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    Learning to pace oneself

    • Started by pinkyache
    • 5 Replies:
    • Reputation: 7
    • Registered: 21-Apr-2010
    • Posts: 818

    Touch typing results from Klavaro

    Well I crapped my hands out practicing typing today.  So decided to try and go slow and steady.

    Accurate and fluid, but not so fast...  I typed there at a whopping one character per second.  It's actually quite medative once you get going, and a little trickier than you might think...

    I press a little harder when I'm going so slow, probably more stressful - though once the hallucinations kick in, it kind of makes up for it.

    Try when you are at your procrastination and boredom peak (shame on me.)

    Last edited by pinkyache (05-Sep-2012 17:15:43)

    Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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    It's true that you can meditate anywhere by doing anything mindlessly. Sitting, walking or typing are several options.

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    I'll admit I've found typing to the beat of a metronome to be wonderfully relaxing when slow enough, yet great training when you speed it up a bit.

    Likewise, I've been practicing Morse code on my Rockboxed mp3 player. It isn't quite one character per second, but it feels like it sometimes. And honestly, I love the whole, not looking, one handed, type anywhere, anywhen aspects. The almost being run over due to zoning out... not so much.

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    Here are some links regarding meditation using modulated sound waves that stimulates the brain. There are two products, one is called holosync and the other is called lifeflow and they are based on research about brain wave theory since 1970. I was first suspicious but they actually work. Some sounds make me want to sleep/weekup/ concentrate depending on the brain wave stimulated( alpha, theta, etc...). I use them while I am typing especially LifeFlow, and I hope you will find them helpful. They are of course not for free but you can find some of them on torrent sites. However if you want the whole set you have to buy it and it costs around $2500 for holosync and $6xx for lifeFlow

    Here are the links to download holosync

    I suggest that you first download this http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/3881785/ … structions

    and maybe before you download anything you could watch this small video
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkkpThU … re=related

    and here are the links to download life flow.

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    what is the name of the typing software of which you have shown the screenshot, pinkyache?

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    • Registered: 21-Apr-2010
    • Posts: 818

    @dark-side, it's Klavaro [1].   Quite a nice little program.  A little less frills than some of the others available.  But you can cut and paste text into it, and load files up from the file system quite easily.  I can't type paragraphs sequentially with it though, as in following a book in order say - which is a little annoying (I should patch that....)  My main use is loading it up with random word lists.

    I also use Amphetype - but I can't work out how to remove texts!  And as I run it through Wine, I can't use sticky keys with it. ( I did grab the source recently but I was missing a whole raft of dependencies.  Should try again.)

    I learnt with Dvorak7min, then Gtypist, then Klavaro (and flirted with Ktouch).  Gtypist taught me dicipline, he's a hard task master.

    [1] http://klavaro.sourceforge.net/en/index.html

    Oh and if you want to use Colemak in the exercises you'll find it under USA>Colemak.

    Last edited by pinkyache (03-Oct-2012 13:52:11)

    Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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