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    Why did S moved?

    • Started by mloureiro
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 03-Apr-2017
    • Posts: 2

    Hi guys and gals

    I've been practicing colemak for about a week, and since saturday I'm only using colemak.
    The question that brought me here, and aroused my curiosity, is about the key S.

    Why did S move to the D?
    (comparing to QWERTY)

    This seems to be my biggest struggle and doesn't look like a big deal, but I don't know.

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    • Reputation: 21
    • From: Chicago
    • Registered: 27-Apr-2016
    • Posts: 221

    You will see that S was moved by purpose if you keep using Colemak for longer time.
    I believe that most of confusion of the new S position comes from Ctrl-S shortcut engraved in everybody's mind. :)

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    • Registered: 03-Apr-2017
    • Posts: 2

    > This is asked over and over again.

    I actually searched and didn't found anything, maybe I searched the wrong terms.
    Sorry for that.

    > I believe that most of confusion of the new S position comes from Ctrl-S shortcut engraved in everybody's mind. :)

    Yes, I still mistake the Ctrl + S. But in my case might be more severe, since I really swap both.
    This will probably be fixed with time.

    Thanks davkol and ckofy for the replies.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,359

    Most common beginner's question in Colemak. You'll get over it. Best of luck! :-)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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