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  • Multiple Colemak keyboard option under 'Add keyboard' section

    Multiple Colemak keyboard option under 'Add keyboard' section

    • Started by shariefm
    • 4 Replies:
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    • Registered: 21-Jan-2020
    • Posts: 3

    So I've installed and been using Colemak for a while (thanks to the installer at https://colemak.com/Windows) but had to troubleshoot prior to that after I did a registry remapping but had to remove that after issues with switching keyboards (i.e. stuck on Colemak).

    Now, when I go to the keyboard selection menu, this is what I get: https://imgur.com/hwKfIwu

    So the question is; how to get rid of these multiple options (one is enough thank you)?

    I've looked through the forum posts but if you know that I've missed any related to this then please let me know.

    Looking forward to your input on this.

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    • From: UK
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    I don't use Windows myself, but I remember from when I did, one way to remove extra installed layouts was to go into "Add/Remove Programs". That list includes any installed layouts, IIRC, so maybe you have several instances installed with the same name, and could remove the surplus ones this way.

    (BTW on a side note, on Windows I always found it easier to use Autohotkey or PKL rather than the installer).

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    stevep99 said:

    I don't use Windows myself, but I remember from when I did, one way to remove extra installed layouts was to go into "Add/Remove Programs". That list includes any installed layouts, IIRC, so maybe you have several instances installed with the same name, and could remove the surplus ones this way.

    (BTW on a side note, on Windows I always found it easier to use Autohotkey or PKL rather than the installer).

    Thanks! It worked but only removed one of the entries (https://imgur.com/a/Ss3CtcQ). I'm going to try restarting to see if the Colemak uninstall option reappears in Programs and Features.

    Agreed on the Autohotkey/pkl. Much easier to launch and switch keyboard that way.


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    *Ahem* EPKL

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    DreymaR said:

    *Ahem* EPKL

    Hahaha... actually checking it out now. Cheers :)

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      • Multiple Colemak keyboard option under 'Add keyboard' section