So, here's the beginning of my journey.
I'm switching to Colemak for two reasons.
First, I want to see if I can't take the opportunity to learn to touch type.
Second, I am having increased pain in my wrists as a result of an uptick in my daily typing, and I want to use a layout that will help combat that.
I've looked at a bunch of different layouts and I've settled on Colemak. Dvorak, while supported a great deal, has some issues I will personally have issues with. One of the biggies is the shortcuts for editing. As a writer I use them a great deal. They are deeply ingrained in me, and I'd prefer to have them match the Qwerty locations as a result. Another is the fact that Colemak is pretty well supported. It's not Dvorak, but it is at least not as niche as Workman or any of the Carpalx layouts.
This is a post I'm writing in (very fast, actually, I don't test myself but I'm fairly certain my sustained rate is over 60WPM and I burst faster than that . . . people often ask me how I type as fast as I do when I'm not sitting on home row) hunt and peck on the Qwerty layout. All posts after this will be in Colemak. Unless I surrender.
My plans are to go cold turkey Colemak, hammer typing lessons with short breaks in between, and once I get up to the point where my speed has become reasonable (probably in the 30+ WPM department), start actually working again.
I am hopeful that this will not take an extreme amount of time. After all, I've got a novel to finish. ;)
SF&F Writer Harper Jayne
Creating brave new worlds, one word at a time . . .