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    Put the number row on the home row.

    • Started by Jag02
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 04-Feb-2009
    • Posts: 51

    Using the portable keyboard layout, I have put the number row on the home row.  So using your thumb you press the AltGr key while pressing the required key.

    So AltGr + a = 1
    AltGr + r = 2
    AltGr + s = 3
    AltGr + t = 4
    AltGr + d  = 5
    AltGr + h = 6
    AltGr + n  = 7
    AltGr + e = 8
    AltGr + i = 9
    AltGr + o = 0

    Tell me what you people think about putting the number row on the home row?
    Below is the Pkl layout file for the United Kingdom layout;

    ; Keyboard Layout definition for
    ; Portable Keyboard Layout 
    ; [url]http://pkl.sourceforge.net[/url]
    layoutname           = Colemak UK
    layoutcode           = Colemak
    localeid             = 00000809
    copyright            = (c) 2008 Dan Jacobs
    company              = Dan Jacobs
    homepage             = [url]http://pkl.sourceforge.net[/url]/
    version              = 1.0
    generated_at         = Wed Aug 27 07:08:44 2008
    generated_from       = ColemakUK.klc
    modified_after_generate = no
    ; extend_key = CapsLock
    shiftstates = 0:1:2:6:7
    img_width = 296
    img_height = 102
    row1 = 1123445567888
    row2 = 1123445567888
    row3 = 1123445567888
    row4 = 11234455678
    ;scan = VK    CapStat    0Norm    1Sh    2Ctrl    6AGr    7AGrSh    Caps    CapsSh
    SC002 = 1    0    1    !    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 1!
    SC003 = 2    0    2    @    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 2@
    SC004 = 3    0    3    £    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 3#
    SC005 = 4    0    4    $    --    €    --    ; QWERTY 4$
    SC006 = 5    0    5    %    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 5%
    SC007 = 6    0    6    ^    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 6^
    SC008 = 7    0    7    &    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 7&
    SC009 = 8    0    8    *    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 8*
    SC00a = 9    0    9    (    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 9(
    SC00b = 0    0    0    )    --    --    --    ; QWERTY 0)
    SC00c = OEM_MINUS    0    -    _    --    --    --    ; QWERTY -_
    SC00d = OEM_PLUS    0    =    +    --    --    --    ; QWERTY =+
    SC010 = Q    1    q    Q    --    --    --    ; QWERTY qQ
    SC011 = W    1    w    W    --    --    --    ; QWERTY wW
    SC012 = F    1    f    F    --    --    --    ; QWERTY eE
    SC013 = P    1    p    P    --    --    --    ; QWERTY rR
    SC014 = G    1    g    G    --    --    --    ; QWERTY tT
    SC015 = J    1    j    J    --    --    --    ; QWERTY yY
    SC016 = L    1    l    L    --    --    --    ; QWERTY uU
    SC017 = U    5    u    U    --    ú    Ú    ; QWERTY iI
    SC018 = Y    1    y    Y    --    --    --    ; QWERTY oO
    SC019 = OEM_1    0    ;    :    --    --    --    ; QWERTY pP
    SC01a = OEM_4    0    [    {    {        --    --    ; QWERTY [{
    SC01b = OEM_6    0    ]    }        --    --    ; QWERTY ]}
    SC01e = A    5    a    A    --    1    !    --    --; QWERTY aA
    SC01f = R    5    r    R    --    2    @    @    ; QWERTY sS
    SC020 = S    1    s    S    --    3    £    £; QWERTY dD
    SC021 = T    1    t    T    --    4    $    $ QWERTY fF
    SC022 = D    1    d    D    --    5    %    ; QWERTY gG
    SC023 = H    1    h    H    --    6    ^    ; QWERTY hH
    SC024 = N    1    n    N    --    7    &    ; QWERTY jJ
    SC025 = E    5    e    E    --    8    *    *    ; QWERTY kK
    SC026 = I    5    i    I    --    9    (    (    ; QWERTY lL
    SC027 = O    5    o    O    )    0    )    ; QWERTY ;:
    SC028 = OEM_3    0    '    "    --    --    --    ; QWERTY '"
    SC029 = OEM_8    0    ={backspace}    ¬    --    ¦    --    ; QWERTY `~
    SC02b = OEM_7    0    #    ~        --    --    ; QWERTY \|
    SC02c = Z    1    z    Z    --    --    --    ; QWERTY zZ
    SC02d = X    1    x    X    --    --    --    ; QWERTY xX
    SC02e = C    1    c    C    --    --    --    ; QWERTY cC
    SC02f = V    1    v    V    --    --    --    ; QWERTY vV
    SC030 = B    1    b    B    --    --    --    ; QWERTY bB
    SC031 = K    1    k    K    --    --    --    ; QWERTY nN
    SC032 = M    1    m    M    --    --    --    ; QWERTY mM
    SC033 = OEM_COMMA    0    ,    <    --    --    --    ; QWERTY ,<
    SC034 = OEM_PERIOD    0    .    >    --    --    --    ; QWERTY .>
    SC035 = OEM_2    0    /    ?    --    --    --    ; QWERTY /?
    SC039 = SPACE    0    ={Space}    ={Space}    ={Space}    ={Space}    --    ; QWERTY Space
    SC056 = OEM_5    0    ={enter}    |        --    --    ; QWERTY OEM_102
    SC053 = DECIMAL    0    .    .    --    --    --    ; QWERTY Decimal in Numpad
    CapsLock = OEM_1    0    ={backspace}    *{CapsLock}    ={backspace}    ={backspace}    ={backspace}    ; Caps 
    ;SC00f = TAB    ={printscreen}    ={backspace}    ={backspace}    ={backspace}    ={backspace}    ; Caps Lock

    Layout update on 28th May 2012: I have now added symbols to the home row which can used by pressing
    AltGr + Shift

    AltGr + shift + a = !
    AltGr + shift + r =  @
    AltGr + shift + s =  £
    AltGr + shift + t =  $
    AltGr + shift + d = %
    AltGr + shift + h = ^
    AltGr + shift + n = &
    AltGr + shift + e = *
    AltGr + shift + i =  (
    AltGr + shift + o = )

    Last edited by Jag02 (30-May-2012 21:17:19)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,371

    I think I prefer a keypad overlay, mimicking the keypad to the right with the KP4 on the 'N' key and small modifications/additions to the operators.

    If PKL supported multiple Extend layers I'd have that already. ;)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Posts: 51

    I've just updated the pkl document with symbols as you can see at the start of the post.

    Last edited by Jag02 (30-May-2012 21:15:16)
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    • Reputation: 7
    • Registered: 21-Apr-2010
    • Posts: 818

    I thought I replied to this...  I don't like having to press modifiers - or rather do any type of chording.  So I don't think I'd be that into this.  I like the numpad arrangement - which I think Dreymar is getting at.  But on my laptop - I can only select this mode with an esoteric key selection.

    Having said that, in my mind having the numbers on the home row doesn't seem like a bad idea.    There may be a problem in there being no symmetry regarding AltGr though.

    Last edited by pinkyache (31-May-2012 01:02:43)

    Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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