Both PKL and EPKL use the CapsLock key as an Extend key. EPKL takes it further, adding special functions to tapping it, and separate layers for RShift+Caps, AltGr+Caps etc. So it's very powerful. To use the Caps Lock with Extend, I have it mapped to Ext+Esc, so I hold Caps and press Esc to (un)lock the caps.
I am so much in love with Extend that I have to tell you that if you don't like it that's because you don't understand it! ★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°)
If you want your CapsLock back to normal, you have to unmap it in both EPKL_Layouts files. Find this section:
;shiftStates = 0 : 1 : 2 : 6 : 7 ; 8 : 9
;; SC = VKEY CStat Base Shift Ctrl AltGr AGrSh ; SGCap SGCSh
;; *** Several options are shown for the Caps key. Of course, they could be used on other keys. The MoDK is awesome!
;SC03a = BACK VKey ; CapsLock as Backspace (CAPITAL -> BACK)
;SC03a = Extend Mod ; CapsLock as the Extend modifier
;SC03a = BACK/Ext VKey ; CapsLock as a Tap-or-Mod key: Backspace on tap, Extend on hold
SC03a = BACK/Ext 0 @ex0 @ex1 *#. @ex6 @ex7 ; CapsLock as Mother-of-DKs (MoDK) on tap, Extend on hold; Ctrl+{Ext} = emoji picker
To unmap the key, put a semicolon in front of all lines that mention SC03a (which is the scan code for the CapsLock key). To use it as Backspace, uncomment the line with BACK in it.
You could use the layout.ini file for Colemak-It[eD] and just change anything you don't like. You see the keys that include the one with œ on it, and you can just type in any characters you want instead. You see the ShiftStates as in the box above, so you'll want to change the 0:1 and 6:7 state entries. If you want to change other keys that aren't in the layout.ini file already, you have to find the BaseLayout.ini file which is usually one folder level up. You can copy keys from the BaseLayout to layout.ini and change them there, and it'll override the BaseLayout.
Last edited by DreymaR (07-May-2020 13:39:53)