhdoms sheikhs sheiks sheila sheilas sheitan sheitans thein theine theines theins their theirs theirselves theism theisms theist theistic theistical theistically theists tracheid tracheids tracheitis tracheitises tritheism tritheisms tritheist tritheistic tritheistical tritheists weisenheimer weisenheimers wisenheimer wisenheimers xanthein xantheins

abought afterthoughts although berouged besought bethought borough boroughs bough boughed bought breakthroughs brought chough choughs clough cloughs cougar cougars cough coughing doughnut dought drought droughtinesses droughts enough forethought forethoughtful forethoughtfully fought gouge gouged gouger gougers gouges gouging gunfought lough misthought nought noughts ought oughted oughting oughts outfought outthought plough ploughed plougher ploughers ploughing ploughs rouge rouged rouges rough scrouge scrouged scrouges scrouging slough sloughed sloughier sloughiest sloughing sloughs sloughy sough soughed soughing soughs sought sourdough sourdoughs thorough though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thoughtfulnesses thoughtless thoughtlessly thoughtlessness thoughtlessnesses thoughts thoughtway thoughtways through throughly throughout throughput throughputs throughway throughways tough toughed toughen toughened toughening toughens tougher toughest toughie toughies toughing toughish toughly toughness toughnesses toughs toughy trough troughs unbought underbought unfought unrough unsought unthought wherethrough wrought yarborough yarboroughs

Enjoy Typing!!!!!!!!!

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  • From: Vista, CA
  • Registered: 31-Jan-2012
  • Posts: 54

These are pretty awesome. Once I need to really start working on accuracy I'll be sure to work some of these lessons. Thanks!

SF&F Writer Harper Jayne
Creating brave new worlds, one word at a time . . .

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