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    Composition Extend

    • Started by jonhines
    • 3 Replies:
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    • Registered: 17-Nov-2014
    • Posts: 102

    So, I have been playing around with DreymaR's excellent extend layer. I find it far more useful and natural than I thought I would. For what it's worth, I highly recommend it.

    As I have been using it, though, I found I heavily use certain keys in the Extend layer and ignore others because they are not that useful to me. I write a lot for my job, so most of my keyboard work is based in Word creating and editing text. I did not like having to switch back and forth between Extend, Shift, and Command (i.e. Ctrl for windows users). So, I kept careful notes on the various shortcuts that I used and then decided to make my own extend layer. The idea is to cut out all common usage of the Command/Ctrl key such that Shift and Extend are the only modifiers that I normally need. The proposed design is below.

    Composition Extend Layout

    Before I put all the effort into changing DreymaR's extend layer into this one, I wanted some feedback. Many of these shortcuts are on their natural keys, but several are not. I am brand new to this sort of thing.

    Pink is for standard functions
    Green is for moving around within the text
    Yellow are modifier keys that are used in conjunction with the arrow keys, etc.
    Orange is mouse control (I found the mouse countrols of very limited use beyond the smooth scrolling function)
    Light blue is text manipulation and alignment
    Dark blue is text formatting

    What do you think of this proposed layout? Is there anything I am missing? I will post the code for this when/if I complete it if others are interested.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Glad you enjoy Extend!

    One reason I don't have for instance a Bold shortcut on the Extend layer, is that it's almost more stressful to reach the B key down there while holding Caps, than sliding down for Ctrl+B. In general, my thought has been that most Ctrl+# type shortcuts can stand their own ground, with a few exceptions.

    It seems that you've made a handy little bank there for your right hand with Extend though, which should work well. It should also allow for Shift and even Alt versions of those shortcuts, which can be neat in some programs.

    Before you try implementing ARS as Alt-Ctrl-Shift, make sure it's possible. I couldn't do it using PKL, hence the mouse wheel keys on WR (which also are very handy though!). It may be that the problem isn't even one of PKL but of most keyboard scan matrices!

    If you've read the Extend Extreme topic and find that many of my suggested combos there aren't necessary for you, then you should indeed experiment with what you need instead.

    [edit:] I don't get why you want to move the Delete key to a worse position? It's a very handy key. I guess you want those Ctrl-shortcuts together in a line, but ergonomy is more important than style.

    Last edited by DreymaR (09-Nov-2015 15:22:11)

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    jonhines said:


    Before I put all the effort into changing DreymaR's extend layer into this one, I wanted some feedback. Many of these shortcuts are on their natural keys, but several are not. I am brand new to this sort of thing.


    What do you think of this proposed layout? Is there anything I am missing? I will post the code for this when/if I complete it if others are interested.

    Glad you've forayed into the joys of Extend. It's one of those things you don't fully realize how great it is until you take the plunge!
    Your approach is similar to mine in having a lot of common ctrl-shortcuts.  I don't like having to reach for control, and so I also use Extend for common commands like Find (F) and Undo (Z), as well as the usual cut/copy/paste.  I have found having an extra Alt on A is of limited use, so I changed my Extend-A to "select all" (ctrl-A) instead.  Interesting use of redo on the Q - I have kept Escape there.

    I also found the mouse movement keys to be not very useful so I took them out as well. One thing you might consider though, is browser back/forward keys. These are really nice for browsing without mouse, but other software often supports them too. I map them to Extend W and P. 

    The only trouble I have is on my Linux machine I am unable to get Caps Lock to work, regardless of where in my Extend layer I map it. 

    Extend is such a big win, yet with low barrier to entry (even Qwerty users would benefit from it), on merit it ought to take over the world!

    Last edited by stevep99 (09-Nov-2015 15:15:23)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I am still playing around with a few keys. Trying to get them to do exactly what you want is not as easy as it would seem at first.

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