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    Colemak VIDEO advertisement

    • Started by NeoMenlo
    • 16 Replies:
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    I'm thinking that it would be great to have one that could be put on youtube, myspace, or facebook.

    Since they are all social networking, the advertisement should be as interesting and entertaining as possible, or else nobody will watch it.

    So I'm thinking
    High tech 3D graphics (which I think I can do)
    Hilarious narrations
    Silly comparisons
    Fascinating facts

    Some Ideas to throw out:

    The keyboard with the keys mapped to the Colemak layout, but the keyboard is vertical. Water flows from the top to the bottom in a fascinating display of the relaxation and ease the Colemak layout gives.

    Silly Comparisons:
    You wouldn't drive a car designed to keep you from going fast *see a golf cart on a freeway*.
    You don't underclock your computer so the internet can keep up.
    You wouldn't ride a bike with no gears simply because you're afraid the gearbox would jam.

    ... as I continue thinking about them my ideas start getting less and less silly

    If you want me to help, I would prefer it keep 3D because I don't want to have to try to act. I would even prefer that someone else do the narrations.

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    • From: Köln, Germany
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    Haha, hilarious! Nice ideas, although I'm not too fond of the idea of making it 3D, which, in my opinion, makes it look cheap and less funny than if it were acted.
    Also, in your silly comparisons, you only mentioned speed, althought we should also mention ergonomy, although I can't think of a comparison for that at the moment, but I'll try to. Then, to compare colemak to dvorak, we could perhaps say you wouldn't want a car where you have to steer with your feet and break and accelerate with your hands! (i.e. something totally different to what you're used to.)

    I would love to do the narrations, but I'm not sure that my voice is appropriate! (I think it's weird) But I'm quite good at making british accents [snobby and proletarian ;)] and of course a german one. Also, I can make an indian, a japanese and a fake borat accent, although I'm really not sure where this comes handy for a cmk movie! (Perhaps a 'superior' queen's english voice for dvorak?)

    I also totally agree, that the ad should be funny, otherwise no-one will even care to go to colemak.com for a glance.

    Last edited by vilem (24-Jun-2007 12:33:12)
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    Was this ever finished? I've planned on making one of these, and I'm trying to come up with some ideas. I can't really do any good 3D (or 2D, or 1D) graphics though.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Ah - topic necromancy. I think this was from a very creative phase on these forums - nowadays it's more about optimizing algorithms and learning 5 progressively crazy layouts at a time.  ;)

    I haven't seen either of our creative friends up there in the longest time, unfortunately. I miss them both.

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    How about something alike:
    * Hello, I'm a Mac^H^H^H^H Colemak...
    * ... And I'm a QWERTY

    Perhaps, if it was done non-profit, it wouldn't infrige on Apple's ad at all?

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    dexen deVries said:

    How about something alike:
    * Hello, I'm a Mac^H^H^H^H Colemak...
    * ... And I'm a QWERTY

    Perhaps, if it was done non-profit, it wouldn't infrige on Apple's ad at all?

    Clever. What's with the Hs and carets?

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    It's the keycode for backspace in the terminal.


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    We need some actors. I can get working on a script, when I have the time.

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    Colemak.  Typing for Human Beings.

    ..let's get the blender artists in on this :)

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    • From: Houston, Texas
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    or it could be an animation video.

    or a cartoon by that guy that did the one for Google on Chrome.

    of course their already is a cartoon out there for Dvorak.

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    Does it really need to be animated? We could get actors.

    I was recently considering making a commercial. I am only 14 though, and for it to look professional, you need to have adults. :(

    Does anyone want to do some acting? I will get working on a script.

    If we don't start, it will never happen.

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    I think that Colemak may be best served by not so actively promoting it. The general consensus is that we are all noisy fanboys and a video advert posted anywhere would only reinforce that view. It reeks of desperation to my mind. Think about it. I mean really, why bother?

    I first heard of Colemak via Capsoff.org. I then forgot all about it for several months. When I searched for Dvorak or Alternative keyboard layout (or whatever it was), I found this site and it was this site that persuaded me to commit my time to learning the layout.

    Even if you were to run a commercial on prime time TV, most people would (probably) not be in the slightest bit interested...

    Edit: The most productive thing to do is write blog posts and comments directing people to the colemak site as I have done:

    http://www.simonharrison.net/blog/2008/ … n-colemak/

    Last edited by simonh (15-Nov-2008 23:00:19)

    "It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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    • From: Horsham, West Sussex, UK
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    There's a difference between "noisy" and "fanboy." There's a good side to being noisy -- it gets the message out that hey, there is an alternative to qwerty out there that is easy enough to learn that it doesn't nuke your productivity dead in the water for two months. The "fanboy" aspect is more to do with (a) exaggerating Colemak's advantages, (b) getting all defensive when you're told that you're exaggerating, and (c) taking reasoned criticism of Colemak as a personal attack.

    Personally I think the idea of a video sounds like a good one. However, it does present some interesting logistical challenges, such as getting a quorum of Colemak users with decent acting skills together in one place. But if you want some inspiration, check out Rails Envy for what the Ruby on Rails fans have done with the "I'm a Mac" adverts.

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I too think it'd be fun and cute and not dangerous to do. (And I also think it'd be hard to pull off, but best of luck to anyone who tries.)

    The "noisy fanboys" sarcastic phrase came up in debates such as the Michael Kaplan one where there was a bit of a quarrel going on. Never in my experience has it come up in relation to overly enthusiastic positive focusing on Colemak. To avoid the accusation of fanboyism, I think therefore that jammycakes is dead on: Noisy good (per se), belligerence bad.

    Even the otherwise diplomatic Jammycakes appears to get a tad tetchy when too many people with a message post it on his blog:
    https://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/ … 39024.aspx
    http://jamesmckay.net/2008/06/alternati … /#comments
    (Hmmm... the only overly noisy character I could spot in that debacle wasn't a Colemak supporter at all. Go figure.)  :)

    Last edited by DreymaR (16-Nov-2008 07:32:03)

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    I suppose it is a bit sad that a Colemak search on Youtube gives zero results. Perhaps something similar to the Typematrix advert may be fairly easy to do:


    "It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Heh, that video actually made me think twice about the TypeMatrix! The goofy music I could probably live with, but those gridlines turning into orthogonal hash lines made me think up the slogan "TypeMatrix - if you have square hands!". No idea whether the TypeMatrix is a really good idea or not but that's the feeling I got. Now I think that rows should have stagger - just not the way the standard layouts use them (with the left-hand stagger going in the wrong direction).

    Any point to this post? If any, it'd be that a video needs to be well thought-out for all sorts of audiences. Maybe that one is and I'm the odd viewer who got the wrong idea as opposed to all the others, but still.

    Last edited by DreymaR (16-Nov-2008 13:51:48)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    DreymaR said:

    Any point to this post? If any, it'd be that a video needs to be well thought-out for all sorts of audiences. Maybe that one is and I'm the odd viewer who got the wrong idea as opposed to all the others, but still.

    Not necessarily. We need to appeal mostly to certain audiences. The kind of people who are sometimes willing to do something a little crazy. We can target those people, and convince them that learning Colemak will be easy. Not everyone will want to learn Colemak. Some people are happy with QWERTY, and another one that I've heard a lot is "I'm too old to learn new things". It would be tricky to aim at different demographics like that.

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