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    I miss my Caps Lock key...

    • Started by Flyer
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    I have been slightly foolish and changed the Caps Lock key to the Backspace key before really thinking if this was something I wanted or not. Now I find myself unhappy because I can't do CAPS LOCKS OF RAGE without difficulty. I used the "Caps to Backspace.reg" file. Is there any way to undo this?

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    • Shai
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    "Caps to Backspace.reg" maps in all layout the Caps Lock key to Backspace.
    Run the "Clear mapping.reg" file and reboot to undo the changes.
    There are huge ergonomic benefits of remapping the Caps Lock to Backspace, and I'm sure that there are better ways to express you rage without the Caps Lock.
    See also: https://colemak.com/Registry_remapping

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    Is it possible to run the Colemak install without switching the Backspace key and the Caps Lock key?  What would happen if I opened up the "Caps to Backspace.reg" file and deleted all the contents before running the install package?

    The reason why I'm asking is because I use a Kinesis keyboard, and the Backspace key is located in such a beautiful and comfortable position that it would be foolish to switch the Backspace key and the Caps Lock key.  I understand the value of doing the switch for someone using a regular keyboard, but it doesn't make any sense in my case.

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    • Shai
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    Colemak doesn't switch the two keys, but both the Caps Lock and the Backspace key will act as a Backspace, so on the Kinesis you could hit the Backspace either with your small finger or with your thumb. If you really need the Caps Lock key functionality I recommend instead of the normal installation to use the Registry remapping technique.
    * Make sure that the US QWERTY layout is the default keyboard layout, and the only keyboard layout installed.
    * Run Kmapper
    * File > Open... > colemak.kmp
    * Click on the Caps key, and then click "Remove". The Caps key will no longer be highlighted in red.
    * File > Save to Registry > Per Machine
    * Reboot

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    While the benefits of the alpha layout are undeniable, for those of us who are not techies and spend significant amounts of time typing (I'm an editor), the caps lock key is sorely missed.

    Since I need to switch back and forth between Colemak and QWERTY, it is not a reality for me to do the registry mapping.

    Is there a particular reason that the caps lock was not remapped to the backspace key? Along the same vein, will there be a version in the near future which addresses this issue?

    Last edited by amstar147 (10-Dec-2006 14:03:06)
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    Is it possible to map Caps Lock to other key e.g. Scroll Lock which used much less? That way, the benefit of two backspace key and the ease of Caps Lock key for typing ALL CAPS can be maintained. I, too, miss the Caps Lock key.

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    I agree. I think there should be an option to replace Scroll Lock with Caps Lock. Even better would be if Scroll Lock was still accessible via Shift+Scroll Lock or with some other modifier key.

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    • Shai
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    I'm considering implementing ScrollLock=CapsLock and Shift+ScrollLock=ScrollLock in a future version of Colemak.

    I personally prefer Alt+CapsLock to toggle on and off Caps Lock because you don't have to move your hands far from the home position, but it might be impossible to implement on some operating systems.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I found that my right-hand Windows key was never in use, so I put the CapsLock functionality there. Not sure who put me onto that idea; probably Qwertie/David.

    Mac users may have a similar take on the right-hand Option key?

    I tried using Scroll Lock for a soft remapping once but the light would still go on and off which was annoying. But KeyMapper and similar methods probably do a better job of it.

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    The Apple keyboard for the powerbooks and macbooks has no scroll lock key and has no right-hand Option key. 

    There is a pretty worthless enter key where the right-hand Option key should be to the right of the right-hand Command key.

    Since fKeys already provides plenty of examples of remapping this enter key to be an Option key (I am doing that now in my macbook configuration for remapping the Caps Lock to backspace.), it would be completely trivial to remap it to the Caps Lock to hit with the right ring finger.  Not a bad idea!


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    Another consideration: Since the ScrollLock is pretty much "up for grabs" and has a pretty light to toy with to boot, I've taken to be using it a lot when programming! It can be very nice as a "state key" that turns on and off some program functionality while displaying the state with its light.

    So if the ScrollLock is taken by Colemak I at least wouldn't be happy about it. I don't know if other programmers do similar things and have similar sentiments. But of course, I'd just use the rest of the layout and skip that key - similar to what I already do (using the right Win key as CapsLock).

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    I love my caps lock. It leтс ме тыпе ин руссиан, евен иф И дон'т кнож жлат И'м тыпифг. Caps, at least under windows allows the addition of a second keypoard. It can also be usefull for accessing programming, math or logic layouts.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Sorenk, can you set that up to work with a MS layout definition (.klc) by mapping the CapsLock to a state modifier key (using a hook, registry mapping or other), or do you have to hook all the keys on your keyboard with a script?

    Ah... is it about the special SGCAP key (on Swiss and Hebrew keyboards - any other?)? If so, I'd love to hear some more about it!

    And btw, typing English with Kyrillic characters is no more Russian than, say, τυπινγ Eνγλις ωιφ Γρηκ λεττερσ is!  ;)  (That's how most of my AltGr positions were spent...)

    Last edited by DreymaR (08-Mar-2007 11:43:04)

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    I don't know if this discussion is still open but I think that Shift + CapsLock works great (as used in portable Colemak). Fingers remain in position on home row.

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    Shai said:

    "Caps to Backspace.reg" maps in all layout the Caps Lock key to Backspace.
    Run the "Clear mapping.reg" file and reboot to undo the changes.

    You don't need to reboot to have registry remapping changes applied. Logging out and logging in again is enough.

    Dvorak typist here.  Please take my comments with a grain of salt.

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    So how do you do this in Linux?  I used the US Colemak keyboard in the Ubuntu setup options, so I never had a choice whether I wanted the caps lock swapped or not .. and I don't.  I really don't wanna break anybody's heart here, but I really honestly use the caps lock function far more often than the backspace, and not just to yell in chat either, and so I really want it back.  I tried xmodmap -e 'keycode 66 = Caps_Lock' and it removed the BackSpace function, but now the key does nothing but turn a light on and off on my keyboard.  I'm missing something.

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    Oh goodness, I think I have solved my problem, and I didn't even have to use the terminal!

    System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts -> Layout Options -> CapsLock key behaviour:

    (x) CapsLock toggles normal capitalisation of alphabetic characters


    [Apply System-Wide]




    WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!  It worked!!!! =)

    Man, I was so close to giving up and learning Dvorak!  Glad I don't have to do that!  I just need my caps lock so that I can type numerous long product keys without holding down the shift key xD


    Sorry, in case anybody else needs this, the above GUI-ONLY procedure was performed on Ubuntu 9.04 (Gnome).


    Last edited by SerendipityG3A (14-Sep-2009 23:05:57)
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    I had someone fix a glinch on my computer - and they decided to download a new operating system for me. This worked well except for one problem. Now if I want to use caps lock I must hold the shift button and press the button I need. Its not that bad - but I miss my caps button. Any ideas how to fix this?

    Last edited by Jacks-hon (18-Dec-2010 09:47:36)
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    If you use PKL, then Shift-Capslock does UPPERCASE ALL YOU TYPE.

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    If you use Auto Hotkey, then here's my solution


    Then press Shift-Capslock will act as Capslock. If you want to use Control-Capslock, then use ^Capslock instead.

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