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    I'm taking on the challenge! Colemak here I come!

    • Started by qc
    • 9 Replies:
    • qc
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    I'm going to start the QWERTY by day, Colemak by night method.  I'm not going to rush and learn all the keys at once, but rather build speed with a few keys at a time until I can type words rapidly and effortlessly using those keys.  I'm using learncolemak.com.  (Tried TypeFaster but the software didn't load Colemak as an option... not sure why.)  I discovered Colemak because a user on typeracer.com integrated it into their username, and they beat my impressive (so I thought) 116 WPM.  I'm very proud of my typing skills, and that was a surprise to me, so here I am, ready for the challenge!

    Thanks Shai!

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    • From: Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Registered: 05-Mar-2011
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    Nice to have you in the community! Could you give a shout out to the person who hooked you up ;) ?

    If I may give you a few suggestions
    Check the program jarek from the forums is working on: Type Fu web app. It's got very neat interface, good stats and so on.

    Check this one out as well: Amphetype – gives you very detailed statistics on how fast and accurate you type different keys/key combinations and many others. Also lets you import and type your own texts (like favourite books etc.) and make drills for specific letters or words.

    When you said you want to build speed with a few keys at a time I immediately thought you should take a look at this: https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?pid=8786#p8786 – Tarmak – transitional learning layout. DreymaR from the forum was working on that. Basically changes several keys at a time from Qwerty, and once you get comfortable with that change, proceed to the next step and change the next several. It's meant to give you smoother transition between Qwerty and Colemak.

    With all that being said, maybe I should say what I probably had to start with – changing layout in general doesn't necessarily increase your speed. Some might say it's arguable but in general don't expect much speed improvement over your Qwerty speed (if at all) if you've been typing Qwerty for a long time and have reached high speeds (again very subjective, but I mean high for you). It doesn't mean that Colemak is faster or slower than Qwerty, it means that with the time you develop muscle memory for different words and key combinations, and some "tricks" for certain combinations for easier/faster typing. These are the things that lead you to the high speeds and are hard to relearn. Depending on how "good" you are with Qwerty it might take you some time to get as comfortable and learn them all again.

    Though many here can say it's worth it purely from ergonomic point of view. The comfort compared to Qwerty and the lowered stress on your wrists and fingers makes a big difference for the way you feel when typing.

    I'm just saying not to hope for the great speeds just because you're changing the layout. You could top your Qwerty speed, but don't expect much, if you were a proficient touch typist, and be patient. From what I see, you've got the right attitude. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Last edited by pafkata90 (25-Mar-2012 13:00:40)
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    Good luck friend. You are a very fast typist and I hope you will regain your impressive speed soon.

    Colemak will make you feel very comfortable while typing, as paftaka said.

    My signature is two typing games you may like. For Typing of the Dead, after installation please go to Options and change the keyboard layout to US keyboard (default is UK keyboard).

    Last edited by Tony_VN (25-Mar-2012 15:24:29)
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    Oh, I think that changing layouts may help your speed increase - albeit not by much and not really very dependent on the layouts themselves.

    My experience at least, is that changing layouts forces a relearning process that'll make me at least a better typer overall as a side effect. Some bad habits are left behind, some good ones acquired. Free of charge - if you disregard all the blood and sweat you put into learning the new layout (but you were doing that anyway, right?). :)

    ...which doesn't make pafkata wrong. I wholeheartedly agree with him, don't expect a huge increase in speed and the better your skills at typing "outside the box" with special tricks for digraphs and common words the more work to learn new tricks to get as good again (or better).

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • qc
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    Thank you for the warm welcome and great advice.  I'm not expecting to beat my average QWERTY speed, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing, and after seeing some youtube videos of Colemak typing and how comfortable it looks, well, I'm ready to give it a try.  A serious try.

    I honestly don't know who "hooked me up" because the TypeRacer user had a very long username/nick and now I don't see them in the "latest high scores" anymore.  In my excitement I didn't bother to note their identity.  If I come across them again I'll do my best to give credit where credit is due.  :-)

    Thanks again everyone!

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    • From: Aalborg, Denmark
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    qc said:

    I discovered Colemak because a user on typeracer.com integrated it into their username

    For a moment there, I thought it was me (erw_learning_colemak)

    qc said:

    and they beat my impressive (so I thought) 116 WPM.

    And then I realized it wasn't! My best race is 95 WPM.

    Enjoy Colemak :-)

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    For Typeracer typists who got Colemak into their names, there are only a few who are quite fast.
    Here are their names and their average fastest-per-race speed

    Name (nickname) speed
    TehShrike (Colemak) (tehshrike_colemak) 88wpm
    Winx -Colemak Learner- (winxton) 100wpm
    Anders Bergh (anderscolemak) 101wpm
    Anders (colemak.com) (anderstypematrix) 138wpm
    Micah (micahcolemak) 142wpm

    You can check the complete list of Typeracer leaders here (including you, of course)

    Last edited by Tony_VN (26-Mar-2012 03:51:48)
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    • qc
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    Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (nek4000) isn't the person, but the person has a similar name, they included something like "Colemak layout typing on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard".

    Tony_VN said:

    For Typeracer typists who got Colemak into their names, there are only a few who are quite fast.
    Here are their names and their average fastest-per-race speed

    Name (nickname) speed
    TehShrike (Colemak) (tehshrike_colemak) 88wpm
    Winx -Colemak Learner- (winxton) 100wpm
    Anders Bergh (anderscolemak) 101wpm
    Anders (colemak.com) (anderstypematrix) 138wpm
    Micah (micahcolemak) 142wpm

    You can check the complete list of Typeracer leaders here (including you, of course)

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    • Reputation: 1
    • From: Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Registered: 05-Mar-2011
    • Posts: 387

    Hey, I keep around a 100 wpm and have Colemak in my name :P (Pavel Colemak).

    You didn't mention Noctua, I think he uses both Qwerty and Colemak, but may be wrong.

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    qc said:

    Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (nek4000) isn't the person, but the person has a similar name, they included something like "Colemak layout typing on a Microsoft Natural Keyboard".

    I think I know who you are talking about, its is probably my friend Luca He has that lengthy name with airplane sign in the front

    u2708u25d8new_luca@yahoo.com using Colemak & Microsoft Natural 4000 (lucageorge)
    http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/prof … lucageorge


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