By the by: I looked at your GitHub pages again and... are you really sure that's the Wide mod you prefer?
The difference between your promoted Wide mod and "mine" (aka 'AngleWide-Slash') is the Slash vs # (or \) keys. You put the quite common Slash key in the hard-to-reach trench position, and the less common hash/backslash key in the better upper corner position.
I came to the conclusion after some testing that the Slash key needs to be in the position above the apostrophe as far as I'm concerned. I know it's "prettier" to just move it inwards on the same row it used to be on, but this way it gets to stay on the pinky which is a point for the more common keys like Slash.
The PC104/ANSI board Wide mod has to leave the Backslash and therefore move the Slash to the middle, as the Backslash has a different form factor. Can't be helped. But for us enlightened ISO types, I believe in the more accessible Slash placement. ;-)
Last edited by DreymaR (26-Feb-2015 18:25:01)