Hi everybody,
I'm about to try out another - better - layout than QUERTY, but am not quite sure which one to adopt. So far, I'm looking at
- Colemak (of course),
- Asset,
- Workman,
- CarpalxQ and QGMLWY as discussed on the CarpalX site.
Of these, Colemak seems to be a very good compromise between efficiency and "non-alienness" for a long-time QUERTY typist.
However, while dabbling with these layouts, I find the Asset layout to be an attractive contender for this reasons (note that I intend to type both English and German, say in a 50 : 50 ratio. Interestingly, Asset seems to be more efficient for german than for english texts, but I don't mind that very much.)
1. Somehow, I'm often confusing the R and S keys on Colemak,
2. The very common german sequences "ei", "ie" (each > 2 % of bigrams), and more "ein" and "kein" feel pretty awkward on Colemak because of the twiddling with 3 neighboring fingers,
3. The bigram "sc" (about 1 % of all bigrams in german) feels terrible - it is a same-finger stroke "inwards".
All three issues are trivially avoided in the Asset layout: E and I,N are on different hands, S (and C) are in the QUERTY positions.
While I hope that points (1) and (2) are just a matter of practice, number (3) is inherent in the Colemak layout.
On the other hand, Colemak has too many nice properties to disregard it for these quirks. So at the moment it boils down to these questions:
- I tend to exchange R/S on the Colemak layout; trials with http://www.andong.co.uk/dvorak/ show that this improves Colemak significantly for german texts (note that R is the 4th-most common letter in german!), and does not much harm for english texts - does anyone have experiences with this modification?
- While it scores somewhat worse than Colemak, the Asset layout seems to be a good choice for QUERTY typists who want to minimize the transition hassles. Does anyone share my observations about the neighboring N/E/I keys, and has overcome this "awkwardness"?
Thank you for any comments or feedback!