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  • Hi-games accuracy test - How long can you type for without error?!

    Hi-games accuracy test - How long can you type for without error?!

    • Started by Jag02
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 04-Feb-2009
    • Posts: 51

    I have been thinking that by adding a zero infront of the time we could call this an accuracy test.
    So for example if you type 030 seconds in the address bar, this would equal an accuracy test for 30 seconds
    To other users, please could you post your scores here and post a link  for typing without making any mistakes.
    So far the only longest test I've done without making any mistakes is for two minutes.

    Below are my links and the scores:

    This is my two minute typing test with a score of 62 wpm.

    This is my one minute typing test with a score of 68.

    This is my thirty second typing test with a score of 73 wpm

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    • Reputation: 4
    • Registered: 08-Dec-2010
    • Posts: 656

    You can do it in Typeracer accuracy universe

    Since Typeracer automatically kicks you out if you have an error in this mode, all you need is to remember the longest time you can type without being kicked out.

    Mine is about from 100 to 120 seconds.

    Last edited by Tony_VN (21-Jun-2012 09:35:35)
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