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    Misspell problem

    • Started by PiotrGrochowski
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: -5
    • From: Banned
    • Registered: 02-May-2015
    • Posts: 116

    I know I said I won't post, but I want to say you something. When I type fast, I often misspell "mario" as "maroi". I use QWERTY. (Typing fast here means my skills to type faster for short texts with few words)

    Last edited by PiotrGrochowski (13-Oct-2015 20:52:40)

    Banned from Colemak

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,381

    Yes, fast typing can reveal some hangups like that one. I find that most of my mistakes when typing fast are indeed transpositions – switching the sequence of two keys. And if they're close to each other it's easier to make the mistake.

    One other example is ie/ei on Colemak. E is on a strong finger and I on a weaker one, and they're next to each other and both vowels.

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