Until now i type using qwerty. I wanted to change to dvorak for a long time but i always postponed it.
A few days ago i tried to use dvorak but found some difficulties (some of them are mentioned in the
Colemak FAQ)
e.g some common combinations in UNIX (i don't have windows at all) are "cd .." "ls" are
difficult to use in dvorak also the different punctuation didn't fit me for programming (i guess i would
be used to this after some time)
Anyway i read about Colemak and the advantages of it over dvorak and i thought to give it a try.
I also like the fact that it wasn't made in 1900 like qwerty,dvorak and since it is a new standard
it will be much better oriented towards computer use and nowadays needs.
Now my post is about correct way of typing. I have read some pages from google and every page
mentions the exact same thing. Fingers rest on arst,neio (or asdf,jkl;) and each finger reaches
to type letters from the other rows.
I "touch type" (meaning that i don't need to see the keyboard to find the keys, my fingers go
to the appropriate position without me looking) but i mainly use index,middle,ring fingers of
each hand. (i type the way the person in this video does
https://youtube.com/watch?v=twuPDqWihN0 )
I tried the "spider contester" and i type 70-80 wpm in qwerty my way and not even 20 by using all fingers
and reaching
So my questions are:
1) I have read that the pinkies don't get much stretching since they are the weakest fingers. But in the layouts
pinkies get a lot of keys like -=[]'\/ which are frequent and are far away. Isn't this painful for the pinkies ?
2) Is my way of typing more painful than the typing with all fingers ? (or is the typing with all fingers the best way?)
I ask this because i tried using ktouch to touch type this way and it was very difficult even in qwerty but since
i am learning the Colemak layout i can try to use all fingers at the same time if it is more convenient.
Thank you for your time and i am sorry for my big post.