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  • New to colemak -- why cant i swap the b and the j keys?

    New to colemak -- why cant i swap the b and the j keys?

    • Started by losty
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 03-Mar-2007
    • Posts: 23

    I will keep this short and sweet as i just converted yestesday and havent practiced much as i have been partying --
    I rearranged all my keycaps on my laptop -- going cold turkey

    like the fact that colemak keeps all the common shortcuts --

    One question -- how about swapping the j and the b keys?  j is the 3rd lowest occuring letter and its in a relatively comfy position....
    B seems to be the one stretch.... and it occurs alot more often than j --

    b 1.492%
    j 0.153%

    about ten times more often

    Any thoughts why I shouldnt? nothing i can see as an obvious reason but i have a feeling there might be one

    I will do it now while im just learning if its reasonable to do so--

    Please can be people share their thoughts.  Especially Shai whom I thank very much for Colemak.

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,381

    I answered your other post in Experiences.

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      • New to colemak -- why cant i swap the b and the j keys?