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    Giving up Colemak after two years

    • Started by gsinclair
    • 7 Replies:
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    • Registered: 20-Nov-2011
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    Hi everyone.

    I've never posted here before, but I learned Colemak in 2009. I've been using it on my main computer ever since and now, sadly, I'm switching back. I loved Colemak, but I've been defeated by the ubiquity of qwerty. I had been touch-typing on qwerty for 15 years before learning Colemak, and even though I immediately lost my qwerty skills it didn't take long to recover them, and I can touch-type on both keyboards. But when I started Colemak I convinced myself that either I wouldn't have to use qwerty at all, or else it would become like a second language, where I can switch between them effortlessly. But I have to use qwerty whenever I use a different computer, which I do often, and even though I can use both, it isn't effortless. I make lots of typos on both layouts, and my speed on both is a bit slower than the 80wpm that it was originally on qwerty. The loss of speed never bothered me, but this tension in my fingers does. I had assumed that it would fade, but after two years my fingers still get confused. They don't know which keys to press, and even when they do I sometimes think they're guessing.

    Thank you, Shai, for making a respectable alternative to qwerty that lacked the absurdity of Dvorak. I always wanted to break away from qwerty and I couldn't have asked for a better layout than yours. But I can't escape - the qwerty behemoth is too powerful. It hasn't all been in vain, though. I loved the multilingual features of Colemak and I intend to configure qwerty to do the same, and I'll keep the caps lock as a backspace, of course.

    I don't mean to discourage people from trying to switch. The difference in finger-moving distance was very noticeable with Colemak, the caps-lock as back-space was a big improvement and the multilingual features are wonderful. Good luck to everyone who tries it, I'm sure many of you will succeed where I have failed.



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    You don't have to use Qwerty on other's computer, Grant.

    I also sometimes type on Qwerty computer, but then I bring my usb flashdisk and run colemak.exe to type Colemak to my pleasure.

    Keeping two layouts must be very demanding to your brain, confusing to your fingers, and error-prone. I don't.

    Anyway, good luck on your life, and you can always come back to Colemak whenever you feel like it.

    Your Colemak experience is not wasted and you've not failed at all. Of course if you insist to say so then I agree.

    I simply think at 2009 there's not a solution for your situation.

    Now in 2011 we have that solution colemak.exe.

    Last edited by Tony_VN (20-Nov-2011 17:59:29)
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    • From: Sofia, Bulgaria
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    Yes, indeed. I use it as well (the portable Colemak). And for the cases I don't, I prefer to type Qwerty while looking down, intentionally – so I don't confuse my Colemak muscle memory. I see your point though. Maybe it's not always the best choice to run the exe.
    Whatever you decide, good luck with it.

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    One of many good things about Linux becoming more and more popular... :)

    Last edited by DreymaR (21-Nov-2011 10:29:15)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    I'm glad that most of my typing is now done on my own keyboards. I rarely have to use machines I don't own. I seriously doubt I would be switching to Colemak if I were still in an office environment.

    SF&F Writer Harper Jayne
    Creating brave new worlds, one word at a time . . .

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    I promise you guys, I will never ever use qwerty shit ever in my goddamned life.  I promise! Now, that is the spirit ! LOL!

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    • From: Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Registered: 05-Mar-2011
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    Yes, unfortunately it's not always up to us to decide :) Most of the times though you can find a way to use Colemak anywhere.

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
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    Too bad.  One of the advantages of working for yourself is the freedom of using your own keyboards.  After five years, still happily using Colemak.  Love having the flashdisk solution if I ever to use it.

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