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colemak - one month on (+ custom wide AltGr layout)

  • Started by lalop
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I've been thinking about escape a lot lately too. Let me know what you settle on. On my kinesis I have it around where the alt is, because the thumb clusters have all the interesting things on it. On my laptop keyboard I use caps-a (extend a), but I'm definitely open to getting rid of tab. I certainly use tab less than I use escape, and I can always use vim commands to reindent my code anyway.

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I've already reverted it.  I realized that I use tab more than I thought I did, and that tab as an esc key was probably inferior to AltGr+t.  In that case, the only advantage were the paren positions, which weren't really that bad in the first place.


I'll try experimenting with altgr+[single character] spots to put [].

Last edited by lalop (28-Jul-2013 21:24:56)
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  • From: Malmö, Sweden
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Some time ago I had escape in place of grave - the non-shift tilde (over tab, left of one), which is used so very seldom. I took the idea from the happy hacking keyboard and it was very pleasant for the time being. I believe I had the grave key in place of the escape so I could use it when the need came.

I gave it up though, because it was a hassle when switching between X and the Console, and utilized it as my Ratpoison/Screen escape key instead.

Posted without the aid of a rodent.

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  • From: Viken, Norway
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Tab is a dangerous key to fiddle with in my experience. Doesn't play well with PKL for sure, and XKB would give you trouble as well I'm sure. As you touch upon, it's expected to be where it is, and changing what's taken for granted can be tough.

I'm quite happy with the Caps+Q Esc; while technically two keys I hit it as a chord using pinky and ring finger. Although these are weak and interdependent, it works fine because the chord is neat.

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DreymaR said:

XKB would give you trouble as well I'm sure.

I bypass xkb trouble (mainly this and ctrl) using evdev, which changes the interpretation of the keycode directly.  So when you press the tab button, X(?) now interprets that keycode as <ESC>, which only then gets sent to xkb.

The disadvantage is that this change applies regardless of layout (hence also makes it more dangerous).

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  • Reputation: 216
  • From: Viken, Norway
  • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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I don't think you mean evdev (look it up) but the keycode component of XKB. ;) It happens to be in a file named 'evdev', but there are other files with that name too.

As you may know, I use that for the Angle/Wide mods – precisely because it's layout independent and semi-low-level.

Last edited by DreymaR (30-Jul-2013 14:32:02)

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