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  • How to install Colemak on "big-enter" keyboard?

    How to install Colemak on "big-enter" keyboard?

    • Started by Math Genious
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 20-Jan-2013
    • Posts: 1

    Hello all,
    I'm eager to start using Colemak, but I have these 2 constraints:
    - I have a "big-enter" keyboard (I'm unaware of if it has a formal name). All keyboards (including mine) I've seen here in Spain look like this: http://cehs.unl.edu/tlte/researchoutrea … yboard.gif
    - I must be able to write in Spanish and Catalan. I don't want the spanish Colemak layout, since I still type mostly in english, but I write in the 3 langauges often nonetheless. So I'd like the english letter distribution but with the ability to use all characters Qwerty allows me to (ñ, ç, `, ´, ¨)

    What approach should I take to achieve a layout that suits me?

    Thanks a lot!

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    If you use the normal Colemak layout then  you can use Alt Gr with n, c, r, t, and d to get: ñ, ç, `, ´, ¨
    I haven't taken a look at the spanish Colemak versions so I can't say anything about them, but if you search for them in the forum you'll find some information.

    Edit: I forgot to mention about the spanish keyboard, the only differences seem to be that the key that has <> in the spanish (to the left of z) now will have -_ and the key that has the ç  now will have \| No problem there, really. A bigger problem is that the english and US layouts have the +, -,  =, &,... on different positions to the Spain layouts keyboards and that can take some practice to get used to.

    Last edited by vjustin (21-Jan-2013 00:08:59)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    You have to tell us which OS you're using, but since you didn't maybe we can assume it's Windoze? Because for Linux/XKB I'd advice you to look at my signature topic and find the Spanish/LatAm suggestions. I could still help you make that for Portable Keyboard Layout I suppose, if you're really interested.

    There's also a recent forum topic discussing Spanish Colemak in more detail - maybe you want to look it up.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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      • How to install Colemak on "big-enter" keyboard?