Ok, so I just realized that it's been 3 YEARS since I switched to colemak! I went back in the forums to find a picture of my keyboard to show someone and noticed that it was dated feb of 2008! So, I thought that I would give an "experience" from 3 years of typing almost strictly on colemak :)
I still type qwerty on my phone as the palm pre isn't easily changed. And being in the Army Reserves I still type on qwerty whenever I have a drill weekend and have to use one of their computers. Other than that I am 100% colemak, and it drives me NUTS to type on a qwerty keyboard. I basically finger peck on qwerty anymore unless I have to use it all day, I can still get it back after a few hours and get back to around 40ish wpm on qwerty, but I have no desire to ever switch back, so that's only when I HAVE to type on a "normal" keyboard haha.
In my professional job I am a computer programmer and I use colemak exclusively. It's an amazing layout for computer programming! In my experience though i have to use the registry remapping so that the colemak carries over to remote desktop sessions and the login screen. At home I use a macbook pro and I haven't found a way to switch the system default to colemak on it yet, but if anybody knows PLEASE tell me!
So, after 3 years I type about 80 wpm normally. If I really concentrate and just do transcription type typing I can get upwards of 120 or 130, but I hardly ever do that kind of typing so usually I'm around 80. Most importantly I get a lot of comments about how I don't look like I'm even moving my fingers and words are flying onto the screen when people watch me type. That always makes me smile :)
So lastly, I typed this entire post on colemak, and it took about 2 minutes :). Have a great day everyone, I hope there are other people out there that are as happy with the colemak layout as I am, cause I'm NEVER going back!
P.S., if you have any questions for a person that is a long term user of colemak, fire away, I'll answer anything that I can :)