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    Ktouch lessons

    • Started by elo
    • 1 Replies:
    • elo
    • New member
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 24-Mar-2017
    • Posts: 1


    I wanted real word lessons and in a program that is at least half-decent.  I found https://colemak.com/Typing_lessons but I wanted a program.  So I built that lesson set into Ktouch.  The file is just an xml file as below.


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <text>sets tens ten tnt sestet tenet seen nene testee tenets 
    essen sent senses tenses teens stent sense tent nets tenseness 
    net tense nests tennessee teen nest tents net tens teen 
    tenets senses nests nest nets tenet sent sense tenses tennessee 
    essen tnt tent teens tense nene stent seen</text>
       <text>trite stress sire it entire terse tit sir tire 
    sinner retire rinse inn tree insist tier rite teeter 
    resin stir siren enter sitter insert site sneer intern tie 
    inner series steer tin riser its resent sin rise rent 
    rein iris stern in titter resist eerie inert street is 
    renter sit nine risen sister serene stint err snit 
    intent entree nit inter rest tennis re tint</text>
       <text>retain roe rant ratio toast sort stat tore earn noose teat 
    eater oat trio tear tone artist nor tattoo seat arise 
    noise start toss tenant oasis one aria no arson sonata 
    soon rear to butt soot irate sane onset star root 
    state oar errant resort tartan sonnet notes eat rotten stain 
    ration arose reason noon sass retina iota torn stairs iron 
    estate toe are season not attire tenor innate torso tease 
    arisen note tar snort tarot
       <text>odds the hard tooth tide ether raid other rend hire 
    dress has noted ash aide ha rider hiss soda ninth 
    aside ahead hate toad shirt shed dare hid this dose 
    horde ashen road shot shod idea hear hand read rash 
    darts those stand three stood shorn trend hint dote short darn 
    ah staid her node had heard horn third add these 
    hot ode hers does heart hated did rhino sash door teeth 
    rid here sod hoe nerd head hose drier trash tread host 
    date hat</text>
       <text>toil dip lithe peer oiled spite less phase sold oops 
    spiel slid patio slat nope slit poet spelt leper hall 
    plaid snoop spill padre paint dial pin land splat plop 
    pale lead lip pail pond lope else pan peal stilt 
    shop plot steal pain spool load peter solid pilot sleep 
    pep lone ale spend lilt past spit lots steep pool 
    ideal pal snipe slope apple old petal polar let paste 
    slip heist</text>
       <title>new letters FU</title>
       <text>urn file hound flora pupil feast upper fade spud fern 
    spurn froth huh foal dune sniff rerun furor tune fresh 
    hush shaft lure left fuss usher thief surf taut fold 
    found sour fire stunt elf letup fell tout fun tuft 
    puff us foe run fatal flout usurp flap ford four 
    sinus fated dual roof proud final fur utter fool round 
    furl flare rude flute self hut stiff foul unit fraud 
    pulp flood route feed pause fund fetid hurl tofu fear</text>
       <title>lesson 7</title>
       <text>wasp way delay hewn fury twit newsy yet whir ray 
    water hurry dawn holly widen penny widow raspy yawn lily 
    downy dwell wiry sissy warp snowy furry swift windy hefty 
    wish filly sweat hype sway prawn day fowl noisy wail 
    surly rowdy wily sweet lowly synod went posy strew your 
    swine yap whoa paddy weep artsy aware stray wade style woof 
    sunny stow pray wife days frown wispy ply howl phony awe hyena 
    endow handy whet yeast stew type word dandy show duly 
    weird tasty newly</text>
       <title>how do I type</title>
       <text>jaw gel jut gape jury night juror giant jade gut 
    jug jaunt gofer jeer gash just hog jot leg jog 
    jet fight jilt guilt joy ghoul jewel slog jeans gal 
    jig jail dough jar pang jelly rang jowls gag jaws 
    jiffy deign junta go jetty grass jaded fang joint gull 
    ajar dig jest magic spell fjord along join glass jolt 
    groan jolly sting jeans green jiffy golly jot fig jilt sag 
    jetty gruff jail sung jaw gushy jeer gala just age jig 
    jaded glee jut tongs jar god jet grate jade genre sharp 
    jelly tangy proof ajar pager</text>
       <title>is this right?</title>
       <text>envy mount vivid made motor navel moose lever madly levy 
    muddy dive the donald raven harem vain nomad view month 
    hover lemon naval imply valet gnome oven mean move grove 
    swim vote swamp levee germ vat melee novel frame eve 
    humid vile swarm verge med five limp haven ramp vet 
    mitt seven maple mover venom lava yum drive moat wove 
    swam savor maim given dove dome ivory stomp very tumor 
    sever sham avert loom vigor moldy movie voter foam vast media 
    devil metal grave muggy jar salve madam jot vie just 
    saver dream jet foil vow him jumpy aloof shave
       <text>make lamb disk boob smoke skim abort kin blush dorky buns fake snub pike fable geeky beam eke brown waken butt nook bed oak buddy biker stake bide dusk been risk belly joke bolt baker skull bore peek buyer awoke bliss looks babe kiddo sheik debut sky web frisk brief mark adobe woke jamb bike brisk nuke bulge kiss boa shook bayou okra tuba flask maybe desk brash week bongo flake jab murky bogus duke rehab stoke about trike birth maker book bird king ivory bond kiwi veto bill wok vine point boost just jerky naive promo baggy speak stave tribe</text>
       <title>almost there</title>
       <text>circa quote quip cult quail craft quiet cute quash pubic 
    quilt cheap quirk rice squad colt quay cleft quite music 
    quit croon quits cab equal curl quick quake manic quad 
    reach quark chord quart pace quill sack equip track squid sick 
    quack squat poach quota eject quark speck quail spaaace quip chop 
    quad comic quill squid clef quake close quota color quash 
    care quick squad each quart pouch quack equip twice quite black 
    quilt thick quirk sic quits curly quiet coach quit quote gloss valor 
    champ squat wares joy gasp vat cross equal mown jest night vote 
    coast quay tweak juicy lingo fit visa quilt sob threw jar 
    grit info valet clamp quits limbo</text>
       <title>the end!</title>
       <text>circa quote quip cult quail craft quiet cute quash pubic quilt 
    cheap quirk rice squad colt quay cleft quite music quit croon quits \
    cab equal curl quick quake manic quad reach quark chord quart 
    pace quill sack equip track squid sick quack squat poach quota 
    eject quark speck quail spaaace quip chop quad comic quill 
    squid clef quake close quota color quash care quick squad 
    each quart pouch quack equip twice quite black quilt thick 
    quirk sic quits curly quiet coach quit quote gloss valor 
    champ squat wares joy gasp vat cross equal mown jest 
    night vote coast quay tweak juicy lingo fit visa quilt 
    sob threw jar grit info valet clamp quits limbo</text>

    Anyway it would be nice to see that on the page.  or on the links that suggest using Ktouch to learn colemac, like this one  https://colemak.com/Learn

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    Nice work! I thought it had already been done, but I may have dreamt it... :-)

    I use Amphetype for both my lesson and long-distance typing needs, myself.

    Sad to say, the main Colemak pages are not actively maintained by any reasonable standard. The forums are alive and happy, but not much is happening on the front page. Shai is around too, but he's more of a "First Creator" type. His brilliant work stands on its own without his interference, so no worry.

    Last edited by DreymaR (24-Mar-2017 11:25:02)

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