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    mobile colemak

    • Started by vilem
    • 1 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Köln, Germany
    • Registered: 01-Apr-2007
    • Posts: 264

    Is there an alternative to the standard keypad-keyboard for text entry on mobile phones? I find it highly unergonomic and slow and I assumed there'd be alternatives. I haven't come across anything useful so far though. I'm not familiar with how mobile phones work software wise, but I think it should be possible to change the keyboard layout.

    In case no alternative means of mobile phone have been devised, it's time to change that! *shai?!*

    I shall think and experiment a little on how letters might be arranged for fast and easy input in the meanwhile.

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    • Shai
    • Administrator
    • Reputation: 36
    • Registered: 11-Dec-2005
    • Posts: 423

    Eatoni develops solutions for text entry on a mobile phone keypad, and they're the best I know of. You can try out the demos on their website.

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